I have no life...

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    • I have no life...

      Here's my problem:
      I know this is a common complaint but hear me out. I always feel awkward in social situations, like parties, school, and even church. I feel like everyone is evaluating me and I get anxious around girls. I never get out. I only get to go to several places. Church (two places my parents and FBC of moore), school, my family store, and the library (the only place where i feel i can escape it all.) are the only places.
      I have a few friends but I barely know them. Just their names and hobbies (and i barely know much about their hobbies). And only a couple of them visit, because their close to me. I never get to go to any of my "friends'" houses. I never get to hang out with anyone outside of school (no exaggeration. I literally stay home all day, everyday after school.). I've never had any relationships (girlfriend).
      Sound's petty I know, but once you've experienced the droning, repetitive days I have to endure then you'll know what I mean.
      Its my parents. They've literally antagonized the concept of friends. They even said, and I quote, "Friends will lead you down the wrong path. All they do is get in cars and have accidents." They're extremely conservative, they still use switches. So I don't know how to break their stereotype without getting a couple lashings. What should I do?
    • Re: I have no life...

      This past year i have had no friends and family apart from my mum and dad and some family visit for 2 weeks. I have felt extremely lonely this year, but never isolated by my parents.... I have also never had a girlfriend or any interest from girls in my life but that doesn't exactly mean i don't have a life because not every 14 year old has had before.

      You got a religious family so they can be even more controlling than normal parents, my friends mum and dad have joined Jahova's witness and they have totally ruined my friends life, they won't let him do anything in life now because the cult frown on it. But you probably have a less cult-ish religion.

      Either way, too make life better for yourself you're going to have to rebel against your parents otherwise before you know it you'll have little contact with your friends and they won't be interested in knowing you. Or if you think that you can talk to them then do so, parents can be different with control though. Normal parents will probably just say that because they're worried about your safety, whereas depending on the religion they do it because they think that they will be punished or looked down on by others, not all are like that though....

      As for the girl part, that is probably just self confidence, if you hang out more with friends then you will probably gain more naturally.
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]