Yes i need help

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    • Yes i need help

      Theres this guy whom i hated so much keep on stalking me. Idk what he wants. Yesterday he called me and shouted some shits at me. So i yelled some shits back to him. And he was extremely mad and he might wanted to beat me up tomorrow at school.
      I don't wanna get beat up.And i don't know any real kung fu or anything. either self-defense.
      Do yu guys hav any sites that can learn self-defence or anything?
      Pleasee help.:(
      If I kissed your lips for the last time
      Please don't say if it's so
      Tell my heart it's not goodbye
    • Re: Yes i need help

      You're a female and this is a guy, I highly doubt he's going to put his hands on you, especially in a public place. Violence is not the answer, the best thing you can do is speak to a higher authority about this situation, tell them the details and inform them of what has been said. Especially at school, you could tell just about anyone there that you felt threatened. The best thing you can do is show this guy zero attention and let someone know, don't take matters into your own hands, physically.
    • Re: Yes i need help

      First of all, Kung-Fu( Unless it is San Shou or something like that.) is not good for self-defense, despite what the movies say.

      Second, you can't become proficient in martial arts/self defense systems by watching videos or reading books without practicing. Sure, trained fighters benefit from videos and books as they see new moves and they try them during training, but for the average person they are not very useful.

      Third, Even if you watch good videos, you need to practice the techniques against a resisting opponent and be able to pull them off for them to have a chance of working in the street.

      Fourth, if you pit 2 fighters of the same skill level, the stronger one will most likely win. For some reason,most untrained men are better at fighting than untrained women and are also stronger.

      I advice you to NOT fight that guy under any circumstances because you will most likely lose. Try to talk to him about the situation, tell your friends, parents, or somebody else that you trust. If he yells at you, do not yell back as men are more likely to get pissed and punch someone.

      If you want to learn martial arts to defend yourself:

      I advice you to take classes in legitimate martial arts like Boxing, Kyokushin Karate, Muay Thai, Brazillian Ju jutsu , Krav Magga , or Judo. PM me if you want more info on how to know if the school is legit, and not a MCdojo ( BS, out for your money, that does not care for your fighting ability because they themselves suck, ) school.
      It won't be easy, but the benefits are definitely worth it.

      IF for some reason that guy attacks you, keep your hands up by your head, elbows in, and chin tucked. It will help you a lot, as having your hands up automatically blocks punches that are not straight and having your chin tucked makes you harder to knock out.
      Try to run at the first opportunity.

      But seriously, violence is not always the answer. Surely you can talk to that guy and get to a peaceful solution?
    • Re: Yes i need help

      LonesomeStranger wrote:

      okay i gotta admit that i'll end up bleeding. But i could kick him in the balls rite?

      Nah, you need to break his nose, just use the palm of you hand and put all your weight into it ;) Easier than you'd think.

      You should look up kickboxing classes or something if you're really interested self defense and stuff.

      But I'm going to have to agree with Cyndaquil here and say don't fight the guy, there's nothing to be gained by doing so.

      Aannddyy on msn wrote:

      hye, i jstu red ur post in the dibates and diskushon bord lol

      DamnImGood;1062835947 wrote:

      I'm definitely an idiot.

    • Re: Yes i need help

      LonesomeStranger wrote:

      okay i gotta admit that i'll end up bleeding. But i could kick him in the balls rite?

      I've been kicked in the balls twice. Neither time has slowed me down enough from grabbing the hair of the chick who kicked me and twirling her into the nearest solid object; I wouldn't want to really hit a girl unless I had to.

      The best measure is simply to not get into a physical confrontation with him. Put things in the hands of others, contact parents or the school about him giving you threats and stay around your friends.

      Also, Cade, I lol'd at your first sentence.
      Without sensibility no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind. ~Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason
      [CENTER]The greatest thing you'll ever learn
      Is just to Love
      And be Loved in return

      The post was edited 1 time, last by DeaExMachina ().

    • Re: Yes i need help

      Cyndaquil wrote:

      First of all, Kung-Fu( Unless it is San Shou or something like that.) is not good for self-defense,

      Actually it is... but back on topic...

      I wouldnt suggest fighting to be honest, and learning it on the internet wont be of much use. Just try and avoid him, if you feel threatened then go around with some freinds, he wont bother you if your in a group and hes outnumbered.
    • Re: Yes i need help

      ThatKarateKid wrote:

      Actually it is... but back on topic...

      I wouldnt suggest fighting to be honest, and learning it on the internet wont be of much use. Just try and avoid him, if you feel threatened then go around with some freinds, he wont bother you if your in a group and hes outnumbered.

      No it is not. Art is flawed. It has a history of not producing good fighters.
      Well at least its what i've heard about Wing Chun. San shou is good.
      PM me if you want to discuss it more or enlighten me about how it is good for self-defense.

      to the OP:

      DO NOT kick the guy in the nutz unless you can hold your own against them without that.

