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  • Get some confidence and do it. It may seem like a miserable thought, but remember that it will only last for 5 minutes. You don't have to do it again if you don't seem to think she's a good match for you. But you'll be able to come back and tell us that you did it. Then I'd be proud of you. =D You have to learn to do it anyway for any girl in the future who you have strong feelings for. Now is a good time to start, at your age, building confidence and learning to approach girls.

  • Re: Im getting confirmed!

    artizhay - - General Advice


    Well, this is entirely up to you. I personally will refuse to give you any name ideas, because you have to choose something that is important to you. Check out: Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Roman Catholic Saints By Name | Saint of the Day | Patron Saints Index: Alphabetical List Congratulations! inb4atheists

  • I like the borrowing a pencil idea. You're guaranteed two conversations with her, one short and the other longer if you choose to. The first conversation is just asking for the pencil. But you have to give it back, so at the end of class, you'll have time between classes to give the pencil back and start some small talk. Find out more about her and what she likes to do so that next time, you know what she would like to talk about. Also find out if she plays any sports. You can ask how her games …

  • Re: Hooking up

    artizhay - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Really, all you have to do is tell the person that, and if you've already done it once, I'm sure the person won't mind doing it again. That's basically what happened with this girl and me. We were friends, and then in our free time...we were really good friends. ;P Just talk about it. Not so hard. As long as you assure them you don't want a relationship. Quote from DeamonD: “Not only are you guaranteed a lay, chances are you wont even see, let alone speak, to that person ever again.” But lays ar…

  • Re: Which do you prefer?

    artizhay - - Fashion


    1st Hot Topic FTW And also Hayley =]

  • Re: How to look emo?

    artizhay - - Fashion


    Look like mwah...except with black hair.

  •, white stripes, the one in my avvy! =D

  • Realize that people are usually very supportive of local schools and may temporarily place you above all other available options for services just because they want to help you out. Really, just look up stuff online. There are so many I want to tell you that I just found, but I don't want to steal credit. =P Some I liked are: - Ink cartridge recycling - I work at Office Depot and almost every other customer comes in to the store recycles a cartridge. Companies pay you for these cartridges. - Don…

  • Quote from Bazinga!: “I like the design that's already up. But the new one looks more sinister and seems to fit the genre a bit better.” The theme is generally decent. One drawback is that it's pre-made. I absolutely HATE putting up pre-made shit for clients but they needed it up in a hurry. Plus, see how if you click a link at the top, it doesn't actually change pages in your browser, it just loads a new page in a frame area below the navigation? That heavily limits functionality. Plus it doesn…

  • Technically 3, yeah. That cursive font on the cover art was already on the art and I haven't decided if I want to take the time to remove it.

  • Re: Your pics

    artizhay - - Teen Sexuality


    I just saved your avatar. Only joking.

  • How are you choosing which guys you approach? Are you basing it solely on looks, or is personality included as well? It seems that these guys just aren't connecting with the two of you, which makes me believe that they might not share similar interests. No matter how attractive, kind, funny, or overall decent a person is, you'll never create that "spark" if you don't share interests. So instead of just approaching guys and hoping they'll call you to talk about parties, approach guys and find out…

  • Re: Squirting

    artizhay - - Teen Sexuality



  • Well, first, if you met someone online and they ended up lying about their gender, who knows what else they lied about, so I wouldn't be friends with them or associate with them whatsoever in that regard. But if I totally loved some girl and thought her personality was amazing but she was a hermaphrodite and I hadn't known about that...I just don't know. I know you're not supposed to make decisions solely based upon outward things, but I'd be freaked out beyond belief. I'd still think her person…

  • Did he know the other roommate prior to moving in? They may be good friends and he's having trouble adjusting to living with someone he doesn't know. He may be uncomfortable around you not because those three things weird him out, but because he doesn't know much about you at all. I wouldn't confront him so directly, accusing him of being a cold-hearted person who doesn't like you. Try to talk to him some more so you can both get to know each other and if he still is reserved while around you, t…

  • Did he make this playlist just for you or is it just something he copied from his iPod onto yours? If he took the time to make it for you, that shows a lot of commitment and at least implies that he cares quite a bit about you, especially considering the length of this playlist. But judging on the titles of those songs, they do seem to show a lot of feelings for a girl. Just from past experience, when one of my good friends gave me just one CD to borrow because it reminded me of her, she ended u…

  • The most important of people are made to go through the thought of hardships. One of my favorite quotes and one to live by. Go through all of the stuff your dad gave to you, because I'm positive he wants you to see it. You can't console him without understanding him. No matter how much it hurts you or you disagree with what he's done, you need to go through all of it to see what paths his mind has taken, why he took those paths, and where he is at right now. It doesn't matter what age you are. H…

  • Eh you'll be fine. You might throw up or feel sick to your stomach. I drink three Gatorades before running a two mile race one time and I felt horrible afterward but it passes.

  • Scaredycrow said it perfectly. They are only trying to make you better people than them. That's what every parent wants. It may seem unfair, irrational, or just plain stupid sometimes. But they only do it because they love you (or in this case your friend's parents loving him). They were once just like you and know the mistakes they made; they want to correct those mistakes before they are even made. If parents didn't give a shit about their kids, they wouldn't yell or discipline them. The fact …

  • The best way to start and keep a conversation with a girl you don't know is to talk about her. Ask her what she likes to do, if she's involved in any school or non-school activities, etc. Girls loves to talk about themselves; I'm not trying to generalize or stereotype, I just find it to be commonly true. So talk about what she likes and then find ways to expand on them and get her to talk to you about them. Just make sure you ask questions or nod/agree to make sure she knows you're interested in…