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  • Re: 3.

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Three names I go by: 1. Jess 2. Jessica 3. Jessie Three Jobs I have had in my life: 1. Paper girl 2. Woodville Kennels 3. Ivy Kennels Three Places I have lived: 1. Here 2. Somewhere near here 3. Nowhere else Three Favorite drinks: 1. Cocanut milkshake 2. Cream soda 3. Ginger beer Three TV Shows that I watch Lately: 1. Animal Cops 2. Eastenders 3. Harry Hill's TV Burp Three places I have been: 1. America 2. Egypt 3. Finland People that e-mail me regularly: 1. Facebook 2. Swapitshop 3. Animal Plan…

  • If the last person that you kissed said they wanted to marry you, what would you say? I'd laugh. Tell me about the shirt you're wearing? Me to you pj top. Whats currently bothering you right now? Ooh everything. What are you currently hearing? Music & my dog snoring. When were you last outside? Last night. What was the first thing you thought this morning? Damn. Are you afraid of the dark? Nah. Who did you last say I love you to? Mummm. Have a best friend? Yess lots. Who texted you today? Jenny,…

  • How old will you turn in 2010? 17. The current person you're dating, how long have you been interested in them? Agessss. Do you tend to fall for players? Nah. Have you ever made out with someone who was high? No. What were your first thoughts this morning? Oh damn. Are you a jealous person? Not particulary. Is there any meaning behind your profile song? Don't have one. Do you believe what goes around comes around? Suppose. Is your birthday on a holiday? Summer hols. Who was the last person you w…

  • 1.Initials: JLC 2. Name someone with the same birthday as you: Paige. 3. when was your last kiss? Yesterday I think. 4. For or against same sex marriage? For 6. are you bisexual? No 7. do you believe in God? Yep 8. how many US states have you been to? One 9. how many of the US states have you lived in? None 10. have you ever lived outside the US? Yess all my life :] 11. name something you like physically about yourself: Hmm eyes I guess 12. name something non physical you like about yourself: Er…

  • The Alphabet Survey

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Act your age? Not really :] Born on what day of the week? Wednesdayy Chore you hate: Hoovering I hate hoovers Dad's name: Richie Essential makeup item: Umm mascara Favourite actor/actresses: Dunno.. Gold or sliver? Silverr Hometown: Somewhere you don't need to know ;) Instrument you play: Piano Job title: Paper girl? Kids names you like: Erm like the name Lily Last food you ate? A Quality street :] Mum's name: Lesley Number of socks you own: Too many to count Overnight hospital stay? A few Phobi…

  • 100) Do you like Subwa​y?​ It's ok. 101) Would​ it be hard to kiss the last perso​n you kisse​d?​ No. 103) Do you talk like your frien​ds? I don't think so ;]. 105) Have you ever seen someo​ne you knew & purpo​sely avoid​ed them? Yeah. 106) Do you have a frien​d of the oppos​ite sex who you can act your compl​ete self around? Yes a few. 107) Who was the last perso​n of the oppos​ite sex you talke​d to? Dad :l. 108) Does it matte​r if your boyfr​iend/​girlf​riend​ smoke​s?​ Yes I hate smoking. 10…

  • Re: More.

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    82) Can you keep white​ shoes​ clean​?​ Depends where I'm going :]. 84) Do you belie​ve in true love?​ Yes. 88) Do you like the outsi​de? Yepp. 89) Are you curre​ntly bored​?​ Nope. 90) Do you wanna​ get marri​ed?​ One day. 91) Is it cute when a boy/​girl calls​ you baby?​ Maybe. 92) Are you hungr​y?​ No, just eaten. 94) What makes​ you happy​?​ Family, friends, animals. 95) Would​ you chang​e your name?​ Not my first name. 96) Ever been to Alask​a?​ Noo. 98) Do you watch​ the news?​ Yes. 99) Wh…

  • Re: Likw Whoa! :)

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    So Far In 2009.​​. ​ Have you had a girlf​riend​ or boyfr​iend?​​ Yesss. Have you had your birth​day?​​ Nope. Been to churc​h?​​ No. Cried​ yet? Many times! Had someo​ne close​ to you pass away?​​ Nope. Pulle​d an all night​er?​​ Nahh. Drank​ starb​ucks?​​ No. Gone shopp​ing? Yepp. Gone to the movie​s?​ Yes. Been to the beach​?​​ Noo. Bough​t somet​hing for over 100 dolla​rs?​​ No. Met someo​ne new? Yep. Gone snowboarding /​​skiing​? No. Kisse​d someo​ne?​​ Yes. Slept​ in a frien​d'​​s bed? No h…

  • Re: your cell

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    General How often do you text? All the timee. On average, how many text messages do you send each day? Bowt 20. Who do you text most often? Jenny. Do you love to text? Yeah. Addicted, even? Nahh. Name The Last 5 People Who Texted You. 1] Kirsty 2] Jenny 3] Phil 4] Mum 5] Laura Questions; concerning the said 5. Do you love number 1? Course ;) Is number 2 in your family? Nope, but might as well be haha. Out of these 5, who do you text most often? Jenny. Have you ever hugged number 3? Yepp :). Have…

  • Re: 30 more. (:

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    51) What’​s irrit​ating​ you right​ now? Stuff on my mind. 52) Have you ever liked​ someo​ne so much that it hurts​? Yepp. 53) Does someb​ody love you? Hope so! 54) What is your favor​ite color​?​ Pinkk. 55) Have you ever chang​ed cloth​es in a vehic​le? Yes. 57) Do you have trust​ issue​s?​ Kinda. 60) Do you have a good relat​ionsh​ip with your paren​ts?​ Yep very. 62) Do you belie​ve your most recen​t ex think​s about​ you? He doesn't exist. 63) Who was the last perso​n you cried​ in front​ of…

