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  • Well, this is the start of what happened, which resulted in the same situation till everything eventually faded out. Also, yeah, I kinda liked having said that, but my problem is getting the girl to take interest xD I mean, she got the interest in me by pure luck or something and then it hit off. Nothing like that has ever happened before D:

  • I don't have a problem initiating conversation. Well, not most of the times. But I usually really need a reason. Like when I'm at work, I'll sometimes make smalltalk with customers if I have something specific to say like "you look familiar" or commenting about something they bought/talk about/whatever. My problem is being an interesting conversation, lol. Also it's getting it to the right direction. The only time I've actually managed to get it right with a girl was a few weeks ago, we both wor…

  • I wouldn't say most of us only want sex, but we definitely think about it, but as a bonus and progression in the relationship, not as the main thing and the only thing we want. I myself never wanted any woman just for sex unless you're talking about my fantasies with some hot models. lol

  • Re: The Shower

    dokueki - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't, I'd rather being able to watch porn while... yknow lol

  • Quote from schmedes2: “QFT once you start trying to analyze it, you start saying stuff in your head like "She seems nice, maybe I should go talk to her. Is that weird, just randomly talking to her? What if she's waiting for a friend? Will that make her mad? Man she probably has a boyfriend, what's the point?" UGH Just go do it. The best way to practice talking to girls is talk/flirt with women that you have absolutely no interest in. The woman at the checkout at the supermarket is a perfect exam…

  • I've been told I'm a good kisser once (1 out of 1 kisses got that response, so...) D: have no idea why and nothing to compare to >_> I guess I managed to pick up the right tempo and the right tongue directions lol

  • Well, I'm really not a confident guy. I'm also an over-analyzer and thinker and it sucks bullocks. I'm not the type that goes to parties. I barely even go to bars. What happens is when I see a girl I like, I don't do anything about it. I try waiting for a girl to glance over and give a smile, but usually that's about as far as it goes. I over think stuff and I'm having trouble just... talking to them >< Either way overall I just suck with women I only kissed one girl in my life and that blew up …

  • Re: Curly or Straight?

    dokueki - - Fashion


    I like it straight

  • Depends on the person, but yeah. Some people post about interesting stuff they find online. Like articles, videos or pictures. Some people post news on the go; some people give/ask for help on subjects, etc. It's not always "lol I'm eating balonie"

  • Re: Myspace

    dokueki - - Technology and the Internet


    All versions of MySpace suck ass

  • I use it for other stuff, mainly finding out interesting stuff to read. No one's forcing ya lol

  • Twitter's more of a real time search+instant contact+marketing tool+news source+read list+sharing tool. Facebook is for getting in touch with RL friends more easily. Just because they use a similar way to communicate doesn't mean they're necessarily the same.

  • Re: new facebook

    dokueki - - Technology and the Internet


    Everyone usually hates every new Facebook but eventually adapt to it I always like the changes and look forward to them but always get them last -_- they should do what they did on Facebook 2.0, which was let people use to preview the changes and let people use them right away rather than rolling them out

  • @Trevor: No, it's completely different.

  • Next time instead of restarting try hitting F5.

  • Still INFP :] 191802.png Edit: Woops, sorry, forgot I already posted...

  • I used to be an INFP a few years ago, but I changed a lot. I'll take the test again to see what I score. But I'm taking it on

  • Re: male circumcision

    dokueki - - Teen Sexuality


    I totally got circumcized when I was 8 days old D:

  • Re: Owl City - Fireflies

    dokueki - - Music


    It's just funky and upbeat. The singer's voice is a bit gay but the songs are good.

  • Re: Fap Free Feb

    dokueki - - Teen Sexuality


    .... too late for me xD