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  • Re: my so called best friend

    fanfan - - General Advice


    what i think is that dan really needs friends like you.... his other "friends" have influenced him, brainwashed him.... he needs to get to his true self.... i'm sorry to say that but when/if he falls to the bottom, he will see his drinking mates disappear and then he'll see who his true friends are, and with whom he'll feel wanted.

  • make them understand how you feel... maybe if a teacher talked to your parents, they will not ground you.... OR... you should start studying.. i was the same as you before.. in primary school i was always among the first pupils, high school came and i kept the same habit of not studying and now i've dropped school cause it's too hard for me... start studying to keep your grades up!!!

  • wanting to become a celebrity doesn't mean that i will ditch all my friends... i have friends and i'll keep them forever... i just want people to recognise that i sing well and that they appreciate my voice, my music, my lyrics. etc etc.. being a celebrity doesn't mean that i'll live and empty life.. sure, i will lose some of my privacy but not ALL...

  • Re: Dog tags... opinions?

    fanfan - - Fashion


    i never knew dog tags were fashion. in fact, in my country, i rarely know what the fashion is and what is trendy.... we all know what is fashion is US when the fashion is gone///

  • Re: Big Prob

    fanfan - - General Advice


    he will freak out because i ALWAYS lose everything.... i forgot to mention that on the FIRST day that he gave me an earring [first one] i broke it... and for the second pair, i lost one side... and for the ring it's in the thread and i often lose things like that .&^#%$**($( i'm so angry at myself!! #*&^*^*&^@^#)+(*&^T^$^$%%#$%$^$^$%$^#^

  • Re: Big Prob

    fanfan - - General Advice


    don't treat him as an ass!! i know honesty is important, we're not unsteady couple.. we are to get married in a few months!! but the fact is i don't know HOW to tell him..

  • Re: Big Prob

    fanfan - - General Advice


    once is ok, but twice???? i wouldn't understand if i were him!!! and he will tell me that i'm careless/carefree [like he always does] i'm so sad!! and worried!! it was HIS bracelet... his parents gave him AGES ago... *[do you know where the inventory is? i bought glow username but can't use it]*

  • Re: Anyone here lift weights?

    fanfan - - Education & Jobs


    well, i'll send you tomorrow or mondy ixchrisxi but don't blame me if you turn blind after that.. i assure you i'm not what you're expecting at all,

  • Re: Tattos and body piercings

    fanfan - - Health and Fitness


    it's not the tattoo that gives you AIDS!!!!!!!! it's the needles they use.. let's say they didn't sterilize properly and did a tattoo on an HIV positive person, then you'll get aids if he uses the same needles.. but if he uses STERILIZED needles, then you have no worries at all.

  • Big Prob

    fanfan - - General Advice


    I got a HUGE prob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! about 1 year ago i had lost my bf's promise ring. the one that he gave me 3 years ago... well i found it about 2 months later in my drawer, it must have slipped in my sleep or i took it out when i was sleepy because i never consciously remove any of my jewelry..;.. the prob now is that i've lost the bracelet he gave me.. he gave me 2 bracelets, one is very cute and if for girls with my name engraved in it and the other is HIS bracelet, a bracelet for guys…

  • Re: Superfluity of Celebrity

    fanfan - - Films, TV and Books


    so??? those who starred in the plays of shakespears are probably all dead... but we do remember the actors of nowadays! the celebrity may not last but the power and contact people you get during the "fame" is enough to last a lifetime. the privileges you get when you're a celebrity, the way people treat you... that's life.

  • Re: Jewish heritage

    fanfan - - General Advice


    if i had to choose between jews and hitlers. i would choose jews all over again.. i'm not racist or anything but hitler did an UNFAIR and RACIST war, there were no other reasons for him to do what he did. jews were only VICTIMS... you should let those affecct you like that... they have more to be ashamed of than you have. they are racists.

  • Re: Dog tags... opinions?

    fanfan - - Fashion


    i think it's really nice!!!

  • Re: oral

    fanfan - - Teen Sexuality


    never received nor given or whatever...

  • i think you made the right decision.. hopefully, she didn't misunderstand anything.

  • ... except with porn.

  • if you've managed 6 days without, then it means you CAN achieve it... don't lose hope and don't think about it.. keep yourself busy.... [so easily said, i'm a smoker too]

  • Re: porn

    fanfan - - General Advice


    exactly!! i DON"T want to be compared to any porn star or anything. i have no experience at all and i don't want him to have high expectations.. anyway i think it's disgusting that he loves me but enjoy watching other people doing IT... *ugh*. thanks for your replies... [i don't talk about that to him anymore but let me catch one more video on his pc, his mom gonna deal with him...@@@#$$#@@]

  • well, the fact that i don't like hard rock or metal or anything like that.. a singer with a rocker appearance would not attract me to listen [if i never heard her songs] but as for the singers i already LOVE, no matter their appearnce, it's ok... like rascal flatts or keith urban, i love their songs though i don't know how they look.

  • Re: wots ur fav movie???

    fanfan - - Music


    Quote from BabyJos: “woooooooo sum1 else dat lyks save da last dance :D” who watched save the last dance 2????? the moves in that movie are very good too... [i found the actress a bit chubby for a ballet dancer]. lol... o yess