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  • Boys and anal

    Kyle07 - - Teen Sexuality


    I’d like to try it with a girl some day, it’s that taboo thing most say they won’t do etc Is it better than the normal way? I dunno

  • Quote from mentallychaotic: “Interesting anomaly. How is it that anyone even notices this? ” Old guys with new young profiles looking back at their old profiles maybe?

  • Definitely lol

  • How mature do you think 13+ teens are?

    Kyle07 - - LGBT


    My sister is 12 and more mature than lots in my year It’s variable

  • Hair Style

    Kyle07 - - Fashion


    Quote from BlondieGirl: “Quote from Kyle07: “Quote from BlondieGirl: “I have mine down most of the time will tie it back for PE ” So your hair isn’t shorn off then? ” Ha no it hasn’t been shaven ofF ” sorry couldn’t resist a Shaun the Sheep joke [list][*] [/list]

  • Hair Style

    Kyle07 - - Fashion


    Quote from BlondieGirl: “I have mine down most of the time will tie it back for PE ” So your hair isn’t shorn off then?


    Kyle07 - - Films, TV and Books


    DItVagina dentata!!!! Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Kyle07: “Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Kyle07: “ ” I kinda want a t-shirt with that text. ” would be the ultimate feminist shirt! ” That would be something to wear on the 8th of March. xD ” definitely!!


    Kyle07 - - Films, TV and Books


    ItVagina dentata!!!! Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Kyle07: “ ” I kinda want a t-shirt with that text. ” would be the ultimate feminist shirt!

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    Kyle07 - - Fashion


    In bed for the night nude

  • Uncut dicks

    Kyle07 - - Puberty


    It cIs there any major drawback having it removed? I mean i know its might be weird to loose it especially if you don't want to. But does it change anything regrading being in a relationship with a girl and stuff like that. Quote from Lea13: “ I wouldn't think about asking a boy if he is or not before dating him. lol ” it can do if it desensitizes the end of the penis too much Apparently in some cases the guys struggle to finish in sex and stuff It just doesn’t feel as good as it’s supposed to

  • been drunk?

    Kyle07 - - Friends and Family


    No. Never had alcohol

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    Kyle07 - - Fashion



  • Uncut dicks

    Kyle07 - - Puberty


    Quote from Starlord: “Quote from dkne: “For people who have you remember trying to pull it back before fully separated? Some separate early in life and some people can be like 12-13 and it's still stuck. ” I remember it hurt a bit and it was kind of tight I was circumsized at 5 or 6 yo ” sorry to hear that

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    Kyle07 - - Fashion


    Cargo shorts and a white t

  • where have you masturbated?

    Kyle07 - - Puberty


    Quote from Gay-paul: “Quote from Kyle07: “Quote from Ethan1: “Quote from Kyle07: “Quote from Thatrandomguy: “Quote from Kyle07: “Quote from mentallychaotic: “Quote from Kyle07: “Out of the ordinary places for me were the beach and back of the bus ” Back of bus sounds interesting. Clean up must have been weird. ” It was kind of a dare and I didn’t finish so no mess ” Did any girls see you while you were jerking off or see your dick? ” Nah no girls saw or anyone else just a friend who was showing …

  • Uncut dicks

    Kyle07 - - Puberty


    Quote from kmcd: “Quote from Starlord: “Quote from Birds18: “I’m going to ask my doctor if he will uncircumcised me ” I dont think that's possible lolYou can do it one way, but not the other way around lol ” Yes and no. There is a process to restore, which is basically stretching the remnant skin over the head. It takes a long time, but I've read social media stuff that says it basically looks like it's foreskin. It does seem like more adults are restoring vs getting cut. ” Depends how much fore…

  • Number of sexual partners

    Kyle07 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Chris 16: “Quote from Kyle07: “15 and 1.5 ” Where do you get 0.5 from? Lmao ” Not all the way with the second

  • Into my hand, towel or tissue usually


    Kyle07 - - Films, TV and Books


    Vagina dentata!!!!

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    Kyle07 - - Fashion


    Swimshorts and tshirt