question from a guy to girls

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    • question from a guy to girls

      im not quite sure how to randomly aproach a girl if i hav no idea who she is, if shes in a relationship or not, or anything. i dont know how to tell if shes interested in me either. im pritty lonely right now, i think i need a girl. like seriously. im not the kinda guy that will cheat on or mistreat a girl. i just want to love a special lil gurl who will love me and we can spend time with each other together. but im not sure how to talk to a girl or approach her. you girls probly understand wat i mean.
      no i dont want guys to answer my question or judge me, i just want to here from girls cuz they know themselves best
    • Re: question from a guy to girls

      The fact that you're looking for a girl is the mistake here. A relationship is often (not always, I know a lot of scumbags with girls) the sign of strength. When you have fixed your problems, your insecurities, your "flaws", and when you can be proud of who you are and the life that you lead, you will find girls attracted to you.

      It's just how it works. Work on yourself for now :)
    • Re: question from a guy to girls

      What that guy said ^^

      But also, girls are such bitches at this age. I'd know. :rolleyes:
      Don't let the fact that you don't have a girl make you feel lonely. It's actually better you don't for now, because girls, most of them, love a guy who is sweet, but who has never had a girlfriend before - it shows the girl you haven't just fallen for anyone in the past.

      Good luck. <3
    • Re: question from a guy to girls

      Diamons wrote:

      The fact that you're looking for a girl is the mistake here.

      I guess that is the mistake.

      Diamons wrote:

      When you have fixed your problems, your insecurities, your "flaws", and when you can be proud of who you are and the life that you lead, you will find girls attracted to you.

      So you're saying girls will just flock to him?

      Diamons wrote:

      It's just how it works.

      Sure it is.

      Diamons wrote:

      Work on yourself for now :)

      Anyways, my point is none of that matters (confidence, non-insecurites, egoism), if girls don't know you, amirite?
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.
    • Re: question from a guy to girls

      Don't know about you because i am extremely lonely and have been for months and months now, no friends....little family which you can only be with for so long. Myself i reckon having a girlfriend could make me happier and have something to actually wake up for instead and look forward to something for the first time in a long time.

      You got it much easier than most people who like some girls. A lot of people claim they have a crush or have fallen for their friends which is risky buisness.

      If she hasn't noticed you then i wouldn't count on waiting for her to make the first move. You have a couple of options,

      1. Get the confidence and just ask her out upfront.
      2. Try and get talking with her first to make sure your personalities are the same.
      3. Once you get talking start to flirt a little, by then she should get the idea that you like her. And if she likes the attention then chances are good that she wouldn't mind going on a date or getting closer to you.

      Choose whichever you want, you have nothing to lose if you ask her upfront, just be understanding with her and she may not mind talking to you more and decide if she actually likes you. Whatever you do don't hold it in otherwise it will get worse and worse.

      Best of luck ;)
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]
    • Re: question from a guy to girls

      Well, I think you're best bet, is to get to know a girl first. That way it will answer all your questions of if she's single, whether or not she's interested in you, and so on.

      Now approaching a girl doesn't have to be random. Well, perhaps a little, but you can make that go away. Have some reason for going up to her. School related question, like do you know the homework for... then continue to make conversation. Get to know the girl first, and get comfortable with her. In order to tell if she is interested, flirt with her, and see if she flirts back. It is a pretty good way to tell if she is interested in you or not. Then attempt to ask her out.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Trillium ().

    • Re: question from a guy to girls

      Typically you have better luck if you are not obsessed with being in a relationship. If you are lonely and wanting to be with a girl without a certain girl in mind, then chances are you will fall in love with the idea of having a girl rather than the actual girl herself. If you are desperate it typically shows, and I find that is a major turn off with females. Confidence is key, and if you want something you just have to go for it. Usually the issue with approaching girls is that one thinks too much and never acts. In matters of the heart it is better to act rather than overanalyze.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • Re: question from a guy to girls

      Self confidence has got to be one of the most important attributes you will need to possess to get a girl. Instead of being all nervous and worried that she might not like you, realize that she is one out of...billions of people literally and that you will have plenty of other times to try. Also, girls like a confident person I find. As I said before, be confident, and instead of cowering, go up to the girl and be all like "Hey bitch, spread your legs!" - I mean no... that's not right. Just say hi to her. "Hey, what's up?"
    • Re: question from a guy to girls

      sigi wrote:

      Self confidence has got to be one of the most important attributes you will need to possess to get a girl. Instead of being all nervous and worried that she might not like you, realize that she is one out of...billions of people literally and that you will have plenty of other times to try. Also, girls like a confident person I find. As I said before, be confident, and instead of cowering, go up to the girl and be all like "Hey bitch, spread your legs!" - I mean no... that's not right. Just say hi to her. "Hey, what's up?"

      Holy shit that is funny XD

      Yep, don't be disrespectful or cocky to them. Just crack the odd funny line and compliment them.
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]
    • Re: question from a guy to girls

      You do not need confidence to talk to a girl.

      (Because the only time you need confidence is if you don't got anything to say.).

      By the way, as for all the advice that go, say "Hey, what's up?" or say Hi/Hello.

      Then the girl will just reply back.

      Then that reduces back to the initial scenario, of coming up with something to say.
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.