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  • Quote from WTFBBQ: “ive got experience in situations like this first you compliment her vag. tell her it's "tight" compliment her boob size (even if shes flat) after that stuff, sweep her off her feet and strip her bare naked on campus. that way you'll both be suspended and able to bang on a school day” Sounds like you could be MVP's brother

  • Quote from Blur: “but then would'nt he be making said chicks uncomfortable?” Wouldn't that be making said straight men uncomfortable to shower with gay men?

  • Re: Boys Straightening Hair

    artizhay - - Fashion


    Quote from Ashique: “its not gay but do you really need to do it EVERYDAY? :|” What the hell is wrong with someone doing something they think makes themselves look good every day? Do you really need to put shoes on every day? Jeez.

  • You need to break things down into manageable pieces. When you eat a pizza, you don't shove the whole thing in your mouth, do you? No, you take bite-size chunks at a time. Prioritize the things you need to do. You may feel like you need to do it all at once, and you may want to do it all at once, but you shouldn't. Personally, I feel volunteering isn't as important as your SAT. The SAT is a huge weight on its own, so I would just let your volunteer coordinator know that you don't want to start t…

  • Not a or a subdomain.

  • Quote from Lester.0: “That is an earth day. If you go see how many days it takes for mar or some other planet to rotate around itself, then they would say it takes xx earth days to do so.” Are you saying the Bible is based on alien entities, then?

  • Quote from Aleksandr: “Boston Tea Party wasn't a terrorist act. The British were actually demanding that we pay taxes to them. How many people were killed in the Boston Tea Party?” I agree with this. Terrorism require terror. The Sons of Liberty weren't saying "TAKE THIS FUCKING TEA BACK OR WE'LL BLOW YOUR DAMN HEADS OFF." They merely spilled about $3 million worth of tea into the harbor to show that they weren't going to pay taxes on the tea. It was much more of an economic issue than a terrori…

  • Quote from ANTI CONDOM: “Try reading the whole thing. :rofl: You get PWNed by yourself. :rofl:” One's moral obligation to be honest should not be dictated by the conditions of a situation.

  • Quote from Darthnut: “They ARE mentioned... in the book of Job... twice. Behemoth (described as moving it's tail as a cedar tree... hmmmm... a brontosaurus maybe?) and Leviathan (some sort of swimming dinosaur)” So Scott's a dinosaur! I see...

  • Clearly you have been ignoring RMG's posts. =P

  • I really doubt any Holy Spirit work is going on here, so don't worry about it. I don't know much about the menstrual cycle, but I'm pretty damn positive she's not pregnant if you've never had sex and go through all of those cleaning procedures. Nor am I a doctor, but it's possible her body became dependent on the steroids, and now that she's off them, everything's going haywire? You say that steroids often mess with the cycle, yet she was fine while on steroids, so why can't your statement be re…

  • Get a real domain.

  • The fact that they were extinct long before people in the Bible may have something to do with it.

  • Are you saying the reason she broke up with you was because of little things she can't remember? That's how I read it. Correct me if I'm wrong. People who jump straight to breaking up because of little things rather than working them out are ones you don't really want to associate with, especially if they don't even remember what you did, which could constitute that she is lying, but not necessarily - it could be extreme indecisiveness which led to a conflict of emotion. Generally, it sounds rig…

  • You are over-thinking the situation way too much. Just a chain text. Actually, I consider them more like "spam texts." Like spam e-mail, except more annoying. Forget about it.

  • Can a camel pass through a needle's eye?

  • Well first of all, in case you have this mindset, having a good time, living it up, and partying are not related to school. They're not even in the same section of life. You don't need to try to make school "more exciting," you need to focus on your work. First and foremost, before you find ways to have a good time, you need to address the more important issue of how you're just "roughing it out" at school. I don't care if it's boring or if you dislike it a lot, school is school; it's not suppos…

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    artizhay - - Teen Sexuality



  • Based on how you feel now and what your family (I'm assuming when you say "no one," you mean your family) has expected of you in the past, I think your feelings are due to a lack of support they've given you. I don't mean to criticize your family, but if they've never told you what will make them proud or what they expect of you, you think you have nothing to live for and therefore feel empty, or unaccomplished. You have to learn to being independent (which you've already accomplished) and livin…