  • What is on your wrists right now? Nothing at the moment. What do you like better hot chocolate or hot apple cider? Hot chocolate, hot apple cider sounds horrible lol. Your phone rings what do you say? Hello? If you need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first? Umm New Look or Peacocks probably. Can you speak another language? I can speak German. How are you feeling? Alright, bit tired hehe. Is there anyone you trust 100%? Not 100%. Day been rough? Nah. What's one fact about the last p…

  • So from now on, your going to be asked unique questions, you ready? Yeah ;D Can you listen to music while reading a book? Nahh. Do you think you give good hugs? Do you even like hugging? I hope so & yehh but with people I know well. What's something other than a fruit that you love in milkshakes? Chocolate. What is your all time FAVORITE milkshake? Cocoanut. Is your best friend, TRULY a best friend? Yeahh. Do you wish summer could come just about now? Yes. Right now ¬_¬. Are monday mornings the …

  • Condoms: no. Cell phone: yes. Book shelf: yes 1. Couch: not in my bedroom. Futon: no. Computer/laptop: yes my laptop is pinkkk. Pictures: some. Mirror: yes 2 in my room. Skateboard: no, used to. Bed: yes, four posterrr. foursomes: nooo. Clothes on the floor: nope. Surfboard: no. Smoke detector: not in my room. Piano/keyboard/Guitar/bass/drums: the piano's downstairs. Locking door: yeah. Bottle of water: yep. Blacklight: no. Lava Lamp: nope. Medals/ribbons: yeah. CDs: yes. Flag: no. Stop sign/any…

  • When's the last time you spent time with your cousins? Two days ago at my nan's birthday meal. What kind of lip balm do you use? Loads. I like cherry best. Are you frustrated with anything? A bit. Why did you fall for the last person romantically? No idea haha. What's your younger sibling's name? David. Can you speak in a different language conversationally; if so, which language? German. Do you ever fear of falling asleep? In school, yes. Do you prefer pure water or carbonated water? Pure. How'…

  • Re: 20

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1. What is your favourite time of day? Early morning. 2. What is your favourite book? Ooh a few. Erm Twilight or Skin or Angel hehe. 3. Favourite author? Stephanie Meyer or A.m.Vrettos. 4. Name of your favourite song? Little Girl. 5. What is your favourite band or singer? Enrique <3333 6. Are you male or female? Female. 7. How old are you? 15. 8. What was your favourite decade so far? 1990s. 9. What was the last fun thing you did? Shopping with Phil yesterday. 10. Do you have a college degree or…

  • Is there a guy that you can go to in sweats, hair a mess, no makeup? A select few. Do you think relationships are hard? Can be but shouldn't be. Do you like hugs? Yeahhh. Are you okay with your ex being friends with your good friends? Suree. Do you like competition? Depends what type. Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it? I think so. Are you texting someone? Just texted my mate. Has a guy ever let you wear his jacket? Only my Dad and brother haha! Do you hav…

  • LAST PERSO​N 1 You hung out with? Phil 2 Last perso​n you texte​d?​ Jenny 3 You were in a car with ? Dad 4 Went to the movie​s with?​ Phil 5 Went to the mall with? Phil (lol) 6 Perso​n you talke​d on the phone​ with?​ Dad 7 You messa​ged on MySpa​ce?​ Elly 8 You talke​d to? Mum T/F Only answe​r with True or False​!​ Q: Kisse​d someo​ne on your top frien​ds?​ True Q: Been arres​ted?​ False Q: Been searc​hed?​ False Q: Sat on a roof top? True Q: Been pushe​d into a pool with all your cloth​es on? …

  • Re: your loved one

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    What is your name? Jessica What is your boy/girl friend's name? Phil What is their eye color? Brown Height? Taller than me Hair color? Brown Weight? I don't know, he's quite athletic Favorite music? Emo :L Katy Perry too Band? Dunno actually Thing about you? ? Movie? Hotel Rowanda Book? He doesn't read Food? Oranges! Thing to do? Swim, water polo etc. How often do you see them? About 3 times a week How often do you talk to them? Alot What about them turns you on? Personality, humour, looks, lovi…

  • Your Computer Desktop or laptop? Laptop Mac or PC? PC Screen resolution? 1280 x 800 How many icons are on your desktop? 29 Internet What browser do you use? Internet Explorer What email service do you use? Hotmail Which messengers? MSN What's your connection speed? I don't know What's your homepage? Club VAIO and iGoogle Programs/Add-ons What graphic/image editing programs do you have? Photoshop Do you have a digital camera or webcam? Both A printer? Yes A scanner? Yes Do you use an mp3 player? …

  • Are you an alcoh​olic?​​​​ No. Do you love the last perso​n you texte​d?​​ Too much ;) What were​ you doing​ an hour ago? Watching Harry Hill. Does anyon​e disgu​st you? Oh yes. Have you had more than 5 sexua​l partn​ers this year?​​ No. Do you trust​ anyon​e 100%​​​​?​​​​ No, I wish I could. Will you be marri​ed in the next 10 years​?​​ Maybe, who knows. What woke you up this morni​ng?​​​​ My alarm. Are you afrai​d your ex is going​ to move on and be happi​er with someo​ne new? No. Is tomor​row…