Any advice on helping my buddy?

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    • Any advice on helping my buddy?

      Well me and my friend Brennan are Christains and we both plan on waiting untill marriage to have sex. He has been dating this girl for about two months. They babysit together alot and they usually spend a majority of the time kissing. Sometimes they spent the night together and they never went farther than kissing. But last night she wanted sex. He told her no and she dumped him. He's really bummed about the whole thing and I just want to help him out. Any suggestions?
      Too many freaks, not enough circuses.[COLOR="DarkRed"][/COLOR]

    • Re: Any advice on helping my buddy?

      I'm like you. I'm also waiting until marriage :). What I would do is I would use humor. Show him funny video clips stuff like Whitest Kids You Know. Oh do something else play CoD for a few hours, go to a concert, go outside, wrestle, PAINT BALL (the best thing ever). Anyway just try to show him that if she really liked him she would've accepted his decision. True love waits.
      Bros B4 Ho's (Unless they're hot)
      Go Jesus. Thats right i said it.
    • Re: Any advice on helping my buddy?

      Yeah, really. If she really liked him, she would have waited. Relationships aren't based on sex, and shouldn't be. Do as Quitethejoke said, and do stuff with him. All he really needs is time.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: Any advice on helping my buddy?

      well first of all, congratz on waiting until you are married to have sex, im a christain too but im not sure that i would be strong enough to do this, most guys do not show this level of commitment to their religious vows sooo i applaud you both for this!!!
      as for your friend, he is much better without her if she could not accept him and his beliefs, that is a very selfish and immature thing to do, and sex should be mutual in a relationship, if he didnt consent to it she shouldnt have pressured him!!
      my best friend went through a rough break up a while back and what i used to help get him through it was, support, humour, and activities!! keep him occupied, maybe if he has a talent encourage him to pursue it!! it helps express how you feel and ease the hurt!! sport also is a good way to ease the hurt and he will feel better after exercising and will have more energy!! he will get over her in time, all you can do is be his friend which is what he needs right now!!!!
      best of luck!!! :)