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  • Umm I have alot of stuff from Stitches, American Eagle, and a lot of other stores.

  • Same personality as I want in a guy Honest Trustworthy Laidback Sense of humour Fun to be with Some common interests would be nice Mature Outgoing Fairly Intelligent Good looks are just a bonus. I'm not shallow, but I wouldn't be human if I said I didnt like them. :p Though its kind of different for me cause I dont think I would be AS picky with girls. Just cause those experiences are fairly rare where I get to be with a female, but if it were gonna turn into something serious I would like her t…

  • I'm pretty shy, I don't really approach someone I don't know due to fear of making an ass of myself lol. I usually meet people through friends and school =P. But umm i'd probably make eye contact, and if the person does the same then i'd go up and make small talk like Sabrina said. But idk what do you say to a person you've never met before it would probably be really awkward but yeah xD. If all goes well with that I'd start flirting a little, and see what reaction I get. Ofcourse i'm guessing y…

  • Honest Trustworthy Laidback Mature Funny Romantic Intelligent Fun to be with Someone I can feel safe with Similar interests but not everything

  • In my opinion you should be honest with her, she may think your leading her on right now and its better to break it to her now than for her to be heartbroke later. Besides im sure when you give her a friendly card and the other girl more romantic stuff she will realize that you don't have feelings for her. I also agree with pitbull a friendly card would be perfect to get her. Nothing to do with love or commitment. Hope everything goes well.

  • Guys Conner Carson Jayden Ethan Brody Riley Girls Bella Chloe Carmalita Emily/Emma Brianna Hayley Nevaeh - Only for middle name though (Heaven backwards) Way too many..

  • Re: Who are your celeb crushes?

    SweetTemptations - - LGBT


    Kelly Thiebaud - [ame=]YouTube - Kelly Thibaud[/ame] Hot! Leighton Meester Jessica Alba ...And many more Guys... Chace Crawford Alex Evans Ed Westwick - Love his voice on GG Cam Gigandet Theres alot more im probably forgetting but meh.

  • Yeah I like it too :p It looks good both ways, so I cant really decide better or worst. But it looks really good.

  • Re: On a guy you rather have.

    SweetTemptations - - Fashion


    Lip ring for sure. I actually find them quite cute on some guys who can pull it off. And I would take it over nose ring any day

  • My first kiss was nothing romantic lol. My highschool was attatched to another school and we werent allowed going to the other school and they weren't allowed at ours. So me and this guy from one of my classes were just hanging out and wound up in the other school just wondering around flirting and we heard someone comming so I went into the boys bathroom, and he came in, kinda pushed me up against the wall and it just happened we started kissing. But he turned out to be a player so meh.

  • Re: I can't cum? x(

    SweetTemptations - - Teen Sexuality


    Wow, I have the same situation. I don't really get off when I do m-bate, and i'm really tight. Plus fingering myself does nothing what-so-ever for me. But when a guy touches me and so on everythings fine, well if he knows what he's doing anyways. And no I don't mean sex :p Besides I doubt your boyfriend would mind helping you out. Your pretty and that has nothing to do with being "overweight". Sorry I cant be much help, i'm in the same position.

  • No, I wish :p my friend's an equestrian though, she has a quarter horse. I've always wanted to take horseback riding though. Plus I want a miniature horse so badly lmao, their so cute.

  • If your still in school, and you know your going to have a child with this man eventually. Why don't you wait until you've finished and have a stable job. Having a child is far from easy! I love children I'm in the ECE program right now, and i'm the same age as you but having a child is the farthest thing from my mind right now. We don't care if you want to have a baby, its purely your decision were just giving you advice because you posted in this forum so stop arguing with every comment posted…

  • Re: Energy drinks

    SweetTemptations - - Health and Fitness


    I dont really drink energy drinks, i'm big on carbonated drinks Coke/Pepsi and Cream Soda. I've tasted a coupleof energy drinks but haven't found any I really like taste-wise.

  • Thanks guys :p. Its just confusing because he was the one who started to talk to me, and flirt with me, asking me if I liked him . Hes the one who arranged the hang out and then titled it a "Date". And then two days after nothing what-so-ever. Plus i'm in college at the moment, which makes it even worst seeing as I will be stressed out 50 percent of the time. So theres lots of obstacles in the way right now. I'm just going to be patient wait for him to contact me, and see what happens.

  • Okay so I met this guy a long time ago through a friend, but only recently started talking to him. We both like eachother and want to see where this could go. So he asked me to hang out with him the weekend that just passed and decided that he wanted it to be a date. I agreed, Friday and Saturday comes with no word from him not even a txt to cancel the plans. Sunday he told me that his sisters/relatives came down so he couldnt go out we txted back and forth a couple of times. He said hes off Tue…

  • FM static - Tonight, i used to listen to it all the time when one of my good friend's passed away. Also one life one love - epic high & tension, it was me and my ex's song.

  • "i never was too good with goodbyes you made it easy when your greed presided with all the evil that you've provided you still put the "good" in "goodbye" Stay away - Paramore

  • Love them, there reallyy good. And on a side note your friends have really hot cars haha.

  • Re: Cockroach

    SweetTemptations - - Creative Writing


    Its really good