      Dirty Fighting should only be used when your life is in danger ( your life is in danger, might as well try EVERYTHING, even if it probably wont work, it might.)
      Or when you have a skill or strength advantage.
      You should never escalate the level of violence up to that level, because when the adrenaline starts flowing, he won't double up like you see in the movies.
      Also, you most likely can't hit hard enough to get through the adrenaline boost he has and cause him lots of pain.

      It isn't a magical fight ender like everybody thinks it is.

      Also, look for Muay Thai and not American Kickboxing. American kickboxing sucks. They have a weird rule set and they do not do leg kicks, clinches, knees, elbows, etc.
      Muay Thai does. But seriously, don't fight him. He is a guy and has a strength, size, and skill. which would mean he has every advantage over you.
      But don't worry, if you decide to take Muay Thai (Hard style Karate will also work, boxing will also work.) or BJJ and stick to it you will be able to beat him in a relatively short amount of time.

      ---------- Post added at 11:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 AM ----------

      Admiral Ackbar wrote:

      Nah, you need to break his nose, just use the palm of you hand and put all your weight into it ;) Easier than you'd think.

      You should look up kickboxing classes or something if you're really interested self defense and stuff.

      But I'm going to have to agree with Cyndaquil here and say don't fight the guy, there's nothing to be gained by doing so.

      Breaking the nose is a very good option.

      But Lisa, she probably will hurt herself. You need to land the hit with the heel of your palm and she sounds like she hasn't fought anybody before, let alone thrown a palm strike. So it is better to do it with a close fist.

      Edit: I am sorry I assumed some things I shouldn't have because of another post. Will pay more attention now.

      The post was edited 4 times, last by JC ().

    • Re: Yes i need help

      Cyndaquil wrote:

      Breaking the nose is a very good option, and since he most likely does point fighting Krotty, and Wing Chun kung fu ( which sucks.) he will probably won't be able to defend it.

      But Lisa, she probably will hurt herself. You need to land the hit with the heel of your palm and she sounds like she hasn't fought anybody before, let alone thrown a palm strike. So it is better to do it with a close fist.

      Breaking the nose is a decent option in a fight, palm or fist striking upwards underneath the nose will be very effective and cause blinding pain.
      Although, quite a messy wound though, lots of blood everywhere, wouldnt reccomend it if you dont want to cause a scene.

      The collarbone is a good option, no blood, and no visible marks on the body until bruising appears 20minutes later.
    • Re: Yes i need help

      ThatKarateKid wrote:

      Breaking the nose is a decent option in a fight, palm or fist striking upwards underneath the nose will be very effective and cause blinding pain.
      Although, quite a messy wound though, lots of blood everywhere, wouldnt reccomend it if you dont want to cause a scene.

      The collarbone is a good option, no blood, and no visible marks on the body until bruising appears 20minutes later.

      She could also aim for a jab right under the nose.
      It hurts a lot.

      I would not advise hitting the collarbone. Unless you axe kick it, you won't break it :/. It is not a fight-ender either. Broken nose is not a fight ender ( unless opponent is a coward.) but it will greatly impair his ability to fight.

      Should we be discussing this stuff?
      I mean the OP Was asking us for advice.
      Not for a discussion on most effective fighting moves.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by JC ().

    • Re: Yes i need help

      Moves she won't even be using. Generally speaking people who aren't use to fighting have absolutely no perception of what they're doing and just freak and hit, run, or kick anything they can. Advice is best given on how to avoid such a confrontation.

      Also, krav maga ftw.
      Without sensibility no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind. ~Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason
      [CENTER]The greatest thing you'll ever learn
      Is just to Love
      And be Loved in return
    • Re: Yes i need help

      DeaExMachina wrote:

      Moves she won't even be using. Generally speaking people who aren't use to fighting have absolutely no perception of what they're doing and just freak and hit, run, or kick anything they can. Advice is best given on how to avoid such a confrontation.

      Also, krav maga ftw.

      Definitely Jab-Nutpunch-legkick-nut kick-eye poke-cross. FTW. Krav Maga is FTW.
      Not pretty, but it works.

      She definitely should not be fighting him.

      Maybe she could try to talk to him by phone and get to a peaceful solution?
      Or confront him in person with friends backing her up.
    • Re: Yes i need help

      Cyndaquil wrote:

      Definitely Jab-Nutpunch-legkick-nut kick-eye poke-cross. FTW. Krav Maga is FTW.
      Not pretty, but it works.

      She definitely should not be fighting him.

      Maybe she could try to talk to him by phone and get to a peaceful solution?
      Or confront him in person with friends backing her up.

      talk to him by phone? Nuhh uhh. Never will work. And plus he knows wushu (idk if yu know what that is, its something like karate like that) and he probably will ask his friends to come along w/ him and beat me up. And i've fought w/ my bff before when i was like 8 and i kind of bitchslap-ed her. LOL. And i had only two options A.) kick him in the balls B.) BITCHSLAP AND RUNNNN.
      If I kissed your lips for the last time
      Please don't say if it's so
      Tell my heart it's not goodbye
    • Re: Yes i need help

      LonesomeStranger wrote:

      talk to him by phone? Nuhh uhh. Never will work. And plus he knows wushu (idk if yu know what that is, its something like karate like that) and he probably will ask his friends to come along w/ him and beat me up. And i've fought w/ my bff before when i was like 8 and i kind of bitchslap-ed her. LOL. And i had only two options A.) kick him in the balls B.) BITCHSLAP AND RUNNNN.

