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  • hey thanks for the support everyone. went out and got a test from 7/11(totally jipped me on the price too.. it was 5 times too much.. but w/e...) she took it this morning and it was negative. Thank God. Not that i dont eventually want kids or anything, but right now just isn't what i would call ideal... 25 is a good age... so ya. not pregnant. but we are limiting our sexual activity for now... because we both decided we were maybe moving a bit too fast on the physical side of things. it was good…

  • bloody hell -.- some jerk neg repped me because they believe God is a lie. not my problem what they believe, but neg rep? that's pretty immature -.-

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “honestly man, if your unsure if your ready for sex and your getting this jumpy over something as remote as this, then your not ready. If she is reacting the same way, then shes not ready either. You guys are way too young and havent really sorted out the other things in your life (jobs, housing etc) to support a child, so just take the thought out of your mind till, like you said, shes about 25, by that time you will have got everything sorted. As for your age, judging by you…

  • Quote from amando96: “ Getting married this young? =/” Yes we are. Quote from Kevmo7: “dont freak out, it only makes it seem like your not ready to be doing sexual stuff man” Yes, I know... I am prepared(or as prepared as someone can be at my age earning barely over minimum wage) financially and mentally.. I just dont know what to do about family issues... I honestly almost wouldn't mind having a child even at this age. but we don't live together yet, so it would be really hard to take care of t…

  • Quote from OnEMesSduPKiD: “Unless you were sitting inches away from her and directly ejaculated into her while she was holding herself open, the chances of you getting her pregnant over such a thing are so ridiculously low it's unheard of. Sperm only can survive a very small amount of time outside the body. How long have you two been together?” technically we've been together(in a relationship) 3 months. I've known her fairly well for 8 years, and been her best friend for 3 of them. I know the s…

  • I'm 18, and my fiance is 17 in 2 days. Neither of us have ever had sex, but we have been fore-playing to varying degrees since we first got together. The problem is this: she has a pretty regular period, and its late. If she's pregnant its because we were mutually masturbating, and one of us touched her after they touched me. After I cum, we've always been careful to clean up before touching her again, but there's always the small chance that we missed something, or that the pre-cum got on her. …

  • Re: boys only : orgasm

    Sharxbyte - - Teen Sexuality


    I can actually orgasm(shake and spasm as opposed to just ejaculate)... I think half of it is psychological.. get off more when my lady is watching... alone its more for practicality sake.. rarely orgasm when im alone, but most of the time when I'm with her. Depending on how horny I am, how healthy I am, how long its been since the last time, and what i've eaten, the dstance, ammount, intensity, pleasure, and taste all vary.

  • Re: Touching

    Sharxbyte - - LGBT


    Quote from xNerRadx: “For some reason gay men love nipples. They do nothing for me.” have you ever had someone use their nails lightly on your chest and suck your nipples?

  • Only in 5-7th grade does that apply... If a girl is treating you mean after that, she is a: sadistic; Beware. b:she doesnt like you.;Beware c: she is immature: Beware

  • what my plan was originally was: get a car and live in walmart parking lots out of it. switch every day or so, and make sure you get a little something from each one.(they are really good about letting people stay over night in their lots, but its always nice to buy something, and if you have recent receipts, then they know you aren't just freeloading, but you're actually helping out.) If you're paying 1200 a month to your parents for a room and some use of the house and working that much, you s…

  • *bookmarks and drools*

  • Where was it said that alcohol consumption would decrease? I just want the option to be able too. I know it would increase.. there would be more people drinking.. duh

  • while HumorHotlines is sponsoring this, its a serious hotline. after 1,000,000 positive votes are received they will present it to congress.…-Hotline-772-257-4488.asp copied from the link: Quote: “The "Make It 18" Hotline: 772-257-4488 Reasons For Keeping the Drinking Age 21: 1) Young people are not yet intelligent enough or responsible enough to handle alcohol until they’re 21. 2) Drinking is a privilege that must be earned and you have not earned it until you are…

  • Anything remotely intimate that you haven't okayed with your partner is cheating. If you have a close friend of the opposite gender then make sure your partner is okay with you sharing physical contact with them. Even hugs can be misinterpreted and the cause of unnessesary drama because of miscomunication.

  • The longer you know someone the deeper you can love them. At a young age, you can love someone as much as you understand love, but your maturity and capacity to love will also grow as you age. That's why older people think that love at young ages isn't serious; They have a larger capacity to love and understand love and so in comparison, it seems like small potatoes.

  • frowned on? by some yes, but its only 6 years... at our ages that may seem like a huge difference, but really its not... when you're 30 he'll be 36. If you both are serious, or it might get serious in the future, then don't bother with other peoples criticism. If hes a decent guy, then go ahead and get to know him on casual terms. I don't recommend starting to date right off because then you wont know what he's really like. just my two bits.

  • Quote from JoBro: “was it firm, or was it spongy? did she cringe in pain or in pleasure?” the top of the vagina right by it was firm, but the second "clit"-ish thingy was dofy and rubbery. she squirmed in pleasure... she said afterwards that she REALLY enjoyed it.

  • thanks for all your help guys(and the movie xD) Quote from ಠ_ಠ: “Unless he has some insanely long fingers i doubt this.” I DO have long fingers and large hands, but I don't think i felt her cervix... Quote from ಠ_ಠ: “Where you were feeling would help. If it was 2-3 inches in from the entrance, on the back of the opening (fingers up to the same side as her belly button) then yes, Linda is correct.” ya it was there. thanks again!

  • ahhh! =p

  • Re: who has cut back?

    Sharxbyte - - Teen Sexuality


    I went on a 16 day wank-fast (i.e. no wanking) tricks for stopping... um... it pretty much takes a bunch of willpower... I set myself a limit in the beginning. I RARELY ever go above once a day. I can count the number of times on one hand, and I've only ever cum three times in one day once. so set yourself a limit. once a day max for a month. then try every other day max, and only when you feel you need it. Then try going for a week without, and then back to once a day or every other day. after …