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  • Qs on measuring

    ivaiva - - Teen Sexuality


    Hey guys! I'm interested, when measuring your penis, do you 1. measure just length or circumference too? 2. If so what's your size around? 3. How often do you measure?

  • Re: spooning

    ivaiva - - Teen Sexuality


    Oh, so baby spoon is person from front side? OK.

  • Re: spooning

    ivaiva - - Teen Sexuality


    What's baby spoon?

  • Re: girls

    ivaiva - - Teen Sexuality


    Agree with Tom and Kev. Even if it wasn't your B-day, it would be at least nice to return a favor. I can't believe someone can get a BJ or anything sexual, have orgasm and just continue what you were been doing before!!!

  • Quote from Raoul_Foil_Duke: “Statute = law. It is legally rape, regardless of consent, because the law defines an age below which is automatically rape. Even if the "victims" tell the police/court that they wanted it and the parents support it, the perp can be charged, convicted, and sentenced.” Yeah, but police and law and state and everything wouldn't be includided. I mean, if you take something from me and I don't mind it's not stealing, is it?

  • Quote from LoveXx: “Statutory rape just means a person above 18 had sex with someone under the age of consent. Doesn't mean she didn't want it. "In accordance with the FBI definition, statutory rape is characterized as non-forcible sexual intercourse with a person who is younger than the statutory age of consent." You are fucking stupid.” You may think whateve you want about me and I really couldn't care less. Thing is, that if something is characterized as statutory rape, then someone (vicitim)…

  • Quote from LoveXx: “The whole statutory rape thing is fucking stupid. ” Yeah, tell this to raped women.

  • Re: spooning

    ivaiva - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Raoul_Foil_Duke: “^This. It's just a form of cuddle.” But can also be a sexual position.

  • Re: spooning

    ivaiva - - Teen Sexuality


    Someone thought it was dirty?

  • Re: average sex duration

    ivaiva - - Teen Sexuality


    It's like having 4 or 6 or as someone said 14 (???) hours of tough exercise or hard physical work. So you'll probably drop dead after it. Also, having erection fo more then 3 hours is dangereous, having erection for more then 4 hours is > go to ER as soon as possible. Really, I'm not kidding. That's because all that blood is blocked in your penis and your tissue starts getting damaged from pressure and not enough oxygen in blood. Long (not like that!) erections can lead to serious problems like …

  • Dump him and not let the other guy amotianly blackmails him. He has right to live his own life, what would he do, stay with crazy guy forever? And people who threat with suicide usually don't do it, they just want attention.

  • Re: Help me learn how to finger

    ivaiva - - Teen Sexuality


    you Kev!

  • Re: girls dormrooms

    ivaiva - - Teen Sexuality


    I was never in dorm but I suppose I would, if I'd been there.

  • Facebook official? Is that so important factor? Mayb she doesn't want to share her intimacy and privacy with world wide web? Maybe you should send her text or e mail and ask her is evereything is OK.

  • Re: Help me learn how to finger

    ivaiva - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Nycax91: “its really not hard at all...just stick your finger in there and move it in and out....” Ummm, not!

  • Re: Help me learn how to finger

    ivaiva - - Teen Sexuality


    For start don't insert anything anywhere. Just touch her gently all over, caress, rub her labias and then start gently rubbing her clit (don't attack directly clit). When she's aroused, moaning and moving her hips toward you and your hand you can start with gentle insertion of ONE finger but without finger fucking, just circular motion and some of "come here" motion while your fingertips are directed to her belly. But deff the best is to ask her, not just like "Exlplain me in details what to do"…

  • Probably nothing special if girls would take just one. Maybe some sude effects like headache or dizzynes.... Maybe more blood in brain, internal organs, maybe evn in clit and labias but taht means nothing. AND its dangerous to take medication that is not prescribed for you.

  • Re: average sex duration

    ivaiva - - Teen Sexuality


    Oh. But you can JO? Or you can't climax by JO too?

  • You can do something too. She is showing she likes you (probably) and (probably) expects that you do something more "official" liek ask her for number or ask her out. Just ask her for number, say that you'll may ask her to movies or that you miss her s ometimes and want to talk with her. Or, tell her you have to talk something with her, but later, and in private and ask if you can call her to talk. ---------- Post added at 03:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:03 AM ---------- Quote from R…

  • Re: average sex duration

    ivaiva - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Kevmo7: “lol nah its actually 'physically' way worse for guys :(” how and why?