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  • cumstains

    Benni90er - - Gay


    I use the foreskin method like "No longer in Use" most of the time. But i let it out into the toilett instead of tissues. Otherwise i have a cum rag i cum on and then i wash it.

  • Underage Sex

    Benni90er - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from professional retard: “thats true I forgot about pre-come but if you are an experienced coomer (meaning you nut a lot) you probably won't have precum ” That doesn't have to be the case. How much precum is produced varies a lot from person to person. Some have almost none, some leak it the whole time.

  • Erection direction

    Benni90er - - Teen Sexuality


    Alright. So you were just super surprised by the fact someone didn't make a similar experience to you. Ok, now you know how different things can go. It's hard to see the intend behind plain text. The way you wrote it can sound kinda judging or pushing for others. Sometimes backround helps.

  • Erection direction

    Benni90er - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from professional retard: “Quote from Benni90er: “Then why not just write that? Why do you start to search for reasons without knowing anything about the person? A simple 'why' would make more sense in that case. ” you could reply many different ways and respond in many different ways technically I'm not wrong because it does imply that I am asking why ” For me it sounded a bit pushing. Like 'how can you not have had a bj at 15?' Like if that is something that shouldn't be that way.

  • Erection direction

    Benni90er - - Teen Sexuality


    Then why not just write that? Why do you start to search for reasons without knowing anything about the person? A simple 'why' would make more sense in that case.

  • Erection direction

    Benni90er - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from professional retard: “15 and haven't even gotten a blowjob? bruh either that's a fake picture of you, you're an incel, or you just start putting yourself out there. personally I just be who I am don't put on a fake facade be true to yourself and others. ” That is just dumb pressure. Let him live his life. You don't need to have certain things at a certain age. I am a virgin too and it doesn't bother me. What bothers me are people telling others what they should do/have done by a certa…

  • My puberty experience (M15)

    Benni90er - - Puberty


    That is a nice overview what happened when for you. I think you're right. This should be helpful for others to see what will happen and that it can have different timings. I better repeat what you said, because some don't know/see this: Puberty is different for everyone.

  • Quote from professional retard: “Quote from emily1: “On my back ” how the hell could you possibly get to sleep on your back ” I'd guess by closing her eyes

  • Donating Sperm

    Benni90er - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from DaxDax: “It’d be sweet if all you had to do was to have a good sperm count. You’d have to be healthy too I guess. I wonder what the going rate would be for the spermies from a healthy boy my age ” You have to be healthy too. Also it's beneficial if you don't have any deceases in your family that your children could get automatically. What do you mean by 'going rate'?

  • Creative ways to masturbate

    Benni90er - - LGBT


    Quote from siRius15: “Quote from Benni90er: “A man could use things like carrots or bananas while masturbating. But girls are looking for some ideas too it seems ” huh...carrots and bananas for men? do you mean to say they could eat it when they feel hungry during the job? ” There are people of all sexes who like to have something inside their butt hole. Those could use vegtables like that.

  • Creative ways to masturbate

    Benni90er - - LGBT


    A man could use things like carrots or bananas while masturbating. But girls are looking for some ideas too it seems

  • I think i got both roughly at the same time.

  • Groped / Rubbed against?

    Benni90er - - General Advice


    It's really hard to act up if that happens. Especially when you have low self-confidence. And these are the people who are victims the most often. It would be great if anyone who witnesses such behavior would help the victim by confronting the culprit.

  • I used the same and changed it after showering at home.

  • Quote from IsabeleMarie: “Quote from Benni90er: “I guess this question isn't for me anyways, but what does the last question mean? Also you wrote 2 questions 2 times ” already corrected and already put more options :)))Thanks for the call ” It's not corrected for me, but maybe the website has an error. Anyway, you're welcome

  • I think i got it, thank you. Still focus on your class. It will be benificial in the future if you learn now. It's only getting harder in the future.

  • I guess this question isn't for me anyways, but what does the last question mean? Also you wrote 2 questions 2 times.

  • Girls in male showers

    Benni90er - - Debate and Discussions


    I personally don't have any problem with that. For example: if a father goes into the male showers with his daughter so she doesn't have to be alone, that's totally fine. Other way around (a mom with a son) is also fine. I saw it happen (the first case) in showers and it was no big deal.

  • I think there is a similar thread for this already. But i can't find it at the moment. I am looking younger.

  • Experimenting

    Benni90er - - Puberty


    As long as every participant is consenting and being responsible it's fine.