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  • Girls in male showers

    niknik - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Aimie: “Quote from Orangeandlong: “I would think that it could lead to problems and possible assaults....While I don't mind showering with girls I know I wouldn't want to do it with strangers. ” I think the idea is to prevent same sex assaults by having them go with a parent or older sibling in the opposite sex bathroom, it’s supervised not just a girl wandering into the men’s area and vice versa on their own ” Yep exactly Safety thing

  • Quote from Aimie: “It’s not a big deal, after PE and swimming we shower together, it’s a long section in the change rooms with two walls a couple yards apart with shower heads on each wall facing each other it’s usually a lot of silly fun and the PR teacher has to come along and tell us to hurry up ” My school is the same set up And yep it’s fun too, we get so silly

  • Pass

  • Showering at school after P.E.

    niknik - - General Advice


    It’s no big deal

  • FWB

    niknik - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Kara Zor-El: “Right. If that's an arrangement that works for both, then sure. As long as it is handled responsibly. I have never had an FWB myself. But it would have to be someone i absolutely trust!! So not just some average jane that just shows up in my life. But idk, if there's super charged attraction and i am super horny than...... well never say never?? ” So there is a chance!

  • just did

  • Anyone have young parents?

    niknik - - Friends and Family


    My parents were in their twenties when they had us so not old but not teen parents

  • Sure would be fun.

  • How mature do you think 13+ teens are?

    niknik - - LGBT


    Depends some are silly little kids, some are responsible young adults and some still have the luck to bounce between both

  • Bra for no boobies?

    niknik - - Fashion


    Enjoy not wearing one as long as you can

  • Uncut dicks

    niknik - - Puberty


    Quote from kevinsnores: “i am cut and think uncut are like super ugly sorry guys long skins are gross ” That’s really rude and untrue, just your biased opinion natural looks really good

  • Tanner Stage score

    niknik - - Puberty


    Age 14 2.4

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    niknik - - Fashion


    One of my bros old t-shirts I sleep in that go past my butt

  • Walking Around Naked

    niknik - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Reuben_13: “Quote from niknik: “To and from the creek to swim during the day when dad isn’t home we have been He is daring me that we shouldn’t even take anything with us but I dunno ” she's daring you to bring anything? That's a little creepy. ” He Not creepy he just loves the thrill of it all

  • Skinny dip

    niknik - - Friends and Family


    I like how you feel the water move all over you

  • Walking Around Naked

    niknik - - Teen Sexuality


    To and from the creek to swim during the day when dad isn’t home we have been He is daring me that we shouldn’t even take anything with us but I dunno

  • Girls in male showers

    niknik - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Benny973: “Quote from niknik: “Quote from Benny973: “Quote from Leilani: “Quote from Benny973: “Thanks for the response. I agree that by 10 to 12 I don't think I needed any help changing lol. But I think some of it is safety. They maybe think they need to protect them or something, idk. All I know is I have seen it, and thankfully have never had the problem of a classmate being brought into the locker room. My brother has though ” It’s totally about safety and not about needing help a…

  • They should have separate bathrooms for bigots instead

  • Girls in male showers

    niknik - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Leilani: “Quote from Benny973: “Thanks for the response. I agree that by 10 to 12 I don't think I needed any help changing lol. But I think some of it is safety. They maybe think they need to protect them or something, idk. All I know is I have seen it, and thankfully have never had the problem of a classmate being brought into the locker room. My brother has though ” It’s totally about safety and not about needing help at that ageIt can be awkward yes but it’s not a big deal, no one …

  • Girls in male showers

    niknik - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Benny973: “Quote from Leilani: “Quote from Benny973: “Thanks for the response. I agree that by 10 to 12 I don't think I needed any help changing lol. But I think some of it is safety. They maybe think they need to protect them or something, idk. All I know is I have seen it, and thankfully have never had the problem of a classmate being brought into the locker room. My brother has though ” It’s totally about safety and not about needing help at that ageIt can be awkward yes but it’s n…