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  • Quote: “First off, after Saddam fell the problems arose? The Middle East has been overrun with extremists before he was even born, he has little factor in the origin of Islamic extremist groups.” I was talking about the extremists in Iraq, not the entire middle east- they became more prolific after the fall of saddam because the govt of Iraq was basically up for grabs, and the Muslim extremists in Iraq had no intention of allowing the US to control the development of Iraq's govt. Hence they beca…

  • Quote: “And how did these violent extremists become so prolific?” They became prolific because after Saddam fell they saw an opportunity to turn Iraq into a strict Islamic Republic.

  • Quote: “and America is supprting Israil and has sent thousands of troups there...” There are no American troops fighting in Israel at all. There are only 120 troops stationed there and they are manning a radar system. Quote: “America now have a war with Iraq don't u think that this is terrorism it self...” No it isn't, because we are helping them get rid of the violent extremists in their country so they can be secure. But since there are so many extremists and terrorists there, and since they a…

  • Quote: “My government wants to give the terrorist masterminds of 9/11 the same rights I have. The government is defending their actions! "This seems to be an overconcern with the rights of terrorists and a lack of concern for the rights of the public"” I am quite upset about this as well. I don't understand why some people in the government are fighting for the rights of the terrorists. Many of our troops gave their lives to capture some of those guys in Guantanamo and other prisons, and now the…

  • Quote: “All cops are fucked up...... They give people tickets for no reason They think their hot because they are supposedly "above the law" They just have low self esteem they why they got into that business because it make them feel better to tell people what to do and to be in control.” Well you sure seem to know a lot about this.. maybe you should try living in a country with no or hardly any police... like Uganda or Afghanistan

  • well let's look at all the evidence... 1.) an ancient calendar's cycle restarts in 2012 ... yep, sounds legit to me

  • I disagree with pretty much all of it. I disagree with religion in general, but imo Islam is the worst

  • Re: Sore throat.

    Assaultrifle - - Health and Fitness


    It's funny how you are afraid to take a completely safe pain medication but yet you regularly fill your lungs with deadly carcinogens and tar.

  • Lol anyone can read your blog posts or your twitter updates or your book reviews, or your profile and posts on any social networking site (assuming you havent made your profile private). Those things are all public and can all be viewed by anyone at any time. So obviously if the public can view it then there is no problem with the government viewing it. ---------- Post added at 03:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:42 AM ---------- Quote: “no fucking way thisis actually happening people wo…

  • Quote: “Does it explain how they got there??? I find it hard to believe that a paper document can survive a 1500+ degree fire with nothing but light burn marks. Sorry, but I don't buy it. And by the way? Why is it that only the "convenient" passports, like the supposed hijackers' were found?” How do you know other people's passports weren't found? They simply wouldn't have made the news if they had been found. Plus, I just showed you 2 different regular persons' id cards that were found at the c…

  • Quote: “Get real, how can a PASSPORT survive a plane crash?” Skip to 1:30 of this video: [ame='']YouTube - 9/11 Debunked: 95% of United 93 found[/ame] You'll see that at around 1:33, it shows 2 different people's ID cards that were found at the crash site of flight 93. So clearly such documents are capable of surviving plane crashes. Not only that, but apparently around 95% of the aircraft was found. Sounds like there sure are a lot of th…

  • Quote: “All of which have been called into question regarding their authenticity, whether it be the translation, doctoring or bin Laden himself. If you look at bin Laden in various other videos throughout the years it seems clear to me that it's not the same person in all the videos, which begs the question, who is the real bin Laden? (will the real bin Laden please stand up, please stand up...) Furthermore, admission of guilt is not proof of guilt. While the admission may be used as evidence ag…

  • an infantry officer in the Marines

  • Quote: “A major thing that bothers me about the whole ordeal is the lack of evidence supporting the US government's story. I wrote something similar in a thread a while ago (can't find it). Basically I would be more accepting or complacent to the government's claim if they could back up their argument, but they can't. People will cite videotapes of bin Laden or recovered passports at crash sites as damning proof that Al-Qaeda or some other terrorist organization was involved, but come on, that's…

  • Quote: “ya america would be the first place id go for religious tolerance!!!! :rofl: especially the south!!! how in all that is good in this world do you think that america is tolerant of other beliefs??? like any person who looks middle eastern is a terrorist in americas eyes!! look at texas for crying out loud!!” Yeah that's the stereotype but honestly I haven't met very many people that think all middle eastern people are terrorists, and I live in the southern part of the country. I think the…

  • Wow, if only there was a country where people could express their religious and other beliefs without discrimination and where religion is separate from law. Oh wait, there is one and it's called America.

  • Oh my god... don't dis cheerleading It's a serious sport... a lot of the gang bangers in my neighborhood see it as really badass, and I mean these guys are the kind of guys that have capped some people for drugs in the past... so yeah dont dis it

  • a computer reset button?

  • oh my god... it's called a summary - WRITE ONE

  • Re: Embarassing

    Assaultrifle - - Health and Fitness


    yeah you're probably going to go blind in the next few days so go look at some flowers or something while you still can