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  • How many pages did the last book you read have? 700 or so. Do you like small parties or large parties more? Small paties if it's all close friends. Large ones if it's mostly strangers. What was the last exam you passed in? Oh god. Uhmm...Either Criminology or Protection of Information. Do you think paw prints are cute? Not really. How much would you pay a neighbour to do your lawn? I wouldn't. Ordinary pens, scented pens, gel pens or felt tip pens? scented. Are you a people person? Sometimes. Do…

  • Re: hey do u enjoy shopping?

    Kerosene - - Fashion


    I hate shopping malls. I just like to get in and get out as fast as I can.

  • Even fucking a step-sibling is wrong in my opinion. I don't even want to get into fucking someone who is actually related to me.

  • Re: Hmm question?

    Kerosene - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Locachick: “Well honestly the reason I ask is because I lost my virginity to my step brother and my boyfriend knows this, so if he came over for dinner I wouldn't have to explain anything He would know.” And your boyfriend is still dating you? That's fucked.

  • Re: Post your tattoos here!

    Kerosene - - Fashion


    Thanks:) My husband wants to get the quote "I'm always with you" in some sort of script on the inside of his arm. It's a reference to the movie "Gamer" but he also says it will be so that he carries a reminder of me everywhere he and I go because I'm on the road a lot for work.

  • Quote from JoBro: “*is jealous of Kerosene* wish i had that big of a wardrobe... i wash mine about every two times i wear them.” Haha:) I got a few garbage bags full of clothing from a friend of my cousin. She was selling her house and moving in with a boyfriend and didn't have enough room for all her clothes. Now I don't have enough room for all my clothes:(

  • Re: Friends With Benefits

    Kerosene - - Teen Sexuality


    If both people are able to keep emotions out of the mix, I'm sure they can be great. Both times I tried however, i had to break it off because the guys wanted more. How far you go is up to you, although it's pretty much pointless without sex. Why waste time meeting up with someone so they can finger you when you can just do it yourself, you know?

  • Re: What motivates you?

    Kerosene - - Health and Fitness


    My heart being shitty. It's so much more important for me to be healthy than someone without a medical condition.

  • Folded a dollar bill in hopes of doing a trick Nope. Used a hotcomb or curling iron on ur hair Yes. Prayed No. Got ur ears pierced Yes. Got a tattoo Yes. had anything from Aero No. had anything from AE Yes. had anything from hollister Yes. had anything from abercrombie No. bought clothes from walmart Yes put alluminum foil in the oven Yes picked up a coin u found on the ground Yes. memorized a Verse from the Bible No. been on a diet No. seen a friend in there underwear Yes. eaten peanut butter o…

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Kerosene - - Teen Sexuality


    hug or kiss.

  • Quote from Lee Anderson: “Whoop-dee-fuckin'-do.” Owell. We can't expect little boys to have very grown up opinions anyway.

  • Re: How often do you wash your jeans?.

    Kerosene - - Fashion


    I wash mine every time I do laundry, which is about every week or two. I also have enough clothes that I really don't have to wear the same outfit twice, but I do anyway.

  • Quote from Lee Anderson: “Marriage never ends well.” The fact that every married couple in my family has been together for 20+ years alone, proves you wrong.

  • In my experience, no. Mine was supposed to be effective after one week but I think it takes the entire months worth to keep you from releasing the egg or whatever it does. I still got my period exactly as planned when I first started.

  • Re: Hmm question?

    Kerosene - - Teen Sexuality


    Yes, but not by choice. In college, we lived in a basement apartment during our second year and the people living upstairs were throwing some Halloween party. Anyway, we were partying, smoking in the backyard and such and low and behold, the guy i lost my virginity to comes strolling out of the house to smoke a joint. Turns out he was friends with one of the people upstairs. It would have been pretty awkward but we were feeling pretty good at the time if you know what I mean. Haven't seen him si…

  • Pre-cum itself doesn't actually contain sperm, it's only if the guy has ejaculated previously within a certain amount of time and hasn't since washed out the urethra by urinating that pre-cum can pick up some left over sperm along the way out. If the guy pees beforehand, the acid will destroy any sperm left over in the urethra. OP: don't worry about it, she's fine and the freaking out will only delay her normal period longer.

  • @Johnny Touche, you're right. I've done both as well. I don't really feel bad doing it though to be honest. I'm not callous enough to say it to someone's face for no reason so I figure, if they don't know I'm thinking it, who cares?I'm probably wrong anyway but I'm not going to bring them down just to see if I'm right.

  • Quote from Alejandro: “I think people are just too quick to judge. I agree, I've said "what a freak" before. I'm pretty sure we all have, you're right. I think as we continue living on in our lives though, we experience and learn new things. That "freak" might eventually become one of our friends.” You have no idea how true this is. My best friend for the past 7-8 years was in my grade 9 french class. She thought I was anti social and a geek, I thought she was a freak. We got stuck together on a…

  • Quote from Jonny Boy: “I whole heatedly agree with what you said, but as someone said up there, it's inevitable either way, there's always an asshole out there that has to bring someone else down to overcome his own insecurities.” Well, not only that, but everyone judges or stereotypes people in some way either consciously or subconsciously.It's not always to overcome insecurities, sometimes it's just an automatic reaction.

  • I actually shower twice a day when I can. It's not that I'm a naturally dirty person though, I think it more has to do with OCD or something. I'll usually have a quick shower in the mornings and then draw a nice hot bath at night and just soak in it with a good book. I wash myself and my hair both times though and my hair is perfectly fine.