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  • Your Sensuality Score is: 30% You are somewhat sensual, but it's likely that you aren't in touch with all your senses. You probably have a couple senses you enjoy - like touch and taste. If you were a little more sensual, you would enjoy life so much more. Try to take time and indulge all your senses! Let yourself go a little.

  • ou Are Free Spirited You don't like to be tied down. You like the feeling of the wind in your hair and a day with no obligations. You know that life can't be all fun and games, but you try to enjoy yourself as much as you can. You try to life without rules or expectations. You take each day as it comes. You're happy to get on a road that seems interesting, even if you aren't exactly sure where it's going.

  • You do realize we are just now entering Fall and the holiday season hasn't been yet and it's not 2011 even, lol. But yeah until New Year's eve I'm gonna just be getting mild exercise. As soon as the ball drops, it's heavy exercise and diets for me.

  • Re: Is your PC game is Genuine?

    Little Raven - - Video Games


    Well, the only cracked ones I get are RTS And those are the only PC games I play Sooooo I guess none are genuine except free games(Like Alien Swarm)

  • Re: My First Poem

    Little Raven - - Creative Writing


    Thanks guys :3

  • Re: Haha this is fresh

    Little Raven - - Music


    My new favorite song.

  • Since when do women have crotches?

  • My First Poem

    Little Raven - - Creative Writing


    I dunno if it's actually a poem, but it's my first. This is the first time I could ever remotely come close to making one that sounds alright, I don't know why but here it is: You are the light of my day, stars of my night Beautiful and smart as you can possibly be Always there always kind; helping out those who need I wish you were mine but you are not A fact I must accept though we are friends still Helping me and caring for me still despite that night I’m sorry it happened I wish it did not I…

  • Perhaps he developed feelings also, and is declining them. Or maybe he's trying to push you away, for he is afraid to be in a relationship or he may have some troubles in his past and is afraid that if he gets with you they'll happen again.

  • Both are fake and gay.

  • Re: The Purity Test

    Little Raven - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are 89% Pure You're so pure ... you make a nun look like a whore! There's a lot of life's dark side left for you to experience... if you want to. It was made by a super religious person, I bet.

  • Re: Dimple piercings!!

    Little Raven - - General Advice


    Quote from louiebugooey: “Hate to be the crazy bitch who does this, but I prefer Amy-Louise or Louie. (Sorry. I sound insane)” Lolol, you don't I perfectly understand.

  • Your Autumn Personality is Artistic There's something about fall that makes you want to create, and there's nothing holding you back. Take out your camera and snap some amazing fall foliage shots. Or paint or draw what you see. Experiment with fall produce and see if you can cook up something amazing. Create your own Halloween costume. Get creative this autumn. Have fun with all the colors, flavors, and celebrations!

  • Re: Dimple piercings!!

    Little Raven - - General Advice


    Not a fan, but agree'd with Amy.

  • Re: Just a memo

    Little Raven - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from louiebugooey: “Not to be a bitch, And I realise that I am a newbie and this may well apply to me, But these are the sexuality threads. If people want to talk about themselves and what they do, then let them. It's not like people are trading pics and whoring themselves out. Even if you want to read the threads, you must know which members are the main offenders. Just ignore what they say.” This^.

  • I rate you a solid 8.5

  • She probably has A LOT of feelings for you, and it just built up and up and she just had to spontaneously say it.

  • Re: Growing long hair as a man

    Little Raven - - Fashion


    I have long hair(If you look on my profiled. And no, it's not styled like that it's actually natural.) and I think it looks alright on a good day. But you shouldn't care all that much about what people think. But that's beside the point, if you grow it out long and if it doesn't feel good natural then trim it or mess with it a little. Find what feels good, and if you don't find a good style in the long hair department, try out short and medium.

  • School ends early in middle school-high school, and then there's always a weekend. So you should have waited until then if you're nervous about it. They'll understand if you don't want to skip, so don't do it and schedule something for the weekend. It could last longer and be funner. If you are worried about not having an excuse for all of the sudden being able to come, just say you rescheduled the appointment. Don't give into peer pressure.