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  • Quote from ElliotC: “hollister logo” Ew. <-- I felt like I needed to say that about Hollister. =P

  • Re: Sexting!

    artizhay - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Good Ass Job.: “It seems that you think suicide would be a normal way to deal with such a thing. For every 1 person that commits suicide due to something like this, there are 1 million people just dealing with a mistake they made. So yes, that's what I'm saying.” Quote from breakboy: “co-sign on this, i was just about to respond to OnEMesSduPKiD saying something like this. i don't see anywhere that says sexting is a top cause of suicide, or even teenage suicide” I'm going to co-sign a…

  • Re: How to look emo?

    artizhay - - Fashion


    For the love of God, let him be who he wants to be.

  • Quote from breakboy: “:rofl::rofl::rofl: shit for real i dont get why people are so into measuring. all i know is i cant wear anything smaller than a magnum, im the biggest my girls ever had and i make her squirt like none other (im her first orgasm too) my dick is fucking magical:D” Lmao I know. I have to use the Magnum XL. :wink: Lololol.

  • It would be best to tell her before you date her. The beginnings of a dating relationship are emotional enough, you don't need to add to it by dropping the bomb. Tell her before you two date so that she is prepared and knows what to expect. If it pushes her away, then she is judging you for the wrong reasons. That's like judging a blind guy, not wanting to be near him. It's just absurd and wrong. If she detaches herself from you, then you know it's for the best because you shouldn't associate yo…

  • Re: Second Date Troubles

    artizhay - - Teen Sexuality


    There's no way you're going to have a decent relationship if you're going to be skeptical after the first date and are already wrongfully suspicious before you give him a chance. I really don't think you should bring up the topic to him, because if a guy wants to use you, he's going to go along with whatever you say because he won't care about your feelings once he's done with you. And if he's not going to use you, you are already asking what his intentions are through words before he even gets …

  • "Hey baby, take off your pants." "Ooh, okay, if you want. ;)" *whips out the tape measure* "What the hell?" "Sorry, I need to take some measurements to post them on an online forum and ask for feedback."

  • Re: sometimes my sarcasm...

    artizhay - - Teen Sexuality


    This is totally on topic: I like your sig, because I am a computer techie, artist, and gamer. Yay! =D

  • Any girl who can't give you a respectable reason for breaking up is obviously not a decent girl herself. I don't mean to criticize her, but that's my opinion. If she can't even take the time to give you a reason, then I don't think she reciprocates the feelings you have for her. You may be better off without this girl now, because she could have hurt you worse later on in life when you were older and even more attached to her. Alcohol does not solve problems, by the way. It just clouds them and …

  • As a guy, if an ex keeps trying to talk to me persistently, I know I can go back to her anytime I want because she obviously is desperate to keep up communication, so I don't really need to make an effort to stay friends with her at that moment because she'll always be there, waiting on edge for a response. That's not the most respectable mindset, but it's how a lot of guys think, if an ex is adamant in trying to keep up any kind of relationship, platonic or not. So like others suggested, back o…

  • Well have you done any of the things we suggested in your previous thread?

  • Re: Sexting!

    artizhay - - Teen Sexuality


    You can't outright say it's illegal. There are many regulations that determine the legality of it, depending on what you do with the picture and how old the sender/recipient are. Of course, if an adult is sending to a minor and vice versa, it's illegal, but otherwise, it's quite a gray area. Like breakboy said, they know the consequences already. They have been warned and read things such as this thread, and still do it.

  • How strictly do your parents follow your religion? You could always bring it up to them and see what they have to say about the issue. They may get angry though, of course, and tell you not to be friends with him. In the end though, they are your friendships, your relationships, and your life. You have to decide how much you are willing to risk by telling your parents. There is really nothing else you can do besides tell them, because if you go behind their backs and date him, then they will be …

  • I would just tell him that you're still having issues seeing in school and you think you would benefit from glasses. Then of course tell him that when you tried your brother's glasses, it immensely helped your vision. He should at least take it into consideration, as your parent... Also, you could go to the school nurse and ask for a vision test. If your eyesight is poor or below average, you could ask her to give you a report/summary of the test to show your dad, plus maybe even her personal re…

  • The girls were probably shy. There is no reason your clothes would scare off someone just because they weren't like that one girl's clothes. That's just absurd. People wear vastly different clothes and still attract other people. People are often "hard to approach," however, if their body language doesn't present them as a welcome person. Arms at your side, smile on your face, head high, etc. Also, if you're always surrounded by friends, that also makes it scary for a girl to approach you, espec…

  • Re: How to look emo?

    artizhay - - Fashion


    Quote from FallenAngel: “LOL. That's all I have to say about that.”

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    artizhay - - Teen Sexuality



  • Samsung Captivate | Galaxy S | Samsung SGH-I897 - Cell Phones

  • Re: Pj's

    artizhay - - Fashion


    Lol I always wear maroon (? color-blind) sweatpants and a random old shirt.

  • Re: Big Sister Trouble

    artizhay - - General Advice


    She's being realistic because she's a cop and has seen how all of the crap people do can hugely affect their lives in ways they didn't expect, or even end their life. While people have differing opinions on drinking and getting drunk, she doesn't want you to do it because of how it negatively affects your state of mind. You might go driving and wreck, do something hurtful to you or someone else, or perform a complete reenactment of The Hangover. Your argument may be that you are in complete cont…