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  • What colour bra are you wearing

    LittleAnna - - Fashion



  • A question for the girls...

    LittleAnna - - Puberty


    Quote from BJade: “my brother isn't circumcised. Like most boys where I live aren't (what I've heard I haven't checked on them ) ” Maybe you should just to make sure

  • Celebrity crush

    LittleAnna - - Films, TV and Books


    I wondered what that tingling feeling was also add wetness as side effects I could watch this all night. silly question, Do you have any more? Lol.

  • Celebrity crush

    LittleAnna - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from Kara Zor-El: “obligatory Chloe gif 848ae129a29fe3ebeeff847a88fbe933.gif ” I'm not into girls but I could be turned for her.

  • Celebrity crush

    LittleAnna - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from corey_stratton: “my boi jack…e733789b48ce9fd7e4264d341 ” I tried to look up his boxers

  • Quote from Kara Zor-El: “Quote from LittleAnna: “Can you imagine if hallmark done cards for starting puberty Here's an idea for someone on etsy lol. ” like this??? 61AFRGxdJyS._AC_SL1500_.jpg ” That's it! You have found your next business idea lol.

  • Funny or wrong info

    LittleAnna - - Puberty


    Quote from notthatchrisevans: “It wasn't wrong, but when I first heard an older boy from school talk about how straight sex works, I could have sworn he was. I was probably 7 and told him he was mad. ” Haha, how did that chat go? a boy puts his thing inside a what? How? did you ask your parents? I don't remember when I first found out but I'm pretty sure I said "I'm not letting any boy put that near me" Now I'm like I want it! Lmao

  • Quote from mishe: “Sundress ” So you're the one that stole the sun lol. we want it back lol.

  • Funny or wrong info

    LittleAnna - - Puberty


    Quote from Natacha: “Quote from LittleAnna: “A biology teacher nervous taking about sex is not a good teacher. What did he mean to say? ” He was older and it was normally another teacher doing the sex ed.He was just saying that womens ring muscles are thicker than mens. ” Are they? I didn't know that. You taught me something new tonight. Perhaps you should become a sex ed teacher

  • Funny or wrong info

    LittleAnna - - Puberty


    A biology teacher nervous taking about sex is not a good teacher. What did he mean to say?

  • Do you moan?

    LittleAnna - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Orangeandlong: “I don’t really moan…I do breathe heavy when I am cumming…gf kinda sighs a lot. ” Why? is she bored?

  • Quote from Kara Zor-El: “no, but thinking about my life with bigger boobs could be fun. il_fullxfull.2617529930_1tgz.jpg ” Can you imagine if hallmark done cards for starting puberty Here's an idea for someone on etsy lol.

  • Funny or wrong info

    LittleAnna - - Puberty


    What funny or wrong information were you given about puberty or sex by friends when you were younger? One time I was 8 years old and another girl at school told me that when we are older girls lay eggs like chickens and they come out of our niffy (her name for vagina) lol. She misheard her older sister. Of course I asked my mum, I can't remember but I'm sure she found it funny but I remember her telling me that we do have eggs but they are very very tiny that you cannot see them. What funny/wron…

  • Quote from MaddieD: “I’ve only given one and I finished him with my hand ” I think that's the way I would want to do it too.

  • Humping

    LittleAnna - - Puberty


    Quote from joannainthemiddle: “Quote from LittleAnna: “I used to have a really big teddy that made a great humping partner. My mum threw him away when I was at school, I came home and my toys were gone she done it on a bin day so I would not get them out of the bin. She said I was too old for toys ” aww, that's sad, I bet you miss him! ” I did at first. It would have been worse if instead of throwing him out she gave him away eww!

  • Quote from Birds18: “When I woke up this morning I was exceptionally horny and pan pan abnormal amount of orgasm ” Cum central lol.

  • ends with a big BANG!

  • Pads or Tampons

    LittleAnna - - Puberty


    no, they look awkward and messy when removing them.

  • Your clit (girls)

    LittleAnna - - Puberty


    No. Some friends do though.

  • Humping

    LittleAnna - - Puberty


    Quote from Birds18: “So do you use a pillow now? ” Quote from Pultost: “Quote from LittleAnna: “I used to have a really big teddy that made a great humping partner. My mum threw him away when I was at school, I came home and my toys were gone she done it on a bin day so I would not get them out of the bin. She said I was too old for toys ” There's a good reason why teddies and other plushies are always smiling. ” Yes sometimes. He was my humping buddy, my naughty little sectret. The things he sa…