who i am

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    • my name is myles i am 14 and well i am a very f*cked up child/kid i am bi poler cant stay in with a girl for more than 2-3 weeks and i can only seem to get one girl and she is basicly kinda my slut and we just started dating again and well i know its gunna end bad i dnt love her but i say i do so she wont get hurt i am a stoner i a pop pills i have done almost done every drug known to man except for crack or herion and well i have black brown hair and green blue and grey eyes i weight like 178 and i over weightand i think thats my weakness i hate being fat i hate being alone i just hate alot of things and i REALLY dont know what to do please reply
    • Re: who i am

      First off, I'm going to repeat myself til it's known. 13-15 years of age is too young to be dating. you should be living your life instead of worrying about a girl who's probably hasn't even gotten her breast. The second thing I could recommend if you have serious bi-polar issues you may want to see someone about medications that will help that problem. Third and lastly, if you are really doing drugs like you said you are. You need help with that too, you aren't going to get anywhere with life or dating if you continue to live your life doing drugs. In-fact you're shorten your life. I'm sure you're not alone you have family that love you, and probably friends who are concerned.
    • Re: who i am

      no one is concered about me my family has lost all love and hope for me and just because of my age does not mean i am not smart of mature enough to handle girl probloms and my drug use i use drugs to escape reallilty because its the only place where i feel i am not judged by people like you
    • Re: who i am

      hang on there....your asking for help from people like us, then you go on about being judged by us because we are trying to help you...

      listen, even if or not you want to decide that you can datem there is nothing wrong with going out with a girl and having fun with her, going to see a movie or hanging out, but i have to agree that you are too young to be in a serious love relationship, you are at an age in which you should be living life to the full.

      Later on in life, this will be taken away from you, and by doing drugs as you say you are, you are not only going to kill yourself faster, meaning that you miss out on all that life has to offer, but you are only going to yourself harm in the end. Do you really enjoy the image of taking some high powered drug, then feeling and watching yourself die away because you wanted a 2 hour escape, i dont think you do...

      you need to get help, i would reccomend going to see a counsiler about your drug problem and about your bi-polar disorder, and to pull your life back, to meet some new friends that will support you, and to start living life to the full, not killing yourself because you feel alone
    • Re: who i am

      hearttbeats is completely right. You've got your whole life ahead of you, so a girl should be the least of your worries when you've got so many other things going on. The fact that you're so worried about girls and are with a girl you don't love show you're not mature enough to handle girl problems. You say you can't hold a relationship for very long, and it's likely because of the drugs.

      If things are as bad as you say they are, seek help for your addictions and disorder (if you haven't actually been diagnosed for bi polar, I suggest you see a doctor to find out for sure). If you don't like your body, you can easily change that. Once you get everything sorted out, then start worrying about girls - and by then, I'm sure finding one will be much less of an issue.
    • Re: who i am

      all of you are saying the same f*cking thing i dont care that i am only 14/15 because i know deep in my heart that i want to die this whole life is nothing but lie built upon lie and when/if i do kill my self wether it be from drugs or by my self i will look back on my life and say wow i am glad i am gone and
    • Re: who i am

      mal wrote:

      all of you are saying the same f*cking thing i dont care that i am only 14/15 because i know deep in my heart that i want to die this whole life is nothing but lie built upon lie and when/if i do kill my self wether it be from drugs or by my self i will look back on my life and say wow i am glad i am gone and

      First of all, they're just offering you advice in the best way that they know how. Maybe you should listen?

