Is this girl attracted to me, or just being friendly?

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    • Is this girl attracted to me, or just being friendly?

      Well basically ive become friends with this girl, and she is always dropping hints, but i dont know if it is because she is being friendly, because one time she said she'd wouldnt go out with me, but that was in front of other people and they had been making the suggestions. But i just feel like she does like me, and i like her, but i dont want to ask her out incase i ruin our friendship.

      Im 16 and im not exactly the best with the ladies, and I dont even know if im good looking to girls or not, ive just come to conclude im not.
    • Re: Is this girl attracted to me, or just being friendly?

      She already turned you down and you're wondering if she likes you?

      i agree, 99% of the time 'no' means 'yes'

      Actually it's been the exact opposite in my experience, except when watching some sappy love movie. Most girls will turn down guys that they're not interested in
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    • Re: Is this girl attracted to me, or just being friendly?

      You didnt tell us anything that can make us judge if she likes you or not. Tell us the hints she gives, give us some more information, how she responds to what you say, etc etc. Tell us whatever makes you feel she likes you, and maybe then we can judge.

      And DONT give her hints back. Men dont give hints. When time comes, you directly approach them.
    • Re: Is this girl attracted to me, or just being friendly?

      schmedes2 wrote:

      She already turned you down and you're wondering if she likes you?

      Actually it's been the exact opposite in my experience, except when watching some sappy love movie. Most girls will turn down guys that they're not interested in

      If you're the one who asks, and it's just you two there, and she says no - then she means no.

      If she's denying it in front of her friends, she probably does like him. Chances are they might already know she does if they're making the suggestions in the first place.

      I'd say there is a chance she likes you, but we can't really know for sure from what you've told us. You should just try talking to her about it. Either ask her what she thinks of you, or something like that, or straight-out ask her out. If you're friends, and she says no, you should be able to keep the friendship going without it being too awkward. And if she says yes, then that's one hell of a bonus :)

      Good luck.

      Aannddyy on msn wrote:

      hye, i jstu red ur post in the dibates and diskushon bord lol

      DamnImGood;1062835947 wrote:

      I'm definitely an idiot.

    • Re: Is this girl attracted to me, or just being friendly?

      schmedes2 wrote:

      She already turned you down and you're wondering if she likes you?

      Actually it's been the exact opposite in my experience, except when watching some sappy love movie. Most girls will turn down guys that they're not interested in

      Tbh, you're a bit of a bullshitter. :rolleyes:

      I've never turned down a guy straight away, due to guilt.
      And "it's been the exact opposite in my experience"?
      For you to go on probability then you must have loads of girls that have turned you down - and from what you said I can tell why.

      Sorry - just venting my feelings. :cool:
    • Re: Is this girl attracted to me, or just being friendly?

      sorry, really like at school, she always says hi and comes straight over to me and who im talking too (a lot of the time, although not always) and she makes jokes like if we were going out and stuff. Erm a lot of other flirty stuff too, like what you might expect from a girl.
      Oh and im generally not a funny person and she always says im funny.
    • Re: Is this girl attracted to me, or just being friendly?

      That confirms that she has some interest for sure. A girl coming and saying Hi all the time is a big sign! Big one!! And if the girl is flirting, you can make out from the way she talks. Okay does she hold her hair sometimes while talking to you? does she smile a lot when talking to you? Does she eye contact you? Did you ever look at her and found her staring you and turned eyes away as soon as you made eye contacted?

      Anyway from what you said, it definitely looks like she is interested.
    • Re: Is this girl attracted to me, or just being friendly?

      Cup Of Coffee! wrote:

      That confirms that she has some interest for sure. A girl coming and saying Hi all the time is a big sign! Big one!! And if the girl is flirting, you can make out from the way she talks. Okay does she hold her hair sometimes while talking to you? does she smile a lot when talking to you? Does she eye contact you? Did you ever look at her and found her staring you and turned eyes away as soon as you made eye contacted?

      I do often find our eyes meet in the room, but i do kinda look around a lot.
      And she always talks to me and stuff.
      I might ask her out then, ill see how things go
    • Re: Is this girl attracted to me, or just being friendly?

      lozzaaa<3 wrote:

      It sounds like she does like you - denying it in front of other people is a big clue.

      But that argument works if you actually know she is denying it. Denying she likes him.

      But until we can know that, no means no.

      And yes means yes.

      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.
    • Re: Is this girl attracted to me, or just being friendly?

      LauraJane wrote:

      Tbh, you're a bit of a bullshitter. :rolleyes:

      I've never turned down a guy straight away, due to guilt.
      And "it's been the exact opposite in my experience"?
      For you to go on probability then you must have loads of girls that have turned you down - and from what you said I can tell why.

      Sorry - just venting my feelings. :cool:

      Right, you're just proving my point! I'll bet for guys you were interested in, you did what you could to let them know you were into them, before some other girl could come in and snap them up. You never said something to turn them off.

      People do what they can to be around people they like. They don't say things like "No Im not interested.

      And as a matter fact, I have been turned down by tons of girls. Just goes with the territory. I've also been with a lot of great girls as a result.
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    • Re: Is this girl attracted to me, or just being friendly?

      Dude, you can't have it both ways. It sounds like to me you've already messed it up, because now she thinks as you as a friend instead of as a man.

      You have to state your intentions from the VERY start of the relationship, while managing to be cool and fun. When I walk up to a girl I like it generally goes something like: "Hey, I thought you were cute and wanted to meet you. My names Tom!"

      You can't just randomly stop being her friend one day and be like "SURPRISE, I HAVE A DICK!" It doesn't work that way. Just be cool, fun, and flirt with her. It may seem like this is awkward/weird at first, but it's far more weird to do this once she is used to you being her friend.
      [SIZE=3] best website in the world to learn how to pickup chicks and deal with social interactions in general.

    • Re: Is this girl attracted to me, or just being friendly?

      ItzTom wrote:

      Dude, you can't have it both ways. It sounds like to me you've already messed it up, because now she thinks as you as a friend instead of as a man.

      You have to state your intentions from the VERY start of the relationship, while managing to be cool and fun. When I walk up to a girl I like it generally goes something like: "Hey, I thought you were cute and wanted to meet you. My names Tom!"

      You can't just randomly stop being her friend one day and be like "SURPRISE, I HAVE A DICK!" It doesn't work that way. Just be cool, fun, and flirt with her. It may seem like this is awkward/weird at first, but it's far more weird to do this once she is used to you being her friend.

      haha I never thought of putting it that way, spot on. It's so true, though, girls see us as asexual, amorphous blobs when we don't make it clear that we're attracted to them physically. And then we get upset when they don't like us...:confused:
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