How did you come out to your parents?

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    • How did you come out to your parents?

      ... And how did they react? There are times where I wanna just let my Mom know I've been with girls whenever I found a nice, trustworthy one around. Still, I really don't know how it would go. She's super traditional. Help?
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      I am self-made.

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    • Re: How did you come out to your parents?

      Just to mention this, I am very "out and proud" to my friends and to new people I meet. At the same time, family it's a different matter, I guess we all know that.

      Actually, I did come out to my dad. To be honest, that wasn't a really challenging task, as he is gay too :p but we have harsh harsh relationship, so I was unsure about his reaction. Apparently, he is happy that we have this in common lol

      I haven't come out explicitly to my mum yet. I say explicitly because my girlfriend has been around alot lately and my mum must have noticed something. Also, she has been showing implicitly that she knows, so I just need a good occasion to talk to her more clearly. She comes from a religious background, so maybe a bit drama at the beginning, but I am confident she will understand and accept what and who I am in the end. :rolleyes:

      I think parents, especially mothers, would like to be their kids growing up some kind of similar to them. Especially if she's traditionalist, she might need some time to analyze and accept the news. I often hear stories of people having some harsh time at the start and then gradually the situations gets better. I think talk is essential if she looks for communications, explanations and so forth, but also time to reflect on her own might be useful. Also, maybe you could just try to let her know that you're gay in a way that won't shock her. In a gentle way, you know. The news might hit her too hard otherwise, and she might get defensive and rejective.
      I hope you find the way that works best for you anyway. Goodluck! :)
      [SIZE=2]Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't. [/SIZE][SIZE=2]- [/SIZE][SIZE=1]Mark Twain[/SIZE]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Shift ().

    • Re: How did you come out to your parents?

      After all the 'coming-out' stories I've heard and read, I feel fortunate that I never had to go through that experience.

      However, some of my friend's experiences have helped me understand that the 'coming-out' isn't predictable unless your parents are on the extreme of a scale of acceptance or rejection. The only way you will ever find out is if you open up to your mother; risky, but in either case there will always be people who love you.

      There is a thread in the Sticky section of this forum called A Guide to Coming Out of the Closet (Or so to speak), I suggest you read it (I would link to it but my post count is too small).
      Where is to go nothing where do so far really like as when?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Bamboo ().