Boyfriend with Bipolar

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    • Boyfriend with Bipolar

      I met this boy at uni last year who I was automatically attracted to. He was great, so funny, creative and extravagant. He was so awesome. After about 5 months of casually hooking up we eventually started 'officially' going out. Thats when everything fell apart. He was reluctant to even ask me out because he was 'previously wounded from past relationships' and he didn't want to hurt me. Despite this, he asked me out and things went good until about 3 months later when I became too attached and so did he. It got to the stage where he would be in tears if I didn't relpy to his text messages within 5 minutes. He hated it when I went out, and accused me of cheating on me almost everyday. I couldnt talk to a boy without him getting jealous. We had the worst fights ever, I swear. He would bang his head on walls, slam doors. His parents had to take me home because of his behaviour. He acts like a child. I had a problem with the fact that he is always smoking weed and drinking alchol and I brought this up. It was the worst night of my life, we faught all night and out of anger he broke up with me and took it back straight after he said it saying 'I didnt mean it'.
      It was this that made me question his sanity. He was perfect, treated me like a princess, brought me flowers, always drove me everywhere. Although we never hung out with each others friends because they werent my type of people and he thought that my friends all hated him.
      We broke until Febuarary. We were still having sex which made it complicated. In the mean time I met another boy who I thought was awesome, but turned out to have a girlfriend the whole time. I ended up sleeping with this other boy which made it even more complicated. The first boy couldnt cope without me and begged and did everything to get me back. I was scared and reluctant of what to do...
      Its now July and we have still been having sex all year. One week we would get along fine, and I would want to get back with him. The week after we would fight and argue and have the worst times of our lives.
      The thing is. That I love him. And he says he loves me. And I believe him. He told me he has bypolar which explains EVERYTHING. His obssession with sex, his creativity, his rapid mood swings.
      Lets just put it, that it was the best and worst times of my life. Its just so unpredictable. I can say that I have met a few boys in the mean time, but they just dont compare? I just keep going back to him. I must truely love him. I trust him. I love him so much....

      I just dont know what to do? Am I doing the right thing?
      Is it ok for me to have a problem with all the weed,porn, alcohcol he does? Or is this just a normal teen boy behaviour?
      Am I just going to get hurt?:confused::confused::confused:
    • Re: Boyfriend with Bipolar

      What you guys have got going here is completely unhealthy. For starters, you guys are having sex but aren't exactly going out? How is that working for either of you? Especially him since you say he's got relationship issues and whatnot. I think you guys should have a break from one another for a while. Let him know that you still want to stay in contact, but that you guys needs to be apart to sort each other's emotional baggage out so you can both sit down together and think clearly and logically about where you guys are. This is not a healthy relationship.
    • Re: Boyfriend with Bipolar

      Has he actually seen a psychiatrist and been diagnosed for such a disorder?

      If he hasn't, he should. There are treatments available for it that can either reduce or completely eliminate symptoms. Don't just feel sorry for him -- if you want to be with him but can't stand the fighting, ask him to seek help. Whether or not you end up hurt depends on this.

      Many teenagers experiment with alcohol and weed but if he really is manic-depressive, he may be more likely to use it. There's nothing wrong with you taking issue with it though; it's not good for him.
    • Re: Boyfriend with Bipolar

      I don't wanna make a big quote thing, but yes, everything everyone above said.

      Now one thing you said sticks out to me. It was the best and worst times of your life. Now, think:

      Do the good outweigh the bad?
      Is the good things he does for you blinding you from the bad?
      You love him, but are you taking care of yourself?
      Does he understand what he is putting you through?
      Is he getting help?
      Is he worth it?

      These are all questions you need to address with yourself. Now I'm not saying leave him in the dust. It's kind of hard to just do that with someone like this (meaning someone you love and whatnot). So, think long and hard about those questions. Find out if the answers you come up with point to you staying with him, or point to you leaving. Either way, when he is in a good mood or whatever, when he is calm, bring it up with him. This may be hard because he is emotional and does not want to give you up, but you still need to talk things out with a strait mind, and for a moment forget your feelings for one another in order to decide what is best for each of you. But when you do this, make sure you are thinking of mainly you.

      Good luck. I hope this works out for the better.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]