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  • I first saw this when my friend Facebooked it and made the point that it was very Nazi-ish. Indeed.

  • Does this piece follow a format (eg. sonata, minuet etc.) that you could simply plonk on the title and label '1' after it? If that kind of nomenclature was good enough for the greats, it'll be good enough for you. I have to admit that I think most of the names that have been suggested so far are quite soppy

  • Re: Politics

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Aleksandr: “If that was the case then Lincoln wouldn't of been the won to win the Election of 1860, since he wasn't even on ballots in 8 or so states.” Just because he's considered a good President doesn't justify bad democracy.

  • Re: Thoughts on abortion.

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    One's gender shouldn't be relevant on a debate on morality.

  • Re: Any Musicians?

    Esmo - - Sports


    I play the clarinet.

  • Quote from Ashique: “i would like to ask the mods if its possible to stick this video in this section permanently” Will take that up with the rest of the staff.

  • I would do so, yes. I don't see how his family beats his own personal request.

  • I'm sorry, but the Human Centipede is in no way remotely scary. Nor does it even attempt to be so.

  • Re: is metal really 'white person' music

    Esmo - - Music


    Quote from Æxitosus: “(aside from tribal music, etc.)” I'd disagree with this as well; what do you mean by it?

  • Re: Internet Radio Guide

    Esmo - - Music


    What are your thoughts on Spotify?

  • Re: Thoughts on abortion.

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Sar-uh?: “>Implying I wanted to argue about it, I don't really, I just wanted to know everyone's opinions.” It's the D&D board. Prepare to be contended with. I'm pro-choice, but I think if we tried to keep abortion levels down, people might learn to have more foresight, which wouldn't be such a bad thing.

  • Re: Not So Great Sweet 16 :\

    Esmo - - Friends and Family


    Be self-deprecating and irreverant about it, so that everyone takes it light-heartedly and no one cares.

  • I can't see this relationship continuing off into the sunset forever from what I hear, so I think the choice you have to make right now is one of when rather than if. Because don't forget that in that statement he has essentially said he thinks you have a mediocre personality. That's quite a blow.

  • Quote from Muppy: “I think it's completely pointless. I don't see how people can watch the person they want to be with hook up with other people like that. I think people should either be single or taken.. no inbetween. I'd be insulted if a guy I was with suggested an open relationship to me, I would feel as if I wasn't good enough and that the guy just wanted a chance to be a bit of man whore. It's like saying "hey I kinda want to be with you but I'm not prepared to give up sex with other peopl…

  • Re: The band 10 Years, are they any good?

    Esmo - - Music


    Erm, isn't the whole point of 'checking out' a band to see for yourself? This feels like something of a pre-opinion-decider-opinion-decider.

  • Re: violence against men

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Blur: “ o.o” I know. I don't understand either.

  • If you want to show 'the terrorists that they can't win', it would be better to look forwards and not wallow in a Twin Tower replica. Quote from Paper Gangsta: “When you see the memorials about World War 2, do you think of our soldiers or Germany/Hitler?” Err... The soldiers? It's the people who died in the War who are by far most worth remembering.

  • Re: Star Wars

    Esmo - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from rmg126: “I had never seen any of the Star Wars films until recently. Dunno why, just never did. I watched the new trilogy first, and then when I watched the older ones the raw 70's/80's non-CGI effects horrified me. :o Especially the lightsaber scenes...they've got this odd, flickery effect that just made it impossible to get into. Same goes for any and all puppets used. FAKE. Fast forward to the new trilogy and you've got CGI Yoda, Jar Jar Binks, Boss Nass, Nute Gunray, etc. They loo…

  • Re: violence against men

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from genie-kenza: “First of all are you agree with violence against men? ” In theory I disagree with all violence, with practical allowances to when it's understandable or justified.

  • There was an interesting interview on Radio 4 this morning with an English matador. He questioned whether there was any such thing as humane slaughter. And there's a point there. We don't need meat, so do we lose the humanity of our actions as soon as we begin slaughtering? Quote from dusk: “This is exactly what I mean, and I think you understand a lot more than some people here did” Thank you. Although I can't say I agree with all of your argument. I think attacking one's cow with an axe would …