Search Results

Search results 41-60 of 256.

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  • 1. What was the highlight of your week? Meeting Charlie for the first time last night 2. Whose car were you in last? Mums 3. When is the next time you will kiss someone? I dunno..! 4. What color shirt are you wearing? Grey 5. How long is your hair? Longg 6. Are you good looking? I dont know!! 7. Last movie you watched? Wind in the Willows :D 8. Who were you with? My dog 9. Last thing you ate? Dark chocolate Toberlarone mmm 10. Last thing you drank? Milk 11. When was the last time you had your he…

  • Re: 99 truths.

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    About Me 1. real name: Jessica 2. like it: Yep (: 3. single or taken: Single 4. zodiac sign: Virgo 5. male or female: Female 6. age: 16 7. height: 5ft 4.5inches haha 8. lucky number: 11 or 22 9. eye color: Blue/grey 10. hair color: Light brown/blonde 11. long or short: Medium 12. marital status: Single 13. are you a health freak: Sometimes 14. height: Already said ^ 15. do you have a crush on someone: Nope 16. do you like yourself: Sometimes 17. piercings: Just ears 18. tattoos: None 19. righty …

  • Re: Just You

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1. Whats your favourite sandwich filling? Seafood 2. Do you have any style icons? Alesha Dixon 3. Whats your skin colour? Sometimes Im tanned, but not at the moment 4. What colours do you like to wear? Grey, blue 5. What do you like most about yourself? Dunno :/ 6. What colour eyeshadow do you wear? None normally or a shimmery brown colour 7. What colour are your eyebrows? Dark brown/black 8. Do you keep your armpit hair? No :L 9. If someone hot asked to see you naked for $200 dollars, would you…

  • Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? closed Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? yeah Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? out Have you ever stolen a street sign before? nope Do you like to use post-it notes? yeah Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? sometimes Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? a swarm of bees Do you have freckles? not many Do you always smile for pictures? yep What is your biggest pet pee…

  • Re: A-Z survey

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    A - Available yes B - Best Friend jenny etc. C - Crush nobody D - Dad's Name richie E - Easiest Person To Talk To mum F - Favorite Band dunno G - Gummy Bears Or Worms neither- they contain gelatine i think H - Hometown near here I - Instrument piano J - Job paper girl :') and kennels K - Kids none L - Longest Car Ride germany - 20 hours M - Milk Flavor cocoanut N - Number Of Siblings 3 O - One Wish ... P - Phobias hoovers, flies Q - Favorite Quote got lots R - Reason To Smile im alive S - Song Y…

  • 1. Who was your first love? ermm phil 2. Who was your first kiss and when? ... 3. Who was your first prom date? we have prom in 6th form 4. Who was your first room mate? not had one yet 5. What was your first job? paper round lol, first proper job was kennels 6. What was your first car? i cant drive yet :] 7.When did you go to your first funeral? never been to one 9. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown? still very near to hometown but about 2 10. Who was your first grad…

  • yes, i feel like this a lot... guilty x

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    ...Jess... - - Teen Sexuality


    hug :p

  • Just be happy that you have her as a girlfriend and realise that because of this, you must be a pretty amazing person too or she wouldn't be going out with you. Perhaps you just don't see the ways in which you shine- and she probably envies you for those! About being productive, this is easy to achieve! Find some things that you love and devote to these- busy yourself! Good luck

  • maybe you should show them an edited version of your first post, it was quite emotional and it would be hard to remember all your points you've made in a conversation with them.. good luck

  • Re: Who are you?

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1. I’m a boy. 2. I’m gay. 3. I’ve kissed a girl. 4. I’ve kissed a boy. 5. I have a facebook account. 6. I have a myspace account. 7. I know who Sid Vicious is. 8. I wear glasses. 9. I’m left-handed. 10. I’m flat-footed. 11. I write stuff on my skin. 12. I have Sex Pistols in my iPod. 13. I smoke. 14. I drink. 15. I’m agoraphobic. 16. I wanna leave home when I turn 18. 17. I hate my school. 18. Someone already broke my heart. 19. I aready broke someone’s heart. 20. I prefer books over movies. 21.…

  • Re: survey* [:

