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  • Quote from Tombgeek: “Good point. Linux does have some compatibility issues, especially with my crappy motherboard (took me forever to get sound drivers working). People may say Linux is a geek's operating system, which is true in a sense. But as I said previously, I only use Linux for basic things, such as web browsing and text editing. For programming, I use Windows (have to work with Delphi, and does not work properly under WINE). But considering the fact that I live in South Africa, and our …

  • Re: How to end it

    dokueki - - Friends and Family


    You probably won't be able to avoid them completely at first; just when they talk to you and stuff like that, try to respond in short, bland responses. That'll make the conversation stop flowing and end pretty quickly D: eventually you'll fall apart

  • Meh. Extensions & themes on Chrome FTW and I've made the switch to Chrome from Fx even before it had those. It's just a lot faster and more stable than Firefox. Also a lot cleaner layout and neater. I found my Firefox after a LOT of customization, reorganization of the layout, and extensions, to do what Chrome does by default. Also, Firefox 4 is totally gonna copy Chrome's layout and icons :O

  • Quote from Tombgeek: “Haha. You're funny. Red Hat provides funding towards the Fedora project. Ubuntu and OpenSUSE are developed and supported by Canonical and Novell. Also, what Linux was meant for back then is not what it is now. While it was meant as an OS to give the finger to UNIX and Windows (although always stood by the philosophy of providing free software), it is now a full operating system that is almost on level with Windows and MacOS. Linux had, and still has, a lot of potential, and…

  • Yeah D: Mine's unlimited as well. Speed blows though, we have one of the lowest average speeds in the world. 100 MB connection is too expensive and the only one we can afford right now is 2.5 MB. xD Well, ~300 kbps for downloads ain't too horrible

  • Macs are good if you're a heavy media maker like you make a lot of video clips or a lot of music. So I'd think about what my usage for a comp is before I buy a non-related one. Anyways, just go for what's cheap and has decent hardware. Knowing Apple, you get decent hardware that is extremely overpriced, so that should be a challenge :p

  • Quote from BlackBritishPsycho: “megavideo and youtube do not count toward the bill.” Yeah they do, everything you watch is a video temporarily downloaded to your computer. Just like any page you visit is temporarily downloaded to your comp. Anything you download or upload (like send a form, but those are such minor amounts of data they barely make a difference, unless you upload big video to YouTube, for example) counts in your bandwidth.

  • Old but funny That statement about Chrome is pretty much not true at this point lol

  • Tbh, I sorta stopped caring. I'mma start hitting on other girls when I find worthy ones D:

  • Like I said, I'm pretty much over it, just still keeping an open mind lol.

  • Re: Military?

    dokueki - - Education & Jobs


    It's not like I have a choice. xD

  • Re: MySpace

    dokueki - - General Advice


    I have MySpace, but I don't use it. I think it's pretty shit. I use Facebook, helps me keep in touch with people I know who otherwise I'd probably never get in touch with. And it's not that open, only photos are open by default. Profiles are locked only to basic information when you're not friends with the person, and you can change your privacy settings real easy and fast.

  • Total turn off for me. Even regular cigarettes, but that can be easily overlooked D:

  • It's a big part of first impression and getting to like a person romantically but if you like the person beyond looks and you're already in a relationship with them I don't think it matters at the point beyond that o:

  • Well when I was talking to her yesterday over MSN she was like I'm gonna give you an answer by tomorrow. I didn't get a chance to speak to her today and I told her I didn't wanna pressure her anyway so.. Hopefully she'll gimme an answer sometime soon

  • I'll disagree here. It gives you experience and lets you figure out what you really want from your future relationships instead of having to figure that out when you're 20. It's part of the maturing and growing up process. Doing things. Trying. Making mistakes. Making right choices. Etc.

  • See, if you know to pick your sources, you wouldn't get crap on your machine. I also, didn't have viruses in YEARS, and I've been using XP, Vista and 7 through those. My sister on the other hand, downloads stuff from bad places cause she's 11 and she doesn't know better; and she gets viruses every monday and thursday and I've reformatted her comp figuring it's easier than getting rid of all the viruses more times than I've played through the first 3D Spider-Man game

  • Re: websites?

    dokueki - - Technology and the Internet


    Thanks!! :]

  • Re: Female circumcision

    dokueki - - Teen Sexuality


    Luckily, us Jews get circumcised at 8 days old and don't feel a thing :'D

  • On a rainy night outside with no umbrellas :'D