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  • Re: What's your GPA?

    Tomski - - Education & Jobs


    Quote from Monster: “Letter grades and percentages are not standardized, therefore they are not a comparable measure of success at the national level, or even at a local level. In other words, an "A" at my school is completely different from an "A" at a different school. This is why standardized tests were created - to standardize academic proficiency. Granted, I have a 2340 SAT. 99.99th Percentile, bitches. :cool:” Ah I see, in the UK our grades are standardised across the country so someone ga…

  • Re: THE poll for THE best game ever

    Tomski - - Video Games


    The Total War series has occupied my life for the best part of 5 years

  • Re: Exams?

    Tomski - - Education & Jobs


    My AS exams start next week. I've already taken my French oral but I have these exams to do: French (Reading writing and listening) English Literature Biology History: France in Revolution History: Life in Nazi Germany 1933-45

  • Re: What's your GPA?

    Tomski - - Education & Jobs


    I never understood the whole point of averaging out grades, we don't do it in England. We look at the grade for each subject seperately and that's it.

  • Re: What do you think?

    Tomski - - Education & Jobs


    It really depends. You have to take into account many different factors when choosing a university. For example I could get the grades in my A Levels to go to Cambridge (A*AAa) but they don't offer joint honours so I wouldn't be able to take History and French, I would have to take History and try and keep my French up outside of my studies - which at Cambridge wouldn't leave much time for the language. I also don't think Cambridge is the experience I want, I really want to go to a big city such…

  • Has nobody said the Moomins yet? :eek:

  • Re: 50 Cent

    Tomski - - Music


    Haha, now that's saying something!

  • Re: 50 Cent

    Tomski - - Music


    Not my type of thing I'm afraid.

  • People that get over 100wpm must have to replace their keyboars pretty often :p

  • Re: Lady Gaga

    Tomski - - Music


    I've got her album and I've really gotten into it.

  • When I took one of the tests I got 74 wpm.

  • Infinity 2008 by Guru Josh Project - so I have it on repeat atm. It really makes me want to have a night out.

  • Re: What was the last CD/Album you bought?

    Tomski - - Music


    The Very Best Of Euphoric Dance Breakdown 2009

  • Re: Taylor Swift.

    Tomski - - Music


    I don't mind her but I wouldn't go out of my way to listen to her. If her song comes on the music channel in the common room I'll put up with it but I don't think its that good. I won't be going out to buy her album.

  • Read my copy of Attitude magazine (gay magazine in UK)

  • Re: College vs sixth form.

    Tomski - - Education & Jobs


    They're basically the same thing, only a 6th form is usually part of a school whereas a college is standalone. Therefore, if you go to college the majority of people will be your age, but some people may be a bit older. After the age of 19 you have to pay for college education I think. A lot of the time people enter college after a year of 6th form because it might not have been right for them. Also, colleges are usually the best place to go if you want to do a vocational course because they hav…

  • Re: Empire: Total War

    Tomski - - Video Games


    I love the Total War series but I fear that I won't be able to get ETW as I don't think my computer will run it

  • Re: Anybody watch Skins?

    Tomski - - Films, TV and Books


    I know, I love her naivity! It's quite a refreshing difference from the rest of them

  • Re: Anybody watch Skins?

    Tomski - - Films, TV and Books


    I love Pandora, I felt so sorry for her at the end of the last episode. I hate cook now.

  • Re: Skins

    Tomski - - Films, TV and Books


    I enjoyed the episode although I didn't like it as much as I liked the previous series. I think it has great potential though and in future episodes could surely rival the other series.