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  • School and COVID-19

    mentallychaotic - - Education & Jobs


    Our school was closed. It is now open, since beginning of June, we go two days each week. When the new year starts in August, it will be normal schedule again. I thought I would like not going, but I got tired of being home all the time and not seeing anyone. Although still, its not great because we are spread out and only half of us there.

  • Feature: Vuelve. I am a big fan of most of Ivan Noel's films. Short film: Cowboys janken ook I like non-mainstream films.

  • Never had it. Which is amazing since we swim in some rather disgusting water some times.

  • Porn

    mentallychaotic - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    This is a really interesting discussion! So many different viewpoints! It makes me wonder if the opinions are personal.. or societal.. or parental.. or other factors. My own opinion: I have watched porn sometimes, but I am not into it really. It is so fake and staged and unrealistic. My own imagination does better. But I know boys who watch a lot, and if that is what they like or need, then it is okay. Visual guys might need it to get off. Personally, I do not think porn is 'cheating', any more …

  • Lounging around

    mentallychaotic - - Health and Fitness


    We really did not curtail outdoor activity much, although organised activity disappeared. So football league, I did not do, but that was my only organised activity. The pool was closed for a bit, but is open again now. I am really not into exercise for the sake of exercise anyway, and am slim by default. I prefer just normal activity-type exercise, so that did not change much. Being out of school made it a bit more difficult, but also made it so that I really only was hanging out with 2 particul…

  • I am not really into 'sports' but activity is good! I like football, love swimming (playing in the water, not lap swimming), messing around with the go-kart, hiking/trekking. I love to be active but not really in organised activities.

  • Other than staying hydrated, I think this varies a lot by person, plus lots of other factors. Sometimes, even with a lot of prolonged arousal, I will feel like I am going to produce a litre of cum... and then it is very little, even though the feeling is so very intense. I suppose the feeling is the important part for me, not the amount of ejaculate, so even if it was dry, a long full-body orgasm is more important. I have read though, that getting proper sleep and eating healthy does produce mor…

  • This has not happened to me, and I have never heard of such a punishment! My parents would not do it. They prefer to be as far away from me as possible at night, so that they can sleep.

  • With my parents and 2 siblings, in a house, among a group of houses and residences, on the very edge of a small city in south region of Netherlands. Which means, surrounded by water and woods.

  • T-Shirts or Shirts

    mentallychaotic - - Fashion


    T-shirts. Unless there is some pressing requirement for buttons.

  • Do not have a lock on my door. If the door is closed, do not disturb me. Family respects that. Normally it is open anyway unless I am having a wank or other private activity. Although my little brother sometimes still forgets that doors close for a reason.

  • Underage Sex

    mentallychaotic - - Debate and Discussions


    Interesting question. Here, I believe (not really sure, as no one ever asks this or thinks about it) that at 16 you can do whatever you please. At 12, you can have sex with someone between 12 to 16. I am quite sure that there is a "within 2 years" exception as well. I assume that every region has different rules.

  • What are You Listening To?

    mentallychaotic - - Music


    Quote from boobearwoman: “ ” Oh, Excellent choice! Am I the only weird guy here who likes this kind of music? My friends all like rap and hiphop and think I am weird because I really really dislike hiphop. Especially the ones about violence. Right now: Racoon - Het Is Al Laat Toch