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  • Football-soccer

    joannainthemiddle - - Sports


    Quote from HannahW: “England 4 South Korea 0 in the first game of the Arnold Clark Cup last night ” I saw a bit of it and saw how easily England scored and I thought - 'well it's going to be another 20-0 and that's boring, so I stopped watching.

  • Pubic hair texture

    joannainthemiddle - - Puberty


    A guide to what happens in puberty From the linked article" "Once puberty has started your mons pubis and labia majora become covered in hair. This is pubic hair and will be quite soft at first." I hope it helps!

  • Favourite Poems

    joannainthemiddle - - Films, TV and Books


    Oooh thanks for letting me read that poem. It's good to think of things and symbols like that. I think I'd prefer chocolate though.

  • Marie Antoinette

  • Can you see my tears

    joannainthemiddle - - Creative Writing


    I don't see your tears...but I read about them in your poems, which are getting better, and it makes me want to hug them better xx

  • nature

    joannainthemiddle - - Creative Writing


    You sound happier in your last poem, also you have shorter lines which I think is good. When you get to the end of the line you think ... ooo what is the reason for that line ending...what's the next line going to start with.

  • Nipple Erection

    joannainthemiddle - - Puberty


    can confirm it happens especially if it is cold. Not embarrassing really it's just what happens.

  • I just read 'James and the Giant Peach' by Roald Dahl. I thought clouds were good things before reading this.

  • Snow Poems

    joannainthemiddle - - Creative Writing


    "just three more minutes in my warm bed" "But look outside, there's snow! Let's go" "Hats and scarves, gloves and coats" "No need for that - let's go! let's go!" A table top of purest white Who will be first across this scene? It's got to be me, I have the right To stop it looking so pristine Now we're cold, but glowing as We build the snowman step by step Big fat body, smiling head A carrot nose and coal eyes.

  • Snow Poems

    joannainthemiddle - - Creative Writing


    Icicles melt Frost is scraped Hailstones hurt Snow is fun

  • Snow Poems

    joannainthemiddle - - Creative Writing


    I want to play in the snow with you now!

  • 2ham...

    joannainthemiddle - - Friends and Family


    People get worried about other people they love and imagine bad things can happen. Probably the biggest danger to you if you are walking at 2 am is that a car will be driving near you and not expect to see you and that could lead to a crash and you getting hurt. I think that's more likely than you being hit or deliberately hurt. There's something you can do about it though, if you do want to go for a walk : get some good reflective clothes and maybe a torch, so cars can see you and won't hurt yo…

  • Quote from Pultost: “Quote from joannainthemiddle: “med gele og skum. It sounds nasty. ” LMAO, I can understand that. But that's jelly (jello?) and foam, so it's definitely not. ” 'skum' in Norwegian then is literally the same as 'scum' in English : the first thing it means is 'foam or froth'. But 'scum' is also the waste that is scraped off the top of a liquid - the 'froth', I suppose, that is not the pure good liquid underneath. So 'scum' became a word for unwanted bad stuff and then unwanted …

  • Quote from Pultost: “One of these. 8677.jpg I won't eat any more before after dinner, but I couldn't help myself. ” med gele og skum. It sounds nasty.

  • Depression

    joannainthemiddle - - Health and Fitness


    I hope you're feeling better now and better in the future too.

  • wiggly lines are less fattening.

  • Quote from EmmaMary: “Kendal Mint Cake ” Were you on a 6 week expedition in the Himalayas?

  • Quote from Penelope: “Quote from joannainthemiddle: “Quote from Penelope: “Creme brûlée ” nearly. you missed one accent on the first e : Crème brûlée I hope it was yummy! ” Yeah my iPad didn’t pick up on that ” I think the best thing about crèmes brûlées is all the wiggly lines above the letters.

  • Quote from Penelope: “Creme brûlée ” nearly. you missed one accent on the first e : Crème brûlée I hope it was yummy!

  • Quote from Starlord: “Orange and black briefs from halloween ” It's probably nearly time you changed your underwear. At least turn them inside out to get a few more months wear out of them.