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  • Re: Coming Out

    joemoe93 - - LGBT


    ^No, you didn't get me there, because the eye doesn't read one word at a time, so it was fairly obvious. You'd have to say something like... I first came out to my... haha, just kidding.

  • Quote from xXBURNXx: “Another thing how do you accidentally blow your load on your face? were you staring down your piss hole? were you hunched over trying to suck your own cock? I mean damn never in my life have heard of some one (accidentally) cuming on there own face. Tell me how did this happen?” I've done it before, but I didn't feel the need to freak out over it and make a thread about it.

  • 149

  • That's how I roll.

  • :eek:OHMYGOD, OHMYGOD, OHMYGOD!!!!! That's terrible! Something that was inside you before was ejected onto your face!!!! Are you sure you're going to live????? </sarcasm> Get over it.

  • Re: Your School's Tolerance

    joemoe93 - - LGBT


    10 for my school now, 1-3 for my hometown school. So glad I transferred.

  • If she can't appreciate you for who you are, despite sexual orientation, then she's not really a friend. A true friend wouldn't care about the gender of your love interests. If she's deeply homophobic, then it seems you're going to be losing a friend. If not, maybe you can convince her that homosexuals aren't bad people, illustrated by the fact that she's friends with you. If she thinks highly of you now, then she might realize that your orientation is not going to change that.

  • Re: ?????

    joemoe93 - - LGBT


    Well... the obvious question to ask yourself is if you like both men and women. And there you've got your answer.

  • Re: Coming Out

    joemoe93 - - LGBT


    ^That's sounds amazing Quote from JCpatriots: “I haven't yet done it. I'm kinda afraid to, don't know how people will react. :(” Aren't we all? That was the scariest thing I've done in a long time. But I guess I am more afraid of living in oppression than having to deal with people's reactions.

  • That blurry image of the photographer in the background is really sexy. I'd rather jump through the window than have sex with either of the girls though.

  • Coming Out

    joemoe93 - - LGBT


    This thread is for everyone to share your coming out experience. Be it good or bad, to one person or to the world, share with us! Tell us your best, worst, first, last, scariest, etc. As for me, I just came out to my best friend She was really supportive and just wanted to know if there was anything she could do for me. Definitely the best one so far! Btw, I'm only out to my parents, one brother, and two friends.

  • Re: Question.

    joemoe93 - - LGBT


    ^ Agreed. Just because she had sex with her own gender and enjoyed it doesn't mean she's bi. It really depends on your definition of sexuality though; is it sexual attraction, mental/emotional attraction, either, or both? The fact that she said you were making her question her sexuality is probably a good thing though. If she hasn't really thought about it, she probably should. Better if she finds out now than later.

  • ^ I think he's talking more of like: I'm 13, uncircumcised, and my penis is 8.7 inches... is that too small?

  • Quote from amlord1: “It is both a lifestyle and not a lifestyle, or both. It depends. -.- That's what I said originally, and that's what I meant. It is a lifestyle in how you treat it/if you act on it. It is not a lifestyle, in that it can not be changed, and there is no point in trying. Again, I thought/think I made myself clear.” Homosexuality in and of itself is not a lifestyle. So stop saying it is. Some homosexual people may have lifestyles in regards to their love/sex life, but it's not be…

  • But... How do I know if I'm normal or not if I don't make my own thread? :p Just kidding. I agree.

  • Then say what you mean, because now you're saying homosexuality isn't a lifestyle. You're saying that how you choose to live your love life is a lifestyle, and it is, so don't bring gay/straight/bi/trans/etc into it, because they don't matter.

  • Quote from Starflip: “sorry i dont agree with that, homosexuality is a lifestyle but i would class pedophilia as more of a mental illness, even if its not your fault. Its just wrong imo even if u dont act on your feelings its wrong to be sexually attracted to an 8 year old. soory just my opinion” Homosexuality is not a lifestyle. Quote from amlord1: “You are correct, and incorrect. Homosexuality IS a lifestyle, BUT it is also a condition. Tellin someone who is only attracted to people of the sam…

  • Sex Stories and Sex Videos That's a nice site for real stories.

  • Never had a sexual experience with another person.

  • Quote from gigitty: “Ass :rolleyes:”