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  • Re: Gay Sex?

    Vice - - LGBT


    There's also 5. Docking.

  • Seriously what's with all these Boers and their Dutch.

  • Quote from rmg132: “Why don't you offer to fix it for her over TeamViewer? :D” Well I didn't know she was a girl until just now. You can get on teamviewer and I'll fix it for you.

  • Quote from Alisha: “I have a sound card I believe.” You believe? Riiiiight....

  • That's why I don't wear my Aqua Velva.

  • Re: One month anniversary dinner :D

    Vice - - LGBT


    Are you sure you didn't go too over the top? I

  • Re: Effeminate = gay?

    Vice - - LGBT


    What is the difference between ice hockey and hockey?

  • Re: Concerning Religion

    Vice - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from mrwolf: “God to me is not real. People go to church and pray their hearts out daily for god help and god ignores them. Have you ever had all your hope's , wishes , everything that your hearts disires crushed everytime. You ask god to help you, you go into job interviews and get rejected time and time again. You fall in love with some one time and time again over the years you ask god for help, you get rejected time and time again. Some people get everything they dreamed of and others …

  • Quote from Dr.Carter: “The brain, for the most part. Which is why Viagra is useful for migraine headaches.” Off-label though so you can't get a refutable doctor to prescribe them for that. Which sucks.

  • I assume you have onboard audio and not a sound card so just install new sound drivers, that usually works. Though I had that exact same problem with my sound card and it's a completely different and longer solution.

  • Yea, I'm an expert with women and relationships and if they say they're busy it usually means they aren't so you just keep asking when. Though if she is taken then you could get her on the rebound.

  • I'll stick with my 12 minute pace.

  • Re: Concerning Religion

    Vice - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Ammon: “since i can't see a god, that means he clearly doesn't exist. durrrr.” so can you see air or gravity?

  • I wish I had a coffee maker that could run windows.

  • Re: Amnesia

    Vice - - Video Games


    Oh right protip: When you get to the part with the unnatural darkness they can see you long before you see them. Also open a door as slow as you can so you can tell if someone is directly behind and you can slam it shut and barricade it before running and hiding. 3178n6o.png 2ev6k4n.png

  • Re: Amnesia

    Vice - - Video Games


    I'm going to try to get past the prison part tonight when I get off work. That scared me enough to stop the game for a few days lol.

  • Re: Amnesia

    Vice - - Video Games


    Quote from OnEMesSduPKiD: “I tried downloading the demo. I turned the lights out. Put my headphones in. Turned the gamma down. All like it told me. Ventured into the game, picked up my lantern, went into a door that opened by itself, got freaked out, slowly walked out and down the corridor to the next cut scene loading screen. I get down into the cellar, wah wah it's dark Daniel, use your lantern. Psh, silly man, I am using my lantern. "Your lantern has run out of oil, you must find more." Sitti…

  • Re: Amnesia

    Vice - - Video Games


    Sorry bout the quality of the first ones since my character went completely insane but here are some clearer ones. 1hyrtx.png 2585kpv.png

  • Re: Curly or straight?

    Vice - - Fashion


    I have the curliest hair in the world so I have to keep it very short to look straight.

  • Re: Effeminate = gay?

    Vice - - LGBT


    Quote from hipster: “i never said it wasn't obnoxious, over-feminine guys usually bother me as well. i'm just saying, it doesn't mean he's gay.” Do you know an over-feminine gay guy I can chat with on MSN?