Let's eat organic!

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    • Let's eat organic!

      This is my message to all of you that eat things that are in a box and have a million different ingredients you can't even say.
      Eat organic! It's obviously so much better. :D:D
      I recently started, and I feel tons better. *-*
      I suggest all of you to start now. Encourage your parents to shop healthy.
      That means organic.
      A few rules I stick by when I go shopping:
      1. Under 10 ingredients? Good!
      2. Unpasteurized dairy products preferred.
      3. Meat needs to contain no hormones or antibiotics.
      4. Stay away from white bread, or pasta, or anything like that. Go for whole wheat(and non-gluten.)

      I really suggest you do some research. The current fastfood American lifestyle is very detrimental to our health. You may say you just wanna live, but it's kind of hard to do that when you eat crap. You are what you eat. It's true. What you put into your body, is what you get out of it. So, eat organic like nature intends us to.

      Nature is beautiful, diverse, and tasty without all the manmade bs! :)
    • Re: Let's eat organic!

      Saroe wrote:

      2. Unpasteurized dairy products preferred.
      3. Meat needs to contain no hormones or antibiotics.

      I would love raw milk, it apparently has potential to help people with lactose intolerance via the lactobacilli bacteria. Plus pasteurization gets rid of lots of great things in the milk.

      As for organic things, you may want to make sure:

      Your pork, turkey, chicken = Pastured. Pork that has been pastured has higher Omega-3's, as well as many things, same with chickens. In fact, not only are the animals' meat healthier, free-range/pastured chicken eggs have greater nutrition: Eggs From Pastured Poultry: Surprising (?) Health Benefits!

      As for beef, go with grass-fed, organic beef CAN have great CLAs and omega-6:3 ratios, but fail to produce the same amount of beta-carotene (retinol) and vitamin E as grass-fed beef. Of course, there is certified organic grassfed beef, but if it just says "organic beef" then you still may have to worry about E. Coli, which, you don't in grass-fed beef.

      Just my two cents.
    • Re: Let's eat organic!

      While those are good rules, only the third one is truly a quality of organic food. :confused:

      I've heard raw milk has some good stuff in it but it can also potentially carry harmful diseases. It's illegal to sell unpasteurized milk in a lot of places. (Canada, for sure.)

      I think you're right in saying "shop healthy". You can eat healthy without eating "organic" (unless you're using this as a general term and not actually referring to foods that are certified organic), but it's a great step to make if you can afford it. There's some foods that are better to buy organic than others - I forget the list but I believe some of them are fruits like apples, cherries, and strawberries.

      Farmer's markets are also supercool in the summer when you can get stuff from them, and they're generally decently cheap. :)
    • Re: Let's eat organic!

      One of the leading causes of fatigue is dehydration if I remember correctly. We need about 3 liters a day. If you drink a dehydrator such as coffee you need more than that. I couldn't resist the impulse to post a health tip, I know.
      "The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical no one will believe in it"-Bertrand Russell
    • Re: Let's eat organic!

      Frosty wrote:

      I'll be sure to get in touch if I ever need advice on becoming unhealthy and getting diabetes.

      Awesome. My advice comes with a surcharge, though.
      [CENTER]R.I.P Captain Jack Sparrow, 13/3/09[/CENTER]
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    • Re: Let's eat organic!

      Saroe wrote:

      First, I have to say.. It's OLD GREG. Secondly, unpasteurized milk contains good bacteria. Good for the good ol' gut flora. And I agree with Torn. Grassfed cows>corn fed cows/anything weird they feed them o.0

      Apparently basically all the beef here in Australia is grass fed. You guys just get screwed over by all the corn subsidies your bloated federal government hands out.

      Malevolent wrote:

      Give me $400 a month for food and I'll go organic.

      Is 400 a month excessive? That's about how much I spend.
    • Re: Let's eat organic!

      Saroe wrote:

      Unpasteurized dairy products preferred.
      4. Stay away from white bread, or pasta, or anything like that. Go for whole wheat(and non-gluten.)

      As far as I am aware, Pasteurisation is done to prevent bacteria from surviving in the milk, and yes whilst it may kill some useful bacteria I would rather them get rid of harmful and non harmful rather than leave it as-is. But that's my opinion, everyone is free to have their own.

      And white bread/pasta etc. isn't non-organic, you're just getting organic confused with nutritional value.... Whole-grain is better as it includes the entire grain and most of the nutrients are in the parts not included in regular white bread/pasta... Whether it includes the entire grain or not does not make it organic or non-organic......
      Looks like someone needs to research the definitions of words before using them to give advice.

      I don't eat solely organic foods, but I do eat some.... but not everybody can afford to live off a purely organic diet... I can but I don't see the point. But people on lower incomes may be low on money and therefor unable to afford organic foods, here some organic foods can cost up to 3x or 4x the price of non-organic.
    • Re: Let's eat organic!

      I love tasting good foods<3 If that's not part of my life, I wouldn't have much pleasure.
      [CENTER]R.I.P Captain Jack Sparrow, 13/3/09[/CENTER]
      [CENTER]You did it, beautiful.<3[/CENTER]
      formspring.me/Asperitas <- Don't be a fgt. It makes you look bad.
      [RIGHT]omygaga.tumblr.com/ <-Blog of godlike proportions.
    • Re: Let's eat organic!

      Frosty wrote:

      You're doing something seriously wrong if you can't make healthy food taste nice.

      It's not about them 'tasting nice'. It's about tasting all there is to taste.
      [CENTER]R.I.P Captain Jack Sparrow, 13/3/09[/CENTER]
      [CENTER]You did it, beautiful.<3[/CENTER]
      formspring.me/Asperitas <- Don't be a fgt. It makes you look bad.
      [RIGHT]omygaga.tumblr.com/ <-Blog of godlike proportions.