      And secondly, you won't be able to "look back" on anything if you're dead. Death is permanent and irreversible...I wouldn't take something like killing yourself too lightly.
    • Re: who i am

      easy myles. Firstly I would like to say you are 14 and do not expect to know exactly what is going on with gils and relationships just yet dude. Just as with anything in life, you need to learn with trial and error. Heck, most people have their first proper gf or bf around 14. So try not to worry so much about that because when I look back on my past gf's, they ddn't get serious tilI was 16/17.

      about the drugs, lol you remind me of me when I was a lil older than you. I use to be a party kid around 16 years old. weed, ketamine, coke, ex, acid, 2cb, shrooms, valium, xanax the lot lol. This will seriously mess with your bi polar disorder and you need to realise that these drugs are just going to mess with your life, your moods, your partners and everything basically. They are fun, I must admit, but it isn't worth it. The only way I got out of the whole party scene was to actually move to thailand and I haven't looked back since. I dont drink or take any drugs now a days. Maybe you should sit down and think about where you want to be in 5 years and if your life as it stands will take your there...
      you Are you on meds for your bi polar disorder by any chance?

      You need to be sincere witht his girl and think about what you want. You call her your slut, is that all you want, someone to have sex with? In the real world that isn't anyway to treat a girl though mate, and girls who are sluts generally just cause you trouble anyway.

      The only way you will solve your weight issues is to sort out your diet and exercise. Being realistic that is how it has to be. Things that are truly worth while take work to achieve. Once you start to see your progress you won't look back. It took a while to put on the weight, and it will take a while to loose. I adivse seeking advise from a doctor or searching the net on diet. Maybe go to the gym 2-3 times a week and make sure you go for runs or run on the treadmill after your work out. If you do all these things, in a 6 months time you will look back and laugh and be happier with yourself I am sure. all the best, tom
    • Re: who i am

      Hey, you know when your young every little thing that happens mean the end of the world. Its ok, everyone have flaws about them they hate. There are two kinds of people, the ones that would do anything to be pretty or handsome weather its going to the extreme or their others that learns to accept themselves anyhow. The stronger ones accept them self. I mean yea sometimes it could be very hard and painful because we live in such a harsh society with all kind of negative thoughts........but dont worry....it takes time.....just learn to accept yourself no matter what :) be positive!
    • Re: who i am

      Andrew Paul wrote:

      get on meds, dude. i have depressive disorder. it's like bipolar, but the depression isn't as bad, i'm not as all over the place, and i don't get manic. i have to do things that level me out a bit, i play guitar, so i can usually pull myself out, but bipolar is much more serious and you neeed to be on meds for it, no question.

      once again.

      and like another posted said, recreational drugs do make shit worse. they just make you less reluctant to spill your feelings on people when you've had a bad day, and make your erratic.
    • Re: who i am

      personaly i hate people who do drugs- but your different.

      You have a reason, atleast you think you do.

      If shes the "only girl you can get" then maybe you need to change what you are [as much as i hate saying it]

      do you like who you are? no you just said u feel like your fat, well im 330 lbs join the club [which is increasing in members at an alarming rate...]

      stop the drugs, stop feeling bad for yourself.
      take a shower, change your close.
      go out there, randomly talk to a girl
      talk to her, ask her if she'd like to hang out- the answer doesnt matter
      its just a bonus

      the point is, you tried.
      that impacts things ALOT in the long run, altho it seems like a 20minute race to you at the moment.

      [email protected] add me if you'd like a friend.
      The living may not hear them; Their voices may fall upon deaf ears. But make no mistake; The dead are not silent. My Skype: Alaestor My TeamSpeak3: ts3.FutureGadgetLab.net
    • Re: who i am

      mal wrote:

      my name is myles i am 14 and well i am a very f*cked up child/kid i am bi poler cant stay in with a girl for more than 2-3 weeks and i can only seem to get one girl and she is basicly kinda my slut and we just started dating again and well i know its gunna end bad i dnt love her but i say i do so she wont get hurt i am a stoner i a pop pills i have done almost done every drug known to man except for crack or herion and well i have black brown hair and green blue and grey eyes i weight like 178 and i over weightand i think thats my weakness i hate being fat i hate being alone i just hate alot of things and i REALLY dont know what to do please reply

      this probally won't help but just read this: as a child i was beaten by my father, i only have 1 friend and he lives 10 miles away and doesn't have a phone, i am going to a all christian school while i hate christians, my mother hates me, and i have only had 1 girlfriend and that was las summer
      paybacks a bitch aint it?