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  • Re: Advanced Placement

    Scaredycrow - - Education & Jobs


    Cool! Do you guys just get to enroll, or do you have to have certain marks to get into those classes? If you get the chance to take the english and chem I'd definitely go for it, I can actually track the progress from mine and everyone in uni I've talked to that's taken it says it's a huge help. Mine was Literature and Composition.

  • Re: Derp.

    Scaredycrow - - Creative Writing


    Ooh, a tablet. Durr, that never even crossed my mind. XD Awesome, good job!

  • Advanced Placement

    Scaredycrow - - Education & Jobs


    Did anyone else take any AP classes or do any AP exams this year?? I took AP english and AP calculus - and I'm happy to say I actually really liked it! English was so useful, and calculus actually made me like math, haha.

  • Re: Exams!

    Scaredycrow - - Education & Jobs


    I hope your exams went well! This semester I had: AP English Math C30 Canadian Studies 30 Physics 30 Band Spare Only my math final left, and then I am done done done!

  • Re: Derp.

    Scaredycrow - - Creative Writing


    Hm, cool! The way you coloured it works really well with the actual picture. Do you draw it beforehand, or just all on the computer?

  • I have limewire, but I have friends that send me a lot of music, and subscribe to a few podcasts on itunes.

  • Somebody's Hero - Jamie O'Neal There Goes My Life - Kenny Chesney Letters From Home - John Michael Montgomery Not necessarily sad but all have the potential to be tearjerkers.

  • Re: Your Favorite Song(s)

    Scaredycrow - - Music


    My favourite song changes pretty much every week, currently my top picks are Dat New New (Viking Remix) - Kid Cudi Gary Is A Robot - AmpLive Summer Girl - Stereos

  • Re: Twilight Non-Fans

    Scaredycrow - - Films, TV and Books


    Haha, yes, because if people actually thought about it, that situation would be totally desirable. =P

  • Re: Twilight Non-Fans

    Scaredycrow - - Films, TV and Books


    I hate how much these books are able to take over your life -- you don't even have to like them, you can just make a connection to Twilight for everything. My sister is completely obsessed though (see avvie). I don't despise the books by any means, but a lot stuff out there that makes fun of Twilight is pretty good.... XD I just wonder why they're so popular. Not the greatest writing, not much plot development. People say the characters are boring, but what else could possibly make it intriguing…

  • Re: check out my new kicks

    Scaredycrow - - Fashion


    Dece. I can't imagine going through that many pairs of shoes, but good choice!

  • Re: What Kind Of Sport Do You Play?

    Scaredycrow - - Sports


    Depends on the time of year what I play, haha. Cross country, soccer, basketball, badminton, track & field, softball.

  • Hockey is awesome! I totally regret not playing... so now, shinny is enough. Penguins are def. the best (Crosby it not hot, however...), second only to the Maple Leafs. Yes, I might be killed for that one. But that's okay. I stick by it.

  • Quote from Metaltill60: “pfft. lightweight step up with the real men and drink half a sixpack” Haha, that's awesome, especially when people here won't even let you have one out of their 12-pack... XD Anyway, I'm definitely not against alcohol but I don't drink as often as I used to (excluding grad season... ). I'm not a huge fan of the taste, maybe from tasting it in too large amounts haha. Never puked though, I have a pretty insanely high alcohol tolerance. Tipz for those who do have issues, th…

  • Re: Do You Smoke?

    Scaredycrow - - Health and Fitness


    Nerp. Never even tried. I was honestly the only person I knew that hadn't, until now apparently! It's good to see so many people that don't and won't do it!