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  • Condoms

    Jake445 - - Teen Sexuality


    Usually Durex of some kind, their ultra-thin ones have always been okay so far.

  • Do you sleep naked?

    Jake445 - - Teen Sexuality


    I slept nude sometimes as a little kid but I've been doing it basically every night since I was maybe 11. Never had any problems!

  • Showered "for boys"

    Jake445 - - Gay


    Sure, pretty often.

  • Sharing the toilet...

    Jake445 - - Gay


    I've shared one a few times, usually at sleepovers when we were running late and had to get ready quickly. Not really awkward just an unusual thing.

  • First time

    Jake445 - - Teen Sexuality


    If you had sex: How old were you the first time? 14 Who was it with? Best female friend Do you regret it doing it with that person? Nope, still friends

  • Sleepover

    Jake445 - - Friends and Family


    No dress code for sleepovers at my home so most people will just sleep nude. Especially in the summer!

  • Nudity around friends...

    Jake445 - - Friends and Family


    I've seen and been seen naked by all of my close friends, same and opposite-sex, just by changing at sleepovers or us skinny dipping. Plus showering at school with some of them etc. Why do you think boys are less likely to see their friends naked?

  • Contraception Survey

    Jake445 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Lea13: “Quote from LukeP10: “Quote from BlondieGirl: “Quote from LukeP10: “Have got some condoms in bedside drawers for just in case I ever need them, put one on once for practice and to check size haha ” Definitely a good idea to try them for when the time comes ” absolutely, regular size isn’t for everyone! So good to check before the act ” But for most people? Right? Don't think any girl will have like three sizes just to be prepared or am i wrong? ” The boy would/should have one t…

  • For guys who ejaculate - do you watch?

    Jake445 - - Puberty


    Quote from Alanjr: “Quote from Sean2001: “Quote from Alanjr: “Quote from Jake445: “I don't usually watch porn so yeah I'll look at my penis at the end. ” I watch my penis get hard. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror too. ” Just at the start? It's definitely a cool thing to watch it get hard and to watch it spurt at the end but just watching my hand on my dick during the middle part of the session isn't really that interesting.For a mirror, I have wardrobe with mirrors on the doors and from…

  • For guys who ejaculate - do you watch?

    Jake445 - - Puberty


    I don't usually watch porn so yeah I'll look at my penis at the end.

  • 1. Who has seen you naked both before and after you started puberty? Parents, twin sister, friends, cousins, classmates, doctor 2. What was the occasions where they saw you naked and did they say anything about you starting puberty? Changing, showering, physical exam. I think almost everyone commented. 3. At what age did you start puberty and did you know what puberty was when you started it? ~12, and sure I knew about it 5. If you are a boy, were you ever seen naked with a boner before or after…

  • What type of swimwear do you wear?

    Jake445 - - Fashion


    Quote from Alanjr: “Quote from Jake445: “Quote from Alanjr: “At home nothing. When we go to nude beaches -nothing. Feels great ” That's mostly what I do too, but I'll wear jammers at school and public pools.I don't tan though, just sunburns if I'm not careful, we have a crazy UV index here. ” There's no going naked today out of the pool. It's only 68 degrees. About 19c ” I'd probably swim in that, and take a hot shower afterward or something.

  • Big cappuccino

  • What type of swimwear do you wear?

    Jake445 - - Fashion


    Quote from Alanjr: “At home nothing. When we go to nude beaches -nothing. Feels great ” That's mostly what I do too, but I'll wear jammers at school and public pools. I don't tan though, just sunburns if I'm not careful, we have a crazy UV index here.

  • Masturbating Urge

    Jake445 - - Puberty


    I'd also say mine peaked at 14 but it's still here for sure.

  • What do you wear for PE?

    Jake445 - - Health and Fitness


    It depends on what we do, but usually I change from boxer short into boxer briefs.

  • LGBT school support group

    Jake445 - - Gay


    Quote from corey_stratton: “Quote from Jake445: “Quote from corey_stratton: “yeah i think thats the whole idea of this , its kinda experimental, they dont wanna just tell gay kids to shut up and dont ask questions, but its gonna be weird becuxz im really not much older than they are ” True but I think that's the idea? Nice that you'll try it, even if you can't answer every question! ” yeah i think the idea is that kids our age will be more comfortable sharing feelings and ideas with somebody who…

  • LGBT school support group

    Jake445 - - Gay


    Quote from corey_stratton: “yeah i think thats the whole idea of this , its kinda experimental, they dont wanna just tell gay kids to shut up and dont ask questions, but its gonna be weird becuxz im really not much older than they are ” True but I think that's the idea? Nice that you'll try it, even if you can't answer every question!

  • LGBT school support group

    Jake445 - - Gay


    It would depend on what they ask you, but be honest I guess!

  • Physical Exams and Moms

    Jake445 - - Puberty


    Quote from Gc1110: “Quote from MarianaMaja: “No, my mum doesnt go with me to the doctors office ” it must be nice getting checked by yourself i hope soon i dont have to have mom and younger brother in with me ” Can't you just ask to go in alone?