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  • Re: your stats

    Exilus - - Health and Fitness


    Age: 19 Height: 5'9 weight: 214 lbs (about 13% bodyfat) Sports: Bodybuilding.

  • Your friend is muscular but not buff. He's rather thin and very "cut", defined. I have bodybuilders at my gym that weight over 250 lbs with 21" arms......And i find myself small compared to them and all my friends tell me im huge. from my experience, I think girls are more attracted to a fit, cut up body than a bodybuilder's one... I was getting flirted with a lot more when i was 170 lbs than when i was 200, and now im 210 and i barely get any female attention beside their terrified looks

  • What'd you guys think? I just started injecting HGH (Human Growth Hormone) 5ui/day (about 3/4 of what's given to a deficient children to help them grow) Im 19 years old, 5'9. Im aware of the sides and got a doctor family friend's to monitor my health.

  • Re: Im too buff

    Exilus - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Jono: “Post a pic please...” 20644_1297875561150_1058214263_904729_4441658_n.jpg 33046cj.gif Thoses were pics of me at 192 lbs, now im at 198

  • Re: Steroids.

    Exilus - - Health and Fitness


    permanent testicular atrophy is directly related to length of use and proper Post-cycle-therapy, not dosages used. Contrary to the popular belief, steroids-induced muscles are permanent. what is NOT, is the water retention induced by steroids, which often cause someone to gain seemly 20 pounds of muscle over three weeks. this mass, bloating, WILL be lost upon coming off steroids, but everything you gained, as muscle, will be treated by the body like the rest of your natural muscles. If you take …

  • THE juice

  • Steroids.

    Exilus - - Health and Fitness


    has anyone here ever used steroids, and if so what were your experience with them?

  • Re: What's Your Orientation?

    Exilus - - Teen Sexuality


    im asexual

  • Re: Im too buff

    Exilus - - Health and Fitness


    Well i got a size complex which means i don't define very well what's too big or not. I was told by a girl in my class im starting to be scary. all my friends in the gym ask me to stop working out...

  • Im too buff

    Exilus - - Health and Fitness


    How can i lose muscle yet retain my strength? I just started mixel martial art and i need to continue working out. However im starting to be too big for my height.

  • Re: your stats

    Exilus - - Health and Fitness


    Age: 19 Weight: 188 lbs Height: 5 " 10 Sport: Bodybuilding

  • she touched your arm!!! Omg she wants you!!

  • why do you miss someone so much if you don't enjoy being with her? Its like being hungry and screaming about being hungry and when we bring you your favorite dish you just leave the table saying "no more appetite"....

  • Re: Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Exilus - - Teen Sexuality


    Oh my........

  • Social Problem. Ice Heart.

    Exilus - - Friends and Family


    When i speak to people, i tend to attack them. Not with an open insult but with allusions or sensitive things that i can say with a neutral or taunting tone which can hurt someone but not enough for the said person to attack me back. I am far from being shy or lack self esteem. Its not hard at all for me to talk to someone new. When i get a new contact, the said contact tend to become more and more distant with each conversation, until i am 100% sure he/she doesn't like me. I'm also someone extr…

  • Re: How often do you wank?

    Exilus - - Teen Sexuality


    I've stopped masturbating 5 months ago. I focused to change my mentality and now i no longer get any sexual impulses/horny images or what ever you want. Its quite a strange feeling to get rid of a part of its sexuality. Next step is to get rid of any kind of sexual/romantic attraction. So i guess my answer is once in a century.

  • Paranoid Personality Disorder You seem to be affected by this, but only to females.

  • Re: What is your height?

    Exilus - - Health and Fitness



  • Re: Are you a virgin?

    Exilus - - Teen Sexuality


    18 and virgin. Expecting to stay it a long long time. I have zero sexual impulses and i dont masturbate anymore. In 2 decades i plan to be an actor for the remake of 40-years-old virgin

  • I have a feeling that Neal is gonna come up to this thread with the usual "If you don't have anything relevant to say, don't say it" and will give the girl-that-drops-a-pencil example....