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  • Ugh, I don't think I would. I honestly have a hard time looking at other people's flesh, let alone eating it. So, no, I don't think I would resort to cannibalism. I'd just try to find something, anything, that would provide the nutrients I need to survive.

  • Re: Pushy pushy...

    armyforthebroken - - Friends and Family


    I can relate seeing how both my parents can be stubborn, as well. Dealing with the kind of pressure your family members put on you is tough, but the best thing I can think of doing is if you just stick it out and tell them how much you're really trying (even if they are stubborn to listen.) Try to talk to them individually, if you can, and persuade them into loosening their grips on you. If you think their approach is wrong, tell them about it. It's wrong for them to pressure you into making fri…

  • Hey Chantel, there's only so much you can do to help him. If he's depressed for a while now, there must be something wrong with him. He needs to go see a doctor and get a prescription to anti-depressants, anything that will help him (if, of course, he has clinical depression). If, assuming he does have clinical depression, it might be wise if you just put this "relationship" that the two of you have on hold for now, until he gets better. If he doesn't have clinical depression and if it's just so…

  • Hey there, I can honestly say that it will take time to get over somebody that you really had deep feelings for; everything takes time and process. And everybody has their own way of dealing with these kind of issues. As hearttbeats have mentioned, music can be a cure. Find an artist or song that relates to the kind of situation you are faced with. To some people, just laying down on your bed and listening to a song can really help. And of course, try to focus your attention on something/somebod…

  • Re: Concert....? Help

    armyforthebroken - - General Advice


    Hey there, This is going to be mighty long, so brace yourself: Quote: “However, my problem is that I'm pretty much a loser. I've had to switch high schools three times and I've gotten to the point where I just don't even try to make friends and I don't talk, period. I'm like really really really shy and I've really gotten paranoid about what people think of me. At the moment, I have no friends and am too apathetic and discouraged to try to make any. ” I know it can be quite tough making friends …

  • Talking to her about it briefly won't change anything. You need to have a sit-down with her and express your emotions and feelings into it. She won't think anything is wrong unless you tell her what's on your mind. If this situation is troubling you, find a time where she's not with her boyfriend and talk to her. As Sabrina said, you want to be calm and collected when you talk to her. So stay cool, stay focused and win her back. All the best, armyforthebroken

  • Hey, first of all, don't feel at all pressured to have to say that most dreaded "L" word. Second of all, it's hard to tell if you really do love her, considering the fact that this is your first relationship. Third, if you really do feel like you love her but you're having trouble saying it, write it down on a piece of paper and give it to her. It's sweet, simple, and it gets the point across. When you feel ready to express your emotions for her, then do so and don't waste a moment. Do me a favo…

  • Hey, it happens to a lot of people. Don't worry, you're not alone You know who your true friends are when they are all you have left, when they stick by you no matter what. Even good friendships tend to drift away, which is very common. Just keep your head up high and cherish the people who are already in your life.

  • This is such a common situation to be in. I was in the exact same position as the girl. A guy asked me out and I told him flat-out that I just wanted to be friends and that I just didn't want to be in a relationship right now. When I said it, it wasn't an excuse at all. I was being as honest as honest goes. I'm not sure if she was just being honest, but if that's something that's on your mind... don't let it get to you. Just let whatever happens, happen. In the meantime, try to get to know her b…

  • Perhaps the reason why she didn't feel any sparks was because of her recent breakup, give her time to recover. Although, there are many reasons why the kiss didn't have the "sparks" she wanted. Wait until the moment's right to go in for the kiss and try to make it sensual and sweet. Don't worry about that right now, let time tell. She has feelings towards you and you have feelings towards her, so everything looks good. You don't have to abruptly stop talking to her. Talk to her and get to know h…

  • Get it out of your head that you're ugly and start thinking positive thoughts. You're not ugly, don't listen to that guy. Don't ever listen to what other people think of you, listen to what you think of yourself. As AccessDenied has stated, cherish and keep the good people that has come into your life. Make friends with people who like you for who you are. Good luck.

  • Hey there, I seriously admire you for sticking with her through thick and thin (you're right when you say that loyalty is a big part of any friendship). Everything seems messed up right now, but that doesn't mean that things will look up for the two of you. Talk to your friend and just tell her that you will be there for her, even through the rough patches. Let her know how much she means to you, because she may need to hear it. Second, ask her why she's still in this relationship with this guy …

  • Re: socializing

    armyforthebroken - - Friends and Family


    Quote from .XD.: “it hasnt been working really good.....its like i say hi>how are you>end” You can fix that. Whenever you greet them, try to find an interesting topic to talk about and work from there; look around you and try to pick a topic (the weather, the people, the environment, etc). It's just the matter of starting a conversation with people and keep it going. You can talk about a lot of things, even the minimal and have a great conversation. Then, just give him/her a compliment, but do n…

  • I came up with what Sabrina also came up from reading this post. Your friend does not want to meet your friends and other people. This isn't a problem that can't be fixed. Talk to your friend about it and just let her know how you're feeling. If she's keeping you from hanging out with your friends and it's hurting your friendships with other people, then express that to her. She might not know that she's hurting you in such a way, so just talk to her about it and let her in on how you feel. Is t…

  • Don't let people judge you and your relationships, first of all. Second, pursuing this relationship can happen. If you want my opinion, I think you should wait until you get older if you want to be with him. Jasmine's right, he has his own kid to worry about and if you got in the mix, it's a tough and sticky situation to get out of. As much as this guy likes you and your feelings towards him, do what you think is best because in the end, the only thing that matter is you. Best of luck!

  • I see. I think I understand the Rick Roll joke.

  • I'm definitely aware of what's happening. There are some important details that I feel the media is keeping from us, though. My first question is how the United States' new President will go about to resolving this problem. Hope everything will settle down in the Middle East sometime soon (quite the opposite, really.)

  • Hey Dean, As much as you like this girl, you need to take things slow. You do not want to be in a relationship where things are going too fast and it might be scary. Establish a friendship-relationship with this girl first. There's no harm in getting to know her more, so talk to her and let her know some things about you. It might get to the point where it's getting you nowhere, but trust me - it's important. When you still feel like there's a connection to be had, ask her out when you're ready …

  • Yeah, it happened to me as well. The important thing to remember is that if they're your friends, they'll stick by you no matter what. Falling out with people you care about happens, you just need to get your friendships back on track and be involved more. If you really want to re-connect with some of your friends, it can happen. Talk to them about it and let them in on your feelings. Hope all is well!

  • I always wonder what 4chan was; I hear it mentioned a lot. Can anyone care to tell me? Thank you