Depressed about height.

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    • Re: Depressed about height.

      Atleast it doesn't restrict you from daily life tasks, that is the main thing. You actually could have a late growth spurt, i have friends who have been 6ft by the time they're 12 and still grow years on, and then there is this guy who i knew that is about 16 now and is only about err....Well yes, about 5 ft 5 if not less. He didn't complain about it or anything, his brother who is one year older is about 6ft+ as well suprisingly. As long as no bullying is happening then there is nothing to be worried about. I am quite small for my age compared to my friends, i'm around 5 ft 6/7 whereas my friends are all around 5 ft 8+ but i don't really care.
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Depressed about height.

      I hardly eat at all never mind healthy things and haven't really had many things to do in a while but i still look average.

      I think that certain foods can help you grow faster but is not exactly totally reliable.
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Depressed about height.

      I was pretty short until I started growing at around 15 or so. For the longest time, people used to make fun of me for being short, and it pissed me off. My brother was tall, even at the age I was, but it just didn't seem like I was growing.

      Then, I hit my growth spurts, and I shot up in height. I'm taller than both my parents, and even my brother now.
      [CENTER]"Young King, pay me in gold."
    • Re: Depressed about height.

      Im 14 and still am 5' when everyone else is about 5'5. Oh forget them. Short people are awesome! Even though I'm short, I'm tuff(Hehe tuff :D) I am very strong and that pays off even if your short.

      [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]J[COLOR="SandyBrown"]U[COLOR="Yellow"]S[COLOR="Lime"]T [COLOR="Blue"]D[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]A[COLOR="Magenta"]N[COLOR="Red"]C[COLOR="Lime"]E[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]
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    • Re: Depressed about height.

      Hitman wrote:

      dude im 19 and im 6'6 when i was 16 i was only 5' even my mom is like 4'9 and my dads 5'4 so yeah anything could happen

      You're a beacon of hope. This is honestly all I have been able to think about for nearly a year now.

      Does anybody know how accurate the guesses doctors make on your height when your a baby is? My mom said he predicted 5'8 for me, and the day she told me that I became happier than I've been in a long time. Though now I'm starting to doubt it again, your reassuring me that it really is possible to start growing again.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Jordan L: Grammar error. ().

    • Re: Depressed about height.

      Well, if it makes you feel better my boyfriends barley 5'7 and I (5'10) still went out with him. So, I mean if its because your scared about girls, know there are people who care about insides <3

      And as far as insecurities go, trust me...I feel your pain. I AM VERY insecure about one particular aspect of my body. I always have been. But, over time I let go. Realizing love and acceptance are only divine when they are more than shallow judgements. Not to mention nooone is perfect.
      [FONT="System"]"The hardest people to love are the ones who need it the most."[/FONT]
    • Re: Depressed about height.

      i know people from grade 9, 10 and 11 who are about 2/3 of my height, and i'm 5' 6" or so. don't worry about it, its not the size of the body, its the size of the heart that matters to people. and as i mentioned above, i'm only about 5' 6", and i'm almost 16. its nothing to worry about, as long as you don't focus on it and consider it a hold back in your life, it will make a very little difference. in fact, to be honest, i find it to be helpful to be short, its much easier to do things. eg. you can get through a huge crowd easily, its easier to hide etc, honestly, its very convenient. so don't worry about it. my uncle, about 30 years old now, is shorter than me, he's 5' 4.5" or so, he has a well paying job that he enjoys, a beautiful wife and leads a healthy, happy life.
      Welcome to the world; welcome to the biggest Mindfuck of your life
    • Re: Depressed about height.

      Boys hight can increase upto the age of 22.
      and its not essential at every cases, your hight could be more than your parents in future.
      If you are really much depressed for your hight try to consult a doctor to increase hight.
      Because For a Racer, A story is there.
      No matter How powerfull your car is, but the matter is How you Drive to win the Race.
    • Re: Depressed about height.

      Don't even worry about it. What's so great about being tall anyway? My brother is 6'3 and all he ever does is complain about how he hits his head on everything. Everyone is made differently and that doesn't make any single person "better" or "special". There are short guys and short girls everywhere in the world. The gene for being tall is actually disappearing. There is nothing wrong with being short. When I was 15 I dated a 16yr old that was 4in shorter than me, but I didn't care and if someone really likes you for who you are then it shouldn't matter at all.
    • Re: Depressed about height.

      Jordan L wrote:

      I'm 16 and 5'5, judging by my parents height, I will not be growing anymore. For months now I've been getting really depressed about my height. It would only happen every once in a while at first, but now I can't go half an hour without worrying about it. Has anybody else been worried about this before? What did you do to make yourself feel better?

      I honestly can't even imagine being an adult at this height.


      you walk around and practically kick her in the face!

      you got nothin to worry about O.O
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