Okay, boys, spill your beans :P

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  • Okay, boys, spill your beans :P

    Okayy. I want to know - no b.s. - what guys think about girls' bodies. No, I don't want a paragraph explaining your love of boobs. Not okay. But like what do you think when you see a girl? Do you care about her weight? Cause let's be honest, not all girls are skinny and small. Do you ever get turned on by a chubby or fat girl? Do you look at them differently?

    Peace, Love,
  • Re: Okay, boys, spill your beans :P

    me personally, and i dunno bout the other guys here, i look at the whole package i mean ive been into tiny lil girls and sum girls that were a lil bigger. they were all cute and pretty dam hot i mean weight doesnt really figure into it just how hot they look i mean sum bigger girls are hot not to sound crass but big boobs and and a nice ass. and also its how a girl carries herself and how she projects herself.
    hit me up sumtime people i love makin friends and im always on messenger lol
  • Re: Okay, boys, spill your beans :P

    I very much agree with him... I mean honestly looks are not all that important. I find a girl attractive based on how she acts, portrays herself, her intelligence, and her overall personality. If i like all of these aspects then i see her as being very cute and attractive.

    All that aside I still dont think that weight matters that much. If a girl is morbidly obese then i might have some objections, but there is nothing wrong with slightly overweight. In my opinion as well, I am not a fan of huge boobs, they need to be proportionate to the rest of a girls body. Also I personally think that toned legs are very sexy.

    Well thats my two cents worth at least...
    *once you click in to your bindings your whole world is put aside for the next couple of hours
  • Re: Okay, boys, spill your beans :P

    Well depends how I like her, I mean there's like the "I wanna f**k you," love, and the combination of looks and personality.

    Frankly, and don't think of me shallow, but I tend to prefer more skinny girls, not too skinny where ribs show, or there are no boobs, but the right amount. But when that girl, (in my opinion) is stupid, too preppy, and not my type, I don't like her. I just want to do her, you can say.

    But for me I just love a nice butt and nice legs. Those I can't live without.

    You can always be a bit bigger. It's no big deal, I've liked girls who weren't like Megan Fox, or the skinniest girl in school. They just need to be confident in how they look. But there is a limit. And frankly, like guys should be trying to get big arms and a nice pack of abs, the girls should be trying to not pass that limit of weight.
  • Re: Okay, boys, spill your beans :P

    When I see a girl, I'm usually either attracted to them, or not. That can change when I actually meet them, but usually it doesn't. If you were asking about preferences, I do care about weight. Chubby/fat chicks are a major turnoff to me. I understand not all girls are skinny and small, but I don't want them to be bigger than me. I don't even consider dating fat chicks. Just not happening. And I do prefer small(5"2ish) girls.
  • Re: Okay, boys, spill your beans :P

    *Boleyn* wrote:

    So Ventura, what you're saying is all people, guys and girls, should be trying to keep a specific body type?

    More so they should be trying to not pass that limit of Morbidly obese. If people just ate Mcdonalds every meal, didn't work out, etc, they will be fat, and most likely not get much lovers. But, and this goes for guys too, we should all be trying to not pass that limit. I'm not saying get skinny, I'm saying, who cares if theres a little belly flab, some thigh fat, whatever. Just make sure it doesn't go overboard.

    And Brandon, I totally agree. I know one of the hottest girls at my school, in my grade, isn't the smallest. She is a little bigger, but it's muscle that doesn't show. She's got some meat, you can say. And that is hot.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Ventura ().

  • Re: Okay, boys, spill your beans :P

    I really think it depends on the girl.Some girls who are ''overweight'' don't really care and don't see it as an obstacle so why should I? On the other hand it's always noticeable with shy reserved girls and it is kinda pointed out.
    I don't really like super skinny girls its not a turn off but I don't think it's that intersting.
    I really think it depends on the person.
  • Re: Okay, boys, spill your beans :P

    There is always the initial reaction when I meet a girl of "Damn she's hot..." or...there just isn't any reaction at all. I've never had an instance where I've thought of a girl as ugly initially, it was always hot or normal. Over the years, I've learned to disregard that feeling when I meet new girls.

    My experience is that personally, once I get to know them, the 'hot' girls never really appeal to me. Perhaps it's because I can't really approach them in a boyfriend perspective, because their looks intimidate me. When I say intimidate, I mean that I could never picture myself walking around school being their boyfriend because of their automatically implied social stature.

    Yet all those girls that I initially found 'normal' always cause me to fall in love with them. I have to look beyond their looks to their personality and their approach to life, and once I do, I realize that they're beautiful, not just 'hot'. I mean yeah, sure, I'd love to bang a hot girl :sarcasm: but will that really happen if I dream about it all day and do nothing about it? Yet on the other hand, I can initiate and maintain a relationship with the beautiful girls that don't intimidate me, and that's what I love.

    In terms of a girl's body...we don't exactly have chubby/fat girls at my school, so I don't really have any personal experiences, but I think that I wouldn't really mind. The thing is though, that I'm generally attracted to girls that do sports because I'm quite immersed in athletics as well, and well...doing sports generally causes you to become quite fit.

    In terms of the specifics...I love a girl's eyes. I also like small boobs. :) Bigger ones are cool too though.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Ready ().

  • Re: Okay, boys, spill your beans :P

    Cuteness and a spark of interest. There is no single factor for me but when I see a girl, even an attractive girl, I don't much care for her unless she has that spark. When I get that spark I can't take my eyes off her until we've spoken.
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