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  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    JC - - Sports


    If he is completely relaxed a neck strike might work... I've never really been hit with one because they are pretty easy to defend. Just bring your shoulders up and your chin down. Your Wing chun teacher sounds legit btw. BJJ is pretty useful if you want to learn how to defend yourself on the ground, how to get up and how to control people. I hope you can find some time one day. Bro, all those punches look pretty solid to me. Bas Rutten is in the first video and he strikes with an open palm. It …

  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    JC - - Sports


    Quote from tethys: “sorry but i have to tell you you don't have clue about anything else then MMA. nowadays most of the people think that usefull martial arts are only those who are in the octagon. well thats the biggest garbage you can say. there is huge difference if you are fighting for sport, to entertain people or if you learn how to fight to survive. - of course there isn't BJJ in the JKD because it's street fighting art. it is really the worst idea to start choking the guy or doing kimura…

  • Re: Looking good.

    JC - - Health and Fitness


    Cycling. Kickboxing. Boxing. Running. Go to the gym. Most gyms have some really intense cardio classes that also tone you.

  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    JC - - Sports


    Quote from dusk: “No offence man but your pretty much doing the same thing, saying "I'll win a fight against any boxer, because I do MMA!" "MMA fighters are the best in the world!"” None taken bro. I know I kinda am. I greatly respect boxers bro. I really enjoy boxing, and I am actually training in boxing right now. It's just that in my opinion, MMA is the best. Why? It isn't fixed. when you say boxing, or karate, or jiu jitsu you get punching, punching and kicking, grappling. MMA is everything.…

  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    JC - - Sports


    Quote from tethys: “without a doubt MMA is the best thing you can do in the ring and sometimes on the street. by sometimes i mean: - MMA will always win against any other ring sport like boxing, muay thai( if the fighter have equal knowledge, of course a beginner mma fighter doesn't stand a chance if the other guy has trained for a long time ... simply because none of the stand up fighters don't know what to do on the ground. this goes if fight is 1on 1. if there are more guys against you going …

  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    JC - - Sports


    Quote from dusk: “What I meant is that not all MMA fighters actually have a good ground game, and not all of them would try to use theirs either, so with a little bit of training, a boxer could easily get used to sprawls and kicks (or I would think, I used to only fight with hands, it wasn't so hard for me) the biggest thing(no pun intended) would be the gloves I think, I'm so much more of a badass when i have those big ass gloves to work with, but that's why I only fight bare knuckle now. By th…

  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    JC - - Sports


    Quote from Journal: “We should match up Brock Lesnar and Mike Tyson and see what happens.” Brock Lesnar would take Iron Mike down really fast and pound his face in or choke him out, no contest. MMA fighters are the best. The might not have the best hands, but they waaaay more than make up for it with their other tools. ---------- Post added at 09:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 PM ---------- Quote from lostpariah: “And that other 5% of the population? MMA fighters. Remember UFC 1, wh…

  • Re: Life After Death?

    JC - - Debate and Discussions


    Your body becomes one with the earth, your soul goes wherever it goes.

  • facebook-40x40.jpg myspace-40x40.jpg twitter-40x40.jpg su-40x40.png You Are a Bubble Gum Bubble You are bold, daring, and totally outrageous. You love breaking rules. You are a bit of a show off, and you love to shock people with your antics. You have a wild streak, and you love to be challenged. You're dying to be dared. You are over the top, and that's what people love about you. You refuse to be normal.

  • tell him that as long as it isnt copyrighted it'll be fine. Promise to do cool things for him.

  • Re: Weight Loss Tips

    JC - - Health and Fitness


    Eat a bit less, but do not starve yourself. Keep this in mind: 3500 calories = 1 pound of fat. Try to lay off the carbs a bit and only eat them when you need them to get energy for a workout. Unused carbs become fat in your body.

  • Re: Mentor

    JC - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    Nice to hear that you are back on track and willing to help others get back on track. Welcome to TeenHut, and I look forward to hearing more from you.

  • Re: why won't any 1 go out with me

    JC - - General Advice


    Dude don't sweat it man. Just talk to girls more. You are barely 14. Some unlucky bastards are 17 and are in a worse situation.

  • Re: Thoughts on abortion.

    JC - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “The fact that your alive means you've killed countless once living organisms your self. So don't bring that bullshit into the argument.” Lol? That argument is moot. He was just the fastest sperm. That's all. He didn't kill anybody on purpose.

  • Re: Thoughts on abortion.

    JC - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Batgirl: “No. I know hate is a strong word, but it's not strong enough. I -hate- children. I'd be happy to never see one ever again. Ever. There's very few children I don't hate. So, naturally, I'd be happy to shank one out of me if the need occurred.” You were a child once... Why would you hate children?

  • Magikarp splash attack!

  • Re: Best ways to lose weight?

    JC - - Health and Fitness


    I heard that eating cinnamon boosts metabolism as well. Just don't eat a bunch of Cinnamon sprinkled bread... Do exercise and eat healthily. Try to cut down on the carbs unless you need them for working out. Eat less calories than what you need to lose weight. Keep this in mind : 1 pound of fat = 3.5k calories.

  • Re: Thoughts on abortion.

    JC - - Debate and Discussions


    Suicide is stupid... Nothing positive comes out of it. Only negative things come out of it. Why wouldn't it be? LOL? I didn't mean the pro-abortioners moved away from the tools. I meant the fetus did. It feels pain and tries to move away and to survive. But it obviously can't. It IS someone. Like I said, it doesn't magically change from an object to a human being once it's out of the mother and it is given a name. And like Lukla said, we are all clumps of cells. Not just fetuses.

  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    JC - - Sports


    Quote from dusk: “No man, an MMA fighter might be the best, but it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that he practices for using MMA rules, most fights in the street are unfair, and involve moves that definitely aren't allowed in the UFC. Kimbo isn't a street fighter by the way. I agree with the fact that there should be less rules, but boxers aren't any worse off than anyone else who prefers to stand up if they know how to make the opponent play their game.” The thing is man, that in th…

  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    JC - - Sports


    Quote from dusk: “MMA guys aren't necessarily better, if you put most MMA guys in a boxing ring, they would get smashed, same thing the other way around, and neither of them are the ultimate street fighters.” That's because MMA fighters are more complete fighters, not boxers. Boxers only have the better hands most of the time. Boxing has too many rules. It's like saying " sure the boxer kicked my ass under kickboxing rules, but lets fight under tae kwon do rules ( only kicks above the waist.) " …