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  • I'd say scissors are the easiest. You'll only need a mirror depending on how far back you plan on trimming, like past the scrotum or not. Quote from DeaExMachina: “I've always just used a pair of trimming scissors to keep it all trim down there. I wouldn't take a razor or anything sharp to the sack if you want a clean look you'd be better off with a wax.” I can't even imagine how painful waxing your scrotum would be... I use a razor and it works really well.

  • Quote from Yuuno93: “WAT?! you can kill urself?! al....right.......then............. so...... inside the anus, is it closer to teh testes, or is it different for different ppl?” It's a couple inches in/up, and you'll most likely know it when you find it.

  • Re: Any gay scout?

    joemoe93 - - Gay


    ^That's sooooo bullshit. It's true, but bullshit. How does that not violate the whole no discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, etc thing? Not that I want to be in Scouts.

  • Re: Who are your celeb crushes?

    joemoe93 - - LGBT


    (The color of your text makes my eyes bleed a little bit.) <33333 Mitch Hewer.

  • Sure.

  • Re: When it cums...

    joemoe93 - - Teen Sexuality


    Mine never fails to shoot 2.5 feet or more initially.

  • ^The way I understand it is that he is a boy who prefers boys in a girl's body. There is a difference between a straight girl and a gay boy. As far as dating a transgendered person, it really depends on the person. If I really like someone, though, neither their biological or true gender really matter. The sexual side of things would be a little weird though... *shrug* The bottom line is, I wouldn't say no, but I would prefer a boy with boy parts.

  • Re: part of my story

    joemoe93 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from swedekid: “Millions of people died in the Bible though as well. What do you have to say about that? ” Umm... yeah, dying sort of goes hand-in-hand with living. Everyone who lives also dies. OP: I have a few things to say: a) You're a brave person to be posting this here; b) You strongly remind me of an old fat druggie burnout who is the biggest hypocrite I know; c) Stories like this never fail to make me feel sick to my stomach, but maybe I just can't stand a "happy" ending; d) Good l…

  • Re: Is this scenario normal?

    joemoe93 - - LGBT


    Of course it's perfectly normal. It just confirms your feelings towards him. And if I were you, I would not take goredsox345's advice to have sex before you go out with him >.> Anyways, good luck

  • Re: He didn't cum?

    joemoe93 - - Teen Sexuality


    Maybe he's been masturbating too vigorously? That can cause some loss of sensitivity, and make it hard for guys to orgasm without as much stimulation as they usually get.

  • Re: Hello? wanna chat?

    joemoe93 - - LGBT


    Quote from Agnapostate: “You see, this is why I actually wish I was gay. Seriously, think about this rationally. A gay guy not only pisses off the Christfags, (while I'm wishing I was gay, I can use allegedly homophobic terms :p) but he ALWAYS has someone to fuck because gay men are the most promiscuous group of people in existence. Any average woman can easily find a man to fuck right away. But she won't, because women value sex for its emotional and romantic aspects. But a man who would value …

  • Quote from Bulldog777: “Becouse he had just reached puberty and i will have rather not made sutch a large impression on him (his gay now) not that there is anything against it, its just that i feel he should of walked that path alone without my interferring in other words is he gay becouse of me:confused:” You can't "make" someone gay by having sex with them if they consent to it.

  • Quote from DeaExMachina: “It's such a myth that black men have naturally large dicks. I've had sex with plenty of black men with smaller dicks them me and I think it's more to the fact that white guys seem to average more on the lower end of the scale which is where this whole blacks are huge myth came from, it's just large by comparison of such a larger 'small' pool. But yeah...4.5 is pretty laughable.” 1) Actually, on every penis survey done where race was taken into account, blacks turned out…

  • Re: What turns you on/off

    joemoe93 - - Teen Sexuality


    Guys that smell nice, make eye contact, somewhere between slender and athletic, a little taller than me, naked, are all turn ons. Bad odor, bad breath, greasy hair, looks like a slob, extremely hairy, skin and bones, fat, are all turn offs. These women must turn you on, then? I'm assuming there are vaginas in there somewhere...

  • Quote from Most Vicious Pitbull: “I do not believe in religion, nor jesus christ and his father. None of that poopy. And what teachings? If all his teachings were already written before "the supposed existence" of this jesus christ. More teen sexuality questions please.:drink:” I'm not talking about God, I'm talking about Jesus. Whether or not you believe he was the Messiah, he did exist. Why do you personally think that homosexuality is a disease/mental condition?

  • Quote from Most Vicious Pitbull: “ And also, cuz I don't believe in jesus christ or any of that whole poopy. ” Please explain. What don't you believe in? His existance, his teachings, or something else? Quote from the_professional: “I am straight, and a devout catholic but, for no reason shall one be put down for their sexual orientation. What they choose is what they choose.” I think you have some explaining to do as well.

  • ^Awww... it was my idea in the first place. Don't I get any rep?

  • If you're not a troll, then you're worthy of a Darwin award. HEY!!!! You should meet up with Baby Dink!

  • Re: Pubes - Boys

    joemoe93 - - Teen Sexuality


    I go through cycles of growing everything out and shaving it again. I can't stand having that much hair anymore; it's too bushy and gets in the way.

  • Quote from alexthesex: “mines about 8 inches and 3 inches -4 wide” 3 inches wide= ~9.5 inch circumference 4 inches wide= ~12.5 inch circumference Just for reference, a regular soup can is ~7.9 inches in circumference. Next time you lie about your size, at least give it some thought first.