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  • [FONT=&quot]So, what's your name? Jenna If the last person you kissed told you that kissing you was a mistake, what would your reaction be? Well….umm…cry? Whose hoodie did you last wear? Mine. Do you have a lighter on you? Nope Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your own bed? The bus Do you want to grow old with someone or be single forever? Old Where is your purse/wallet right now? Pocket Will you ever run away and get married with no notifications to your family? Maybe Do you …

  • Yeah, I'd tell the person next to me that he did it a bit too hard.

  • Re: Limewire.

    Trillium - - Technology and the Internet


    Limewire is the reason my computer crashed. I recommend frostwire. It's safer and more reliable.

  • Quote from Kaitlin: “yeah it's hella fun, every friday night i go on chat roulette, have some wine, and enjoy a nice cock fest. it's great.” :rofl: Haha now that's what I call a Friday night

  • That's very good that you've figured this out for yourself. Personally, I've tried that and it doesn't work for me, but like you said, hopefully someone will find it helpful. Good post.

  • Is there a night you would like to put on repeat, and live it forever? Yeah Can you recall the last time you liked someone a lot? Yes Anyone of the opposite sex been on your mind lately? Yeah Are all guys players and cheaters? No Do you talk on your cell phone when you drive? No Does ice cream make you happy? Yes Someone knocks on your window at 2 am, what do you say? What's wrong? Will you be in a relationship next month? Hope so Blizzard or Frosty? neither. What is something you don't want to …

  • What were you doing at 11 last night? Thinking Do you think you and your best friend will be friends in 10 years? I hope so What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of? Strawberries What's the craziest thing you've done? I don't know Someone knocks on your window at 5am, what do you say? What's wrong? Funniest thing that happened in the last 24 hours? had to explain a sex joke to stepmom Do you have any plans for the weekend? nah Would you change yourself for the person you lov…

  • Re: last one.

    Trillium - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    [FONT=&quot]Some different questions[FONT=&quot] your basics & appearance What is your name? Jenna Are you older or younger than 18? N/A What is your race? white. What color is your hair? Brown What color are your eyes? Blue Is your skin pale or tanned? Tanish Are you in shape? Yes What is your favorite physical feature of your body? Eyes. Are you more muscle or fat? Muscle[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=&quot]getting personal[FONT=&quot][/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Are your parents divorc…

  • Whether or not you want to get it over with is up to you. Some people want their first kiss to be with someone special, so they wait. If it's nothing to you, then fine, go get a one day boyfriend and have at it. But really, I know girls who have not had their first kiss, and they are 18. At 16, it's perfectly fine not to have your first kiss. It's not a big deal or anything. In my opinion I think you should just wait. You may be happier that way. But it's all up to you on what you want. But at y…

  • Re: Masturbated in school??

    Trillium - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from hanon: “it feels good. it can be lots of things, such as a form of greetting. unless you're at a family reunion or retirement center. lol” :rofl: ....

  • That was all very well said

  • Bacon, lettuce, tomato, ketchup, onions...and bacon

  • Re: Is smoking cool?

    Trillium - - General Advice


    Duh, of course it's cool to kill yourself and everyone around you with lung cancer. But really, no

  • Well it sounds like you are being emotionally abused. If it bothers you enough that you post it here and all, then I'd say yes. Going to the school can help. You may not have your own counselor, but all schools have counselors. Try and go talk to one, since the person you do talk to is not a relative and can't do much.

  • If there is any question in your mind at all, you are not ready. You need to not have in the back of your mind, "Am I ready for this?"

  • Re: School plays help!!

    Trillium - - Education & Jobs


    no problem

  • only 6 i think. was a horny day for me lol

  • You Are Incurious You are just not that interested in the world around you. You are content as is. You don't investigate much, and you're pretty reluctant to try anything new. Your world is probably quite safe, but it's also quite dull. Wake up! Pay closer attention to the world around you. It turns out that it's a pretty interesting place. That's true. I hate change