messed up life

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    • messed up life

      ok so i am depressed my parents Cyber School me cuz of religous beliefs they think its right to keep me away from this perverted wiked world so they try to isolate me i hate it not only that i had this girlfriend who i really really loved but she leaves me cuz we live across the state i live in PA, a few hours away from new jersey, she lives in Erie, which is close to Ohio well i loved her so much but she leaved me cuz we live to far, so that made matters worse. we r still great friends, but its not the same. she has a new bf and im pretty jelouse.
      so i am really depressed i hav no idea what to do... i hate living at my house i hate my parents i hate thier rules i always find myself listening to Alice Cooper: Freedom that is so perfect for me i wish my parents would stop living my life for me. i deserve SOME rights dont i?
      so my parents make me come to this church with them i know this dude named joey who goes there hes my friend he asked me if i wanted to buy drugs i said no, then i gave it a second thought. im depressed arint i? i hav no where else to turn? i said yeah what r they. hes like Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds i researched them i know what im doing so i told my former girlfriend about it she freaks out she said "u do drugs ill never talk to you agian i wont b ur friend or anything we will b threw forever." i had this long agrument about it but i ended up telling her i wont buy or use them. and i was being truthful. but the sunday i was supposed to buy the drugs i told joey i didnt hav any money. but then i saw how close i got to geting the drugs i got like a crave for them, even thou i never used drugs b4 in my life. so i said "il have money next week, bring 15$ worth" hes like i charge 1$ a seed so ill bring 15." then i thought, what hav i done? i dont wanna lie to my best friend, i love her to much but i wanted the drugs just as much! i dont know what to do i need help and some legit friends u can email me if u want other wise id apprecaite some help
    • Re: messed up life

      blink182 wrote:

      ok so i thought these forums were for help, not to get x amount of views and no replies. thanks guys

      these forums are for help but members have to take time to think about what they say and make sure they understand everything. If they say the wrong thing a person's life may depend on it. Just give it a little bit more time.

      ---------- Post added at 02:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 AM ----------

      Anyway, I don't think wanting to do drugs makes you "depressed". Drugs don't help at all they only make things worse you think that it is your friend but once the effects wear off your life is still as it was before. Maybe you should just tell your girlfriend and your parents how you feel and they will hopefully understand. You might want to tell them your friend is trying to sell you drugs and if he is really your friend he will understand you saying no to drugs. Your parents can't hide you from the world.
    • Re: messed up life

      Hey Blink182: btw, awesome
      Well, i have been there. Perhaps not in the same situation, but I HAVE been there. The moving away thing sucks.....and there really is nothing that will help that. I know the feeling because I am in love love love with a girl in michigan...and im in Brooklyn, NY. So, yeah. I know the feeling. But drugs man? i know you feel hopeless and lost and truly with nothing to lose......and at this point, rebellious. You see, i used to cut myself. And it was fun and it was cool to have a secret from my parents and from the rest of the world......and it was more about having the ability to be able to control an aspect of my life that was untouchable by others, and god. But then in the end when everyone found out (because in the end my frend, someone is always going to find out somehow), life was shittier than it was when i started. Its a vicious cycle. So if you turn to drugs now, you will have fun for a while.......but it wont fix your problems. And then when u are discovered, it will only create MANY MANY MANY MORE is NOT worth it my frend. Dont give in. Message me back if you wanna talk or need anything ok?
    • Re: messed up life

      You're impatient.

      Anyways, concerning your drugs it is just a way in which you can forget your own problems. The drugs won't actually make the problems go away, just make you forget about them. It is like taking some food into your room and eating it, but instead of wanting to take the scraps to the garbage you just sweep it under your bed. Sure, you won't see it, it might be awhile before you ever smell it or remember it was there, but will only make more problems as time goes on.

      The problem in your life isn't drugs, drugs are just a decision (a bad one at that). Your problem is your small social network. It can be bothersome to be home schooled, but you can still make friends. You need to talk to your parents about letting you go to places where you can meet other teens your age: arcades, bookstores, skate parks, etc. In this way you can keep in step with your parents decision while also getting what you want. Parents can be reasonable people, if your parents don't like the idea you can easily not do your work and then make an arrangement that you will do what they want if they will let you do what you want.

