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  • You know, if you're pro abortion, you're probably not an existentialist. So if your view on the world is limited to science texts books, then you probably define "being alive" as having functioning cells, well, the "clump of cells" is functioning. And exhibiting ALL the signs of a living thing. Movement, respiration, growth, irritability, excretion, reproduction, and nutrition. =/ And you say it's only potential. Well, as soon as the sperm meets the ovum, the genes that set the "personality" and…

  • I think I love you. but seriously. These are amazing. I wanna be like you when I grow up. :3

  • Thanks. I know I should see professional counseling, and I'm pretty sure I have BDM( not that I would consider plastic surgery,ew) But therapists' offices are always so... unsettling for me. I haven't completely gotten over my fear of people.

  • No one ever said anything about "forcing" women to give birth, but if they thought about it from a pro-life view, they wouldn't -want- to. It's just, babies shouldn't just be thrown away... you know? And it's not exactly healthy for a human's... humanity, it may not seem like a "life" to you, but aborting babies may only be the start of a declining global respect for life. My instructor once said to some guy " You know, soon enough, they'll extend the legal abortion age to anything under 18, and…

  • I agree with Baal. Natural is best, besides, your natural body odor actually functions to attract the type of female(or male) you do have the best "chemistry" with. look it up. Just use deodorant, or cologne if you're not really "searching"

  • Quote from Baal: “Why, what does BAAL mean? I just use it as a name. Pronounce it like Baa-l. Like the sound a sheep makes with an L at the end. lol.” lol, your name has deep religious connotations, especially in pagan religions. ( kind why i asked if you were wicca) Baal was mainly a god of the sun, rain, thunder, fertility and agriculture and at some point, he overtakes the god of the water, Yam.- excerpt from Wikipedia. You need a distraction, I'm not saying to become a party girl, but someth…

  • Epic. The writer put a lot of thought and detail into it. However... they should be shot for that ending.... .-.

  • Quote from ByTor190: “How dare you presume to know that. You don't. You can't. Either make your case or shut the fuck up, but don't you ever presume knowledge of something that you can't ever have knowledge of. It's the epitome and pinnacle of ignorance, and you're basing your decisions on it.” And what is the presumption might I ask? I never said it doesn't affect their conscience. So I would advise you to follow your own advice. What is your case btw? No need to be rude. We're all just express…

  • medical abortion I get. just not for convenience or vanity. It shows a lot more respect to the would-be than discarding it just because you can. I just don't think it's a decision that should be made with a light heart is all, I'm not demanding that no one ever go through with an abortion ever. At the end of the day it's their choice, just let your conscience have a hand in making that choice, not your ego.

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “Cool story bro. Now stop to think about the even more worse case scenarios.” are you implying I haven't? worst case scenario(s) put the baby up for adoption. You never have to look at it again. Yeah, I get that labour is...brutal( i know I can't imagine how) but what would be a "good" reason to abort a life? your reputation?

  • I know right? And I have no intention on changing to fit any stereotype. I hate stereotypes.

  • Firstly, at a time when everything is calm in the house, Let your parents know you want to talk to them. When you're sure that they'll listen Express your concerns in way that lets them know that while you are a mature individual, you are still dependent on them. Use whatever boyish charm you have left at your age. If they don't want to listen, then I suggest you see your guidance counselor, maybe ask them if they would be willing to talk to your parents with you. ( they may be more inclined to …

  • lol. did that once, it earned me a new nickname, T.O ( trip out) but that was only cause they hit my cat. xD only that particular group stopped though, and the rumors about me having "demons" they spread didn't help much either. I swear, you give a guy bigger than you a couple bruises and you have "demons". but violence and bigotry will only make them more against me.

  • Quote from Baal: “It is a hare. :] It's been called my soul animal. My daemon, petronus, all that sort of stuff. Thanks for the suggestion. I looked them up, and it seemed that my dietary restrictions won't allow most of them...that would probably explain why I'm like this in the first place, eh?” That could very well be it. =p try to fit what your restrictions DO allow into your diet. And cool, are you Wicca? given your references to nature, and spirit animals, and dietary restrictions...

  • Quote from Kitty Boo Boo Fuck: “Try discussing it with your parents? or the ones that are harassing you” to them my moms not much better for having me. And it's pretty hard discussing with people as ignorant as they are.

  • Quote from DamnImGood: “lolwut?” lol, let me clarify. It can leave kids feeling emotionally dead on the inside, alter their personality, basically kill ( or inhibit) that child's potential. like murder of an unborn fetus completely destroys that potential

  • I think I've been in your shoes before, a lack of interest can also be caused by low serotonin levels i think. Try certain foods that boost your levels. But while you're busy not being busy, just think, just see, search out a muse in nature. By the way you speak you seem sort of like an existentialist people like that often go through this kind of thing. They usually find inspiration in meaningful things like relationships and nature. Just don't rush it, you can't really force yourself to care. …

  • Problem is, most of my mother's family don't accept me, and even go as far as racial slurs and actively isolating me from family functions because I'm part Caucasian. Most of the family is a solid mixture of Black and East Indian, so I'm 1/4 black 1/4 Indian, and 1/2 white. Racism against whites is hardly discussed, but in places like this, where white is the minority, it's quite prevalent in more...rural areas. It doesn't help that refuse to conform to the typical "black" stereotype and apparen…

  • is there any advice on getting over the numb/ overloaded feelings? other than anti-depressants? and counseling? I can't stand the fake happiness. And all of the councillors here just shove bible verses down your throat and tell you that God loves you.