i'm not sure if i'm over it.

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    • i'm not sure if i'm over it.

      Am i over it? :/ 6
        yes, it's normal (0) 0%
        no, not completely (3) 50%
        your in between (3) 50%
      I recently just got out of what was a terrible eating disorder.
      I feel so happy about myself now, ever since I started working out more and eating right, I can feel pretty good
      however, there are some days like today when I just feel really down about myself.
      i'm constantly obessing over fatty foods, and excersize constantly.
      i feel like every teenage girl in high school are thin and gorgeous, better then me.
      but i AM those things, so i don't really know why i should be so down.
      am i over it?
      what do you think?:(
    • Re: i'm not sure if i'm over it.

      Now, I'm no professional on eating disorders but, I think it's reasonable to think that they often take a while to get over. If you're eating right and exercising, then you're definitely on the right track. All I'd recommend doing is staying on that track. Try thinking positively about yourself. Repeat over and over in your head at those times "I'm fit, and I'm a very beautiful person, inside and out". Reaffirm those thoughts, in the hopes that they'll become beliefs. You've helped yourself this far, don't turn around and throw it all away.

      Best of luck to you!
      [CENTER]The only angels we need invoke are those of our better nature; reason, honesty and love.
      The only demons we need fear are those that lurk inside every human mind; ignorance, hatred, greed, and faith.


    • Re: i'm not sure if i'm over it.

      It is about reaffirmation. You're not getting enough people to tell you how you look. It might sound like vanity and ego but vanity and ego aren't necessarily a bad thing, after all they only exist because others have reaffirmed them into positive states of mind.

      You have achieved a good physical appearance, but you don't believe it is enough because you don't have people who are giving you the type of information that would make you feel it is enough. It is society that has determined the target of beauty you're going for and so it has to be society to tell you that you've reached it. You crave this attention, this desire for the reaffirmation of your own beauty. You want to be included in the circle of the "beautiful" and you don't feel that you are included merely by achieving their standards, someone else has to allow you in.

      In short, the best thing you can do is ask questions. Ask questions of others to get them to tell you how you look, go shooting for compliments and pleasantries. It is a vain thing to do, but you need that vanity to not be unhappy about yourself. If you don't work for this you may find you take yourself into the opposite end of the spectrum and become too thin and unhealthy.
      Without sensibility no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind. ~Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason
      [CENTER]The greatest thing you'll ever learn
      Is just to Love
      And be Loved in return