      Socializaton is importation to your growth, but running to drugs won't make you get what you need and desire. Pass them up, tell your friend that it is a bad idea and you don't want to fall down that hole. Go talk with your parents and find ways to meet new people to make new friends.
      Without sensibility no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind. ~Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason
      [CENTER]The greatest thing you'll ever learn
      Is just to Love
      And be Loved in return
    • Re: messed up life

      It seems like all of you need to stop taking drugs so seriously, its not that big of a deal, what IS a big deal is that the one of your choice is a hallucinogenic, stupid stupid terrible idea.. seriously, if you are having ANY emotional issue, don't take a hallucinogen... trust me.
      And everyone has a natural curiosity about drugs.. don't hate yourself for that, just don't be stupid about it

    • Re: messed up life

      jaceyface wrote:

      Hey Blink182: btw, awesome
      Well, i have been there. Perhaps not in the same situation, but I HAVE been there. The moving away thing sucks.....and there really is nothing that will help that. I know the feeling because I am in love love love with a girl in michigan...and im in Brooklyn, NY. So, yeah. I know the feeling. But drugs man? i know you feel hopeless and lost and truly with nothing to lose......and at this point, rebellious. You see, i used to cut myself. And it was fun and it was cool to have a secret from my parents and from the rest of the world......and it was more about having the ability to be able to control an aspect of my life that was untouchable by others, and god. But then in the end when everyone found out (because in the end my frend, someone is always going to find out somehow), life was shittier than it was when i started. Its a vicious cycle. So if you turn to drugs now, you will have fun for a while.......but it wont fix your problems. And then when u are discovered, it will only create MANY MANY MANY MORE is NOT worth it my frend. Dont give in. Message me back if you wanna talk or need anything ok?

      hm... sure id like to talk ya want my email? btw i love blink182 except until i found out they r bisexual but some of theyre shit isnt gay, so i like some of theyre stuff. what am i supposed to tell joey? he thinks i really want them. mayb say, i found out theyre hallucinative or w.e its called and i dont want that kind? idk please help me out and thanks for taking time to give me good advice i neded it
    • Re: messed up life

      amando96 wrote:

      Don't do drugs, you're only 14, unfortunately you have to play by your parents rules.
      Also, maybe you didn't get many answers because your spelling makes it hard to read, and some people don't bother.

      On the second point, agreed.
      Oh, and at the OP, before you say anything - amando isn't saying your parents rules are right, it's just the way it is at the moment. Try sitting down and talking with them. Otherwise, you're pretty much screwed.
      [CENTER]I shall stay with you, not until the end, but always.
    • Re: messed up life

      i dont know what to think. these forums arent as helpful as i thought.. im pretty much screwed

      but i think if i dont DO my school my parents mat relize i dont take homeschooling seriously. i hate being home schooled
      i gotta do something about it idc wat i gotta do but i gotta do something what should i tell my parents?
    • Re: messed up life

      woodrow seeds are like mild lsd and i have taken them and lsd before and in your current situation i would not advise it to be honest. They are hallucinogenic and hallucinogens are totally dependent on the mood you happen to be in when you take them. If you are depressed you will most likely have a bad trip that will make things a whole lot worse. Which to be honest may be a good thing as you will not want to take drugs again that is for sure. They are not like other drugs that take away pain or mute feelings of depression, hallucinogens exaggerate your current mood. Saying that though, all drugs are just a mask that cover problems up as they grow in silence! they are fun though if you have no problems :p
    • Re: messed up life

      blink182 wrote:

      i dont know what to think. these forums arent as helpful as i thought.. im pretty much screwed

      but i think if i dont DO my school my parents mat relize i dont take homeschooling seriously. i hate being home schooled
      i gotta do something about it idc wat i gotta do but i gotta do something what should i tell my parents?

      This forum can only do so much for you. You want someone to step in and fix everything for you, that's why you relied on these forums. You wanted to call out for help but we are merely an internet forum, nothing more.

      The first step starts with you. You can continue living with your condition, or make a move. You have to realize that no matter what, it always starts with the first step. If you don't take action, you will have to live with the life you have.