      LMAO! he knows wushu?! He has t3h d3ad1y then. Don't mess with him, he will make your brain explode with a strike to a nerve point!!!!!!!1111one!!!!

      I am kidding. The stuff above is not true.

      Wushu is a chinese "martial " art which overemphasizes looking good.
      It is the stuff you see on Jet Li movies in which they are all jumping around throwing fancy kicks that do not land stuff.
      I think that Wushu comes from contemporary Chinese Martial Arts.
      But it is not for fighting, it is for show. They NEVER spar ( fight in a controlled environment.)
      Wushu video:

      [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

      This is another offshoot of CMA. This one does work. If he knows this, don't mess with him. San shou video:
      [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

      Have you ever seen him get into a fight and win it using his Wushu?
      Answer is no. You can't win fight with Wushu, as it is not for fighting.
      Jab him in the face. Nevermind, get a guy to jab him in the face for you.
      He is not used to it. I assure you he has no more than average skill at fighting, because his martial art is not for fighting. Unless he incorporates San Shou into it, but I don't think so.

      You could also talk to his martial arts teacher and get him kicked out. They don't like it when their students go around sexually assaulting other people.

      Like I said, don't fight him. It is not THAT easy to kick him in the nuts and run away. It's hard. And he will get really mad for it.

      A slap in front of both his friends and yours might be good though. It's not like he can get away with beating you for that.

      But if you think he is gonna give you problems, avoid him at all costs.
      He is not worth your attention. Call the police!

      The post was edited 2 times, last by JC ().

    • Re: Yes i need help

      lugan wrote:

      take your hand (folded out) slam it into the side of his neck fast... it willcut the oxygen off from his brain for half a second and he'll be out for a few minutes :ninja:

      Sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about.
      Unless you meant it as a joke, I hate you.

      I am kidding I do not hate you but seriously the stuff you see in the movies is mostly BS.

      Holding an RNC ( Sleeper hold done right, rear naked choke.) which cuts the bloodflow to the brain entirely on BOTH arteries until unconsciousness is not a magical life ender. After person loses consciousness though, it is very dangerous to not let go.
    • Re: Yes i need help

      lugan wrote:

      take your hand (folded out) slam it into the side of his neck fast... it willcut the oxygen off from his brain for half a second and he'll be out for a few minutes :ninja:

      Oh, this one reminds me - get your phone, hold it in your hand with your thumb along the top of it, and whack it into the side of his jaw.

      Can't remember what that one's supposed to do, think it was knock him out or something, but either way should hurt a bit.

      Officer Hernandez wrote:

      Whats up with all the "donkey punch, choke slam, slice and cut"
      We are talking about a girl here, you expect her to know all these moves?

      And even if she does, her chances aren't very high against this stalker

      Can't you just avoid the situation?

      I'm a girl :nono: Not all girls are hopelessly defenceless.

      Aannddyy on msn wrote:

      hye, i jstu red ur post in the dibates and diskushon bord lol

      DamnImGood;1062835947 wrote:

      I'm definitely an idiot.

    • Re: Yes i need help

      Cyndaquil wrote:

      LMAO! he knows wushu?! He has t3h d3ad1y then. Don't mess with him, he will make your brain explode with a strike to a nerve point!!!!!!!1111one!!!!

      I am kidding. The stuff above is not true.

      Wushu is a chinese "martial " art which overemphasizes looking good.
      It is the stuff you see on Jet Li movies in which they are all jumping around throwing fancy kicks that do not land stuff.
      I think that Wushu comes from contemporary Chinese Martial Arts.
      But it is not for fighting, it is for show. They NEVER spar ( fight in a controlled environment.)
      Wushu video:

      YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.

      This is another offshoot of CMA. This one does work. If he knows this, don't mess with him. San shou video:
      YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.

      Have you ever seen him get into a fight and win it using his Wushu?
      Answer is no. You can't win fight with Wushu, as it is not for fighting.
      Jab him in the face. Nevermind, get a guy to jab him in the face for you.
      He is not used to it. I assure you he has no more than average skill at fighting, because his martial art is not for fighting. Unless he incorporates San Shou into it, but I don't think so.

      You could also talk to his martial arts teacher and get him kicked out. They don't like it when their students go around sexually assaulting other people.

      Like I said, don't fight him. It is not THAT easy to kick him in the nuts and run away. It's hard. And he will get really mad for it.

      A slap in front of both his friends and yours might be good though. It's not like he can get away with beating you for that.

      But if you think he is gonna give you problems, avoid him at all costs.
      He is not worth your attention. Call the police!

      why not? And yes in my country. I've seen them using wushu and fight and man it was scary. :o
      If I kissed your lips for the last time
      Please don't say if it's so
      Tell my heart it's not goodbye