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Be quick as u can. U have 3 sec for each answer to honestly put what comes to mind. . . never know what ur sub-conscious may be telling U. . give it a try, remember 3 sec's. 1. I need a cigarette: louise 2. Sex: ew :L 3. Relationships: no 4. Your Last Ex: phil 5. Power:​ max 6. Marijuana: mental 7. Crack: roley 8. Food: junk 9. This President: america 10. War: bad 11. Cars: red 12. Gas Prices: america 13. Halloween: pumpkin 14. Bon Jovi: lol 15. Religion: christianity 16. MySpace: rubbish 17. Wo…

  • Re: All About YOU x

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    When's your birthday? 1st september what's your star sign? virgo Where is your birthplace? UK Where have you lived in the past? just UK but two different places Are you in a relationship? nopee Are you a virgin? yess If no, do you regret losing your virginity when you did? - Do you want kids? maybe one day Do you want to get married? not at the moment! Have you consumed alcohol? yes Have you smoked a cigarette? no Have you smoked a cigar? no Have you wanted to kill yourself? mm thought about it …

  • Re: one word !

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Fart? - eww Lettuce? - wet Santa Claus? - yayyyy! Fingers? - piano Hospital? - cross Air Freshener? vanilla Explosion? - orange Erection? - penis Lady penis? - tranny Body bag? - dead Bible? - church Missing? - persons Pepsi? - green Lightbulb? - clever Limewire? - music Clowns? - unhappy Fill in the blanks. I like to read. Dance Dance to the musicccc. I wanna rock DJ. We’re burning down the dance floor. Lets drink to us. List 5 family members. mum dad younger brother older sister older sister A…

  • I would [go skydiving] for [1000] pounds. If I had a [guinea pig] I’d name it [woody]. My friend [jenny] is [super duper]. If I made a movie it would be about [animals (;] and I’d call it [hmm...]. When I was [5] I was [cute]. My s/o [?] is such a [?] Barack Obama [does not interest me]. Love is [painful]. If I was drunk I’d be more likely to [be laughing at something that wasnt funny.. a lot]. If I could make my own man/woman, he/she would have [good looks], [intelligence], and [love]. Everyone…

  • How do you handle heartache? ive never delt with it Do you listen to love songs when you're down? yep Was the last person you were in a car with under the age under the age of 21? no Have you told anybody you loved them today and meant it? yess Did you ever look through a bf/gf's phone when they weren't looking? nope Do you prefer to fix the problems or just end the relationship? try and fix the problems as long as they arent too big and the partner is willing to help Has someone ever made a pro…

  • Has a boy sat on your bed before? yepp Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night ? more for once haha How many TRUE friends do you have that you can tell anything to? a couple What kind of cell phone do you have? nokia N95 but want a new one Are you wearing socks ? yepp Who was the last person you took a picture with? katie from emmerdale :D:D Have you ever seen your best friend cry? yeh Who was the last person you talked to on the phone ? jenny How old will you turn in 2010? 17 Are you a j…

  • Re: begin

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Newest of the newest questions, you ready? yeah right yes I say girls, you say? stick people :') Did you ever think you had the swine flu? yes haha, i could have.. Name something you dislike about the day you're having? its gone too quick for the amount of things i have to do Is it cute when guys/girls kiss you on your forehead? i suppose it would be Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? mum If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose? ooh …

  • Re: ABC me

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    A - AVAILABLE: yes B - BIRTHDAY: september 1 C - CRUSHING ON: nobody D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: blueberry juice yum yum E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: mum hehe F - FAVORITE SONG: ermm got loads G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: none- im veggie :] H - HOMETOWN: somewhere in the UK I - IN LOVE WITH: nobodyy ! J – JUGGLE: nahh K - KILLED SOMEONE: no lol L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: to germany ! M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: cocoanut N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: three O - ONE WISH: to be rich, id spend it well R - REASON TO …

  • Re: survey . (:

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1. This survey gets a little personal; can you handle it? yehh 2. If you married the last person you texted, what would your last name be? crane 3. Were you happy when you woke up today? noo 4. When were you on the phone last? And with who? ermm not sure 7. What are you excited for? going to see the puppies on wednesday! 8. What were you doing yesterday? dancing and partyy 9. Honestly, who was the last person to tell you they love you? my mum lol 10. What's the last thing you put in your mouth? …