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  • Quote from Penelope: “Quote from joannainthemiddle: “Congratulations Penelope I hope it was a fun experience. ” Yes it was a fun experience though having to go for the morning after pill wasn’t ” Maybe some form of bc for you as well as condoms if you are planning on having sex again. X

  • First Bra.

    LittleAnna - - Fashion


    Quote from Penelope: “I was kind of happy to get one made me feel a bit more grown up, it was a bit uncomfortable at first but I got used to it ” I know what you mean, I felt really grown up but also took a while getting used to wearing one, it dug in and felt itchy at first and I though everyone could see I was wearing one. How old were you when you got yours?

  • Quote from Penelope: “Quote from naturelover-VT: “Quote from Penelope: “I kinda regret it because we didn’t use any protection ” Go to the gynecologist, there is still something to be saved. ” I got the morning after pill ” Did your mum go with you? are you on the pill now? get stocked up on condoms too. Xx

  • How's them moods doing?

    LittleAnna - - Puberty


    Yeah I have to admit I get moody and angry and sometimes just annoyed. It can be over stupid stuff or things not going right or just boredom. It's worse at different times of the month for Me and my mum. My little sister can be so annoying at times With three girls in the house I don't know how my poor dad puts up with mood swings from me and my mum and now my little sister.

  • Growth spurt!!

    LittleAnna - - Puberty


    i've had a couple of bigger growth spurts, the first was when I was9/10 , my mum didn't think I would grow much taller after I started my periods but I gradually grew and had the second one around 12. I'm through most of puberty so don't know if I will have another one now.

  • going commando with leggings?

    LittleAnna - - Fashion


    Don't you get camel toe if you go commando?

  • Halloween

    LittleAnna - - Fashion


    Quote from Kara Zor-El: “the choice is clear large_thumb.jpg ” Susshhh You shouldn't tell everyone lol.

  • Halloween

    LittleAnna - - Fashion


    Hi, If anyone is dressing up for Halloween this year have you decided on your costume or character? Here in the UK it is not as popular so I don't know if I will do anything. AXx

  • Contraception Survey

    LittleAnna - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from joannainthemiddle: “Quote from LittleAnna: “Quote from joannainthemiddle: “Quote from LittleAnna: “I don't have a boyfriend but my mum has talked to me about if I wanted to go on bc and bought me condoms just in case. She said when I get a boyfriend she is going to put me on bc. That way if I do have sex then I have protection. ” Well it's good to think ahead but even when you get a boyfriend it doesn't mean you have to have sex with him. ” I know, She just wants to make sure that I h…

  • Contraception Survey

    LittleAnna - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from joannainthemiddle: “Quote from LittleAnna: “I don't have a boyfriend but my mum has talked to me about if I wanted to go on bc and bought me condoms just in case. She said when I get a boyfriend she is going to put me on bc. That way if I do have sex then I have protection. ” Well it's good to think ahead but even when you get a boyfriend it doesn't mean you have to have sex with him. ” I know, She just wants to make sure that I have protection and for me to be safe and not get pregna…

  • Underage Sex

    LittleAnna - - Debate and Discussions


    My mum told me that she would rather I wait until I'm older but she also knows that girls my age and older will have underage sex so she said if I'm going to have sex then she would rather I do it in my bedroom so at least I'm in a safe place and to make sure we both have protection.

  • Quote from BJade: “that it started when it did (as one of the first, if not actually first, in my class) ” Kind of the same for me. I was suddenly getting what at the time I thought older girls got. I didn't realise when these changes would start as none of my friends had started.

  • Contraception Survey

    LittleAnna - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from mishe: “Been on the pill 3 months now ” Did you go on the pill for bc or to help with periods? Did you ask your mum if you could go on it or did you start it by yourself? Xx

  • First Bra.

    LittleAnna - - Fashion


    Quote from footballgirl08: “I was happy to get one, my mum noticed that I was starting to show a bit so she took me to get some ” Did you go for the normal bra that fastened at the back of a sports bra type?

  • Quote from footballgirl08: “I started to get pubic hair first, just started to get some armpit hair now ” Will you shave your pit hair or grow it out? Xx

  • Quote from Anastasia T: “I haven't started puberty yet and I still don't have hair anywhere.. ” You're only 11, it won't be long now. Then the fun begins lol. Xx

  • Guys and Girls

    LittleAnna - - Puberty


    Quote from Giannaisawesome: “Quote from LittleAnna: “I started masturbating around the same time as I started puberty. My mum got me a book about puberty and there was a section on masturbation so I gave it a try. At first it just felt nice doing it then as I got older It has got a lot better. ” What did the book tell you about it? ” A picture shows different parts down there and goes on about different feelings we get and points out the clit is sensitive and gentle rubbing of it is called mastu…

  • Guys and Girls

    LittleAnna - - Puberty


    I started masturbating around the same time as I started puberty. My mum got me a book about puberty and there was a section on masturbation so I gave it a try. At first it just felt nice doing it then as I got older It has got a lot better.

  • Contraception Survey

    LittleAnna - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't have a boyfriend but my mum has talked to me about if I wanted to go on bc and bought me condoms just in case. She said when I get a boyfriend she is going to put me on bc. That way if I do have sex then I have protection.

  • Quote from XSVENX: “I was 10 when I got my first hairs around my penis. But I was 11 when everything started growing very fast and when my voice broke. ” What was your reaction to seeing your first hairs?