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  • haha i forgot about the being trashed part. Well the fact she told you about her ex and admitted to letting him in, as well as feeling really bad about it, is a good sign. The fact she told you she felt bad means she has at least a little interest in you. You can't really do anything other than say its fine, spend more time with her and show how you are better than her ex. Let her work the other stuff out; it doesn't seem like she still has feelings for him from what you say. ---------- Post add…

  • I say just let things be if she doesn't seem to want to spend time with you. If she can't put in the effort, why should you? Unless you really like her a lot, I would just move on. Why not give that other flirty girl you were talking about a chance?

  • well what kind of tone did she say that in? To me, if it wasn't in a totally bitchy tone she could have been teasing (a type of flirting) or suggesting that she wanted to be yours

  • he obviously doesn't find it annoying if he is willing to do it. And if a guy is willing to do that it means he likes you

  • hmmm you have a lot of different reasons of why you might have started thinking of her again but maybe its cuz you actually still do like her? Especially since you said she ended it. I would advise you to not do anything for right now especially since you guys just started being friends again and just try to strengthen what you have for right now.

  • yeah i mean it shows that you are interested in him or at least not totally repulsed and it lets you spend more time together!

  • i agree with the above in actually meeting her in person. Actually hanging out with her will give you more stuff to talk about

  • i would just take initiative and ask him to do something instead of always waiting for him? Maybe that'll make him more confident about the situation and break out of his shell

  • It seems like you're a good guy, so no matter the situation, you can take solace in that. I agree with the others in that you should keep trying. Give her space to figure things out, but remain there for her since it seems like her hesitation is only because of her past and nothing else. If it doesn't work out, you should feel good knowing that you made her life better and changed her opinion on guys.

  • There's no harm in talking to her at school. If the relationship thing ever does come up you need to not lead her on and tell her the truth. She will hate you more if you play with her heart.

  • I'm sorry you're in this situation and I don't think you can really do anything other than wait for a phone call because she certainly seems to have been blinded by this relationship. I wouldn't give up on her, just don't expect anything to happen and try to move on with your life. Once again I'm sorry about your situation and just know that I, and probably anyone reading this, think you are a very good person that deserves better.

  • I would just tell her that you really miss her like you told us, but not in a totally creepy way, and see how she responds. If she doesn't relent, I would just move on but maybe still keep her as a friend.

  • hmm there's not much you can do in this situation. Maybe bring your own date when you guys go out?

  • It sounds like she likes you as a friend anyway, so getting her to spend time with you shouldn't be hard. I would just ask her to hang out sometime, but you shouldn't ask her out specifically since she already has a significant other. Just get closer to her and someday you might get a chance.

  • tell him what you told us. You should contact him first because it seems like you sort of pushed him away. At worst it gives you a topic of conversation. At best, he'll appreciate that you told him this and understand that its not that you don't like him. He opened up to you, so you shouldn't be afraid to open up to him in return. Trust me you'll feel a lot closer to him and make it easier to open up to him in the future.

  • Truthfully, if she talks about different guys all the time, she's probably just trying to annoy you or make you jealous. If its just one guys' number, then its different and she probably likes him. I would just not talk to her for awhile as this will allow you to calm down about the situation and also to see if she's just using you. If she doesn't keep talking to you then there's nothing you can do. I agree 12 is a little young, and this will give you time to find a girl maybe closer to your age…

  • hmm right now i'd say its too hard to tell cuz a lot of girls do those things and when guys ask about it they say it means nothing. But I have a feeling she probably does like you. You don't have to ask about it unless you're interested, which you didn't say you were.

  • Honestly, I don't think she knows what she wants. She does like you and has even when she was with the guy, which was why she was unkind to you because she wanted to make you jealous. But at the same time, she doesn't want to be with you. This is nothing against you, its just how girls are. Maybe she doesn't want to lose you as a friend, so that's why doesn't want to have sex? Its complicates things. Now the ball is in your court. Do you value her as a friend enough to keep things good as they a…

  • haha Man law is hilarious but probably should be followed. anyway I would get to know her better at this party without flirting. If she comes on to you noticeably, just pretend you didn't notice. It is possible to become her friend without hurting your friend, and if her and your friend don't work out you'll be able to have your chance since you'll be closer to her.

  • I don't think its a good place because people there are concentrating on working out and not really to talk to people. Plus girls there are sweating and don't look their best and are really self-conscious. My friend says that she's creeped out by guys who come up to talk to her at the gym but that could just be her. Either way I would suggest meeting a girl somewhere else like schools or clubs or something like that