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  • Er. Dont speak to my dad. Mum and Stepdad i used to hate, so i moved out. Truth is, you dont know what you got til its gone!! I appreciate them more now.

  • Re: guys:butt or tits?

    SugarrBum - - Teen Sexuality


    My mans more of a BOOBIES man.. As i have good tits, not much of an ass. God i wish i did though :[

  • I havent done anything with my shower head... Haa. And i dnt do it in the swimming pool. This is quite amusing :] Sex in the bath is good.. Dnt masturbate on the regular though.

  • Re: Shallowness

    SugarrBum - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Mmm first impressions do mean alot. So appearances do matter, however much girls say about personality. I wouldnt be with someone who was gorgeous but had a personality of a wet lemon.. So persoanlity is KEY. But i think you have to be attracted to the person too. And excuse you, we arent ALL shallow.

  • ^^ Yea i agree ^^ I think this is going to test how much you like eachother. If he realy does 'love you', then he would be more than happy to wait for you, so i wouldnt worry about him splitting up with you. But then again, if he does. Then he isnt worth the worry. Dont back down and do it because you dnt wna lose him. You sound better than that!! If he cant wait, he isnt worth fretting over.

  • ... Hmm, why was she making him touch her hair? lol Was it to make you jealous? Was the relationship good? I think you should either talk to her about it, see how she feels.. Or just try and move on, do what your heart says. You dnt wna look back asking 'what if?' :]

  • .... Its the best feeling in the world.. And people who question if they love someone? Then they have NEVER felt it.

  • Quote from CornFlakes: “I believe in soul mates, once you have found that special one you will love them forever.” I completely agree with you :] I dont think you can explain 'love'. I think its indesribable,[if thats a word]:confused: I believe everybody has a soulmate, some peeople find theirs young or it may takea while. When you do, its unexplainable. You will love them forever.. And for those of you who arent sure of what a soulmate consists of... GOOGLE IT :]

  • Wow. :] My driving teacher has been with his wife since he was 17. My nan and grandad have been married 51 years, since they were 19 :] I hope i marry my currrent boyfriend, ive found the one. Lets hope im one of the lucky ones..

  • I dnt see a problem, ive done it(: But i didnt have a kid, he did. lol Aslong as your feelings are true, why not? :] Good Luck with him ..:]

  • Re: How Long Does Sex Last?

    SugarrBum - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Emz_x0x: “Not long enough usually :rofl:” Haaa well said!! but me and my bf last 30 minutes to an hour and a half, just depends really :]

  • Thats how i am, i can get really jealous. But you seriously need to talk to him about it. You shouldnt be made to feel like that, you really shouldn't. Why did he invite her for ice cream?? :confused:

  • im not the only one then :]

  • Yea, i have DD but wish they were a little smaller .. D Cnt complain yet tho, as ive never had any complaints about the size.

  • I was like 14 i think,.

  • I would love to be as skinny as that!!! I hate the weight i am, infact i dnt know if im slim, fat, hugely fat or whatever.. My bf likes it, but hey he has to lol! Personally i think im fat, and would love to be skiinny like her..

  • Re: Do you smoke?

    SugarrBum - - Health and Fitness


    No way, its a dusgusting habbit. Never have, never will. Eurgh. Dnt normally date people who smoke either.

  • I used to have them on my boobs.. I went on the pill 2 years ago and went frm a B do a D. But they arent there anymore, used to have them on both hips, where i put weight on when i quit dancing, then i went back and lost it all again, still have one mark on my left hip, but am getting a tattoo over it :] Baaa

  • Re: Confused?

    SugarrBum - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from rachel_freshman09: “Liam, I'm not a fool for waiting. (i don't mean this rude) I want to be able to tell my husband that I waited for him, and having sex for the first time with him will be so much more special. The truth is, you are acting very foolish if you don't wait. You could get a disease, get a girl pregnant or if you're a girl get pregnant yourself. I know there is birth control and condomns, but neither are 100% effective no matter how careful you are. The most important par…

  • Re: Friend Advice

    SugarrBum - - Friends and Family


    Just dnt mention anything about it now you have it back.. If she asks about it [which i doubt she would].. Just explain to her why, say it cost you alot of money. And then explain, that you still need to use it for the mean time, and that your sorry. She should understand :]