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  • Re: Concerning Religion

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Sababah: “Here's a list of wars from recent times. Lot's of blood. bulk death. Which ones are religious? Napoleonic Wars American Civil War World War One World War Two Chinese Civil War Korean War Vietnam War Russian Afghan War Us -Iraq War US-Afghan War” Erm, forgive me if this is the point you're making, but... none of them?

  • Security and freedom will always be at loggerheads because when one moves forwards the other usually moves backwards. Whether police searching your bags is wrong or not depends on which side (and they're both pretty good things to have) you want more.

  • Just because something is never going to go away doesn't mean we should shrug our shoulders and not do our best to reduce it as best as possible. If that was our approach to everything we'd probably still be an absolute patriarchal, racist, homophobic society.

  • A combination of punitive and restorative justice would probably do well in my opinion. But it's important that the bully realises the harm they have inflicted on the victim through a face-to-face meeting or something.

  • Re: Concerning Religion

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Some of the details described in the account of Perpetua's martyrdom are highly unlikely. Crush that.

  • This is a question that has been dogging my mind for quite a while now, especially in light of recent gestures of Western governments to 'reset relations' with previous rivals. In dealing with, let's say, a dictatorship, how much should a democratic government open up to it in order to build a productive relationship, and how much should it shun the dictatorship so as to not be complicit with the regime's crimes?

  • Re: club sort of thing?

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    If you want to try and set something up you're welcome, although I'd be sceptical of your chances.

  • I can't deny that the life of a vagabond appeals to me.

  • Re: Thrift Stores

    Esmo - - Fashion


    Charity shops, as they're better known in the UK, are my favourite places to get clothes. You get far more unique, interesting and not to mention cheaper clothes there. The only downside I've found as a man is buying jackets, which tend to be dominated by shoulder sizes in the 40s which swamp my light build.

  • Re: Curly or straight?

    Esmo - - Fashion


    I think far too many girls straighten their hair to oblivion. Curly is far more interesting and, to my personal tastes, beautiful.

  • Not to apply some sort of responsibility to educate the masses upon celebrities, which so many people often do, but I do think it's sad and worrying the effect celebrities with surgery might have on normal, everyday people who look perfectly fine.

  • Re: Thomas Hardy;

    Esmo - - Films, TV and Books


    From what I've seen, the majority of people our age hate Thomas Hardy, so good luck.

  • Re: France and the Burka:

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Jarndyce: “Haha, nothing like a flat denial. Then putting words into my mouth. The French democratic system works on the basis of the majority vote. As such, if the majority of French citizens want a law passed chances are it will eventually be passed, and the sooner the better for politicians if people feel strongly about it. As such if the majority want something of this nature it is reasonable to ban it. ” There are some things in life worth flatly denying. But you've confused me. …

  • Re: God Stuff.

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “Can you think of an ecosystem that would allow for human life that doesn't have byproducts including natural disasters?” Omnipotence doesn't always mean the ability to do the logically impossible, or the ability to do absolutely anything. If it's logically impossible for an ecosystem to sustain humans without natural disasters as a side product, then God wouldn't be able to do it. [/QUOTE] If our omnipotent God is the creator of the universe, and therefore its laws, I …

  • Re: France and the Burka:

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Jarndyce: “If the majority of the French want the burka banned then it is reasonable to ban it. ” No, it's not. Unless you think that the majority vote is always infallible. Quote from Jarndyce: “” Quote from Jarndyce: “If a whole lot of people went around wearing ski masks and covered all their body with nondescript clothing such as theifs wear to avoid detection I suspect it would be banned, so banning the burka in that respect is not unreasonable at all.” Quote from Jarndyce: “ ” I…

  • Re: Please Help Me....

    Esmo - - Friends and Family


    It's hard for me to support you in maintaining something that is illegal and that I think is wrong. Does nothing in the idea of racing cars down public roads that normal citizens are using come across to you as morally dubious? On a note of parental authority however, I notice that you're 20. How much control do your parents still have over you?

  • Re: God Stuff.

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “Only to a degree. As I've mentioned in earlier posts, natural disasters are a byproduct to the way our atmosphere and geological processes work. It's possible that the method in which God created our earth is the most conducive for the ecosystem as a whole, although it may not seem like it. ” Yes, but then why create an ecosystem in the first place that needs natural disasters? Let's say then that I have a problem with a loving, omnipotent God.

  • Re: Opinion

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Opinions become validated by the weight of the arguments behind them, not by the status of the person holding them. If you allow the latter, you start facilitating authority groups that can declare their opinion more valid for arbitrary reasons and discriminate.

  • Re: favourite metal album

    Esmo - - Music


    Blood Mountain by Mastodon.

  • Re: God Stuff.

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    I have a problem with a loving God. Natural disasters quite literally drown and crumble it. But at the same time, why do we sing? Why do we recognise things as beautiful or ugly? I'm agnostic, but quite inclined at times to deism.