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  • Re: What's your hair like right now?

    Jenn - - Fashion


    Wet and in a towel because I just took a shower.

  • Re: What is the name of your...

    Jenn - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from butterflyNRD: “My last boyfriend begged me to call his penis 'Mr. Goodbar'.” Haha, that's great!

  • Re: What is the name of your...

    Jenn - - Teen Sexuality


    Haha, I like this topic :] I haven't personally named anything of mine or anyone else's, but one of my best friend's named her boyfriend's dick Pookie. Poor guy.

  • Re: Marijuana/Pot/Weed

    Jenn - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Dr.Janis™: “I did'nt try marihuana, but I did try LSD. Newer gonna do it again...” I'm with you on that. And Chris, the fact about THC confuses me. I don't personally think it's more addicting than nicotine. If I wanted to, I could stop smoking weed right now (even though I don't do it that often) and not think twice about it. But I've had such a hard time trying to quit smoking cigarettes.

  • Favorite 80's teen movie?

    Jenn - - Music


    I am addicted to 80's teen movies for some reason. My favorite is, an always will be, The Breakfast Club, but Say Anything comes in a close second :] What about you guys?

  • Re: Shout A Lyric !!!

    Jenn - - Music


    I had visions, I was in them I was looking into the mirror To see a little bit clearer Rottenness and evil in me Fingertips have memories Mine can't forget the curves of your body And when I feel a bit naughty I run it up the flagpole and see who salutes But no one ever does I'm not sick but I'm not well And I'm so hot cause I'm in hell Harvey Danger- Flagpole Sitta

  • SHIA LABEOUF. and Ryan Reynolds. and Jude Law. and Topher Grace just a little :]

  • Need to get this out.

    Jenn - - General Advice


    I love my best friend so much, I really do. But she truly and honestly makes me feel like shit about myself so much and I always feel like I'm taking care of her, but she never seems to have the time to take care of me. If she's going through some kind of crisis, whether it be with her family, boyfriend, school, I'm supposed to drop everything I'm doing and be at her side. Which I always do. But if roles are reversed, she'll say "I'm so sorry, you know I'm here if you need me," but then not thin…

  • Re: Favorite drinks?

    Jenn - - Health and Fitness


    I drink Coke too much, it's my favorite. All of my friends drink Diet Coke like crazy, but I hate the taste of it. I also love Jones Soda and Vitamin Water is one of my favorites.

  • Smoking Ban

    Jenn - - Health and Fitness


    I just want to know what everyone's opinions are on this topic. Do you think people should or should not be allowed to smoke in restaurants? How about bars? What about outside a restaurant or on its patio? Is the smoking ban good, or bad? Is it encroaching on our individual freedoms?

  • Re: Favourite shoe brands

    Jenn - - Fashion


    Ok. I have a pair of Ugg boots (I KNOW, I KNOW) but seriously, they are the most comfortable things on this planet. I also really love my Adidas Sambas, my Nike Shocks, and my Reef flip flops :]

  • Re: Sun-Burn.

    Jenn - - Fashion


    And ladies (and perhaps gentleman).. If you frequently lay out in the sun or in a tanning bed, put sunscreen on your face. My Mom was making me watch Oprah with her not too long ago and they showed these twin 30 year old women. One had layed in a tanning bed all her life, never used sunscreen, and the other used sunscreen and stayed away from tanning beds. The one who tanned without sunscreen looked about 60, no joke.

  • Re: Coke Whore

    Jenn - - Fashion


    You guys are reading way too much into the "happy" thing. It's not like "Oh that bitch got a DUI hahaahaha." It's more like I'm glad that she's finally getting punished for shit she's probably been doing for God knows how long, and hasn't been in trouble because she's a fucking B-list celebrity. If I did that shit, I'd be in jail. It's a double standard, it pisses me off, so I'm glad she's at least going to get in a little trouble, as we all should if we do that shit.

  • Re: Marijuana/Pot/Weed

    Jenn - - Health and Fitness


    I tried weed for the first time when I was a Freshman, and then my Senior year I started smoking every day after school and every weekend because that's just what we did. Now, I still smoke, but I don't have a set schedule. I haven't bought in I don't know how long, though. I just throw in.

  • Re: Coke Whore

    Jenn - - Fashion


    I mean, I'm not necessarily "happy", it's just that young celebrities like that need to learn that just because they make movies or sing or whatever they do, doesn't mean they're above the law. I guarantee you if cocaine was found in my car I would probably be in jail right now. Isn't that how it always goes on Cops? Not to mention she fled the scene of the accident. I wish girls like her would just.. stop.

  • Re: For the girls

    Jenn - - Teen Sexuality


    Smelling nice is a definite must. DEFINITE MUST.

  • Re: Girls, best sex position?

    Jenn - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Honeybear: “my fave would be me on top if I wasn't so embarrassed by my body when I'm naked, and if my bf didn't have such a huge cock lol. Seriously. It's TOO big. There is such a thing.” Yes, there IS such a thing! And I used to be like that, too. I was always afraid that I looked stupid and didn't do what I was supposed to, but I got over that :]

  • Re: why do they do it??

    Jenn - - General Advice


    I know exactly what you're going through because I went through it myself. What I always had to ask myself is this: Are they happier together or apart? Are there less fights and arguments when they're together, or when they're apart? That's the main thing that got me through it, the fact that life looked a little better when they weren't together. As for your Dad sleeping with someone 10 years younger, there's no doubt that's got to be a little hard to get used to. But I'm sure if she's around f…

  • Re: Shout A Lyric !!!

    Jenn - - Music


    So she told me to come over And I took that trip And then she pulled out my mushroom tip And when it came out it went drip, drip, drip I didn't know she had the G.I Joe Kung Fu Grip Caress Me Down- Sublime

  • Re: Make-Up Talk

    Jenn - - Fashion


    I use Bare Essentials, used to use Mary Kay and before that